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1 Higgins 1: a species of Tasmanian long-tailed mouse 2: the name of an open source collaboration of IBM, Novell, Oracle, Parity…

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1 1 Higgins 1: a species of Tasmanian long-tailed mouse 2: the name of an open source collaboration of IBM, Novell, Oracle, Parity…

2 Eclipse Higgins Project Mission:  Higgins is an open source Internet identity framework designed to integrate identity, profile, and social relationship information across multiple sites, applications, and devices.  Higgins is not a protocol, it is software infrastructure to support a consistent user experience that works with all popular digital identity protocols, including WS-Trust, OpenID, SAML, XDI, LDAP, and so on 2

3 3 Features Higgins features are packaged into seven Solutions in three categories  Identity Selector Applications  Identity Providers  Relying Party Enablement

4 4 Components and Solutions Higgins uses the term c omponent to refer to a logical set of Eclipse projects. Components are assembled into entire solutions. Most of these components expose their own API (the exceptions are multiple plugins all supporting the same provider API)  Various components have been used by Novell in their “Digital Me” product and Identity Provider product. IBM has announced that they will deliver commercial products based on Higgins components  Oracle is considering using the IdAS API for their Identity Governance Framework project at Open Liberty, which is affiliated with the Liberty Alliance Organization  Serena has released a commercial solution called Serena Business Mashups that uses the Higgins STS

5 5 Architectural Features  The Higgins architecture has evolved very rapidly and over multiple years  Whereas we are adding new layers and functional capabilities, the basic architecture has been stable for at least one year  There are multiple plug-ins in the java architecture:  Data stores are adapted by “context provider” plug-ins  New security token types are provided by plug-ins  New relying party security languages can be plugged in  Persistence of i-card objects is managed by “i-card provider” plug-ins

6 6 Key Standards Used  WS-Security  WS-Trust  WS-Federation  SAML Assertion 1.1 and SAML2 protocol  XRI 2.0  XML Canonicalization, Digital Signature, and Ecryption  LDAP  OWL and RDF  XRI XRDS  The Higgins data model and Identity Interchange Framework (X.IDIF) are being proposed for adoption by the ITU-T (The International Telecommunications Union’s Standards Sector)

7 7 Communities  Higgins has attracted and build an activity community with contributions from Parity, IBM, Novell, Google…with additional involvement from Microsoft, CA, Serena, Oracle, etc.  Committers - Higgins has 22 committers (three were just approved during the release process)  Contributions were also made by other members of the community

8 8 Email or IM Communities of Interest Websites Buddy Lists Enterprise Apps Virtual Spaces Healthcare System Corporate Directories eCommerce (e.g. Amazon, eBay) Social Networking (e.g. LinkedIn) Book club Family Professional networks Dating networks You Multiple digital identities… Second Life Croquet WOW

9 9 Email or IM Communities of Interest Websites Buddy Lists Enterprise Apps Virtual Spaces Healthcare System Corporate Directories eCommerce (e.g. Amazon, eBay) Social Networking (e.g. LinkedIn) Book club Family Professional networks Dating networks You …each in its own context (silo) Second Life Croquet WOW

10 10 A better way…

11 11 Introducing i-cards I create ( personal )  I define a few personas  Business “me”, web surfing “me”, dating “me” Others create ( managed )  Credit cards  Membership, reputation in community  3D avatar (virtual identity)  Governments (drivers license) I co-create with others ( relationship )  My preferences, interests within community  Might include shopping history and wishlists

12 12 You use them to  Sign-in to sites  Exchange with friends; stay in sync  Increase convenience and privacy (e.g. far fewer passwords)  Project my values, interests, preferences to sites  Support worthwhile causes  Get introductions and offers that I find relevant and compelling Here’s how it works…

13 13 First, I need an identity agent I get one from any site that uses i-cards… 1.I download the Higgins browser add-on 2.Restart my browser 3.The wizard walks me through setting up my web “surfing” persona i-card …That’s it.

14 14 Now I can sign in to sites Without passwords at each site i-cards (digital “me”s) are displayed in my browser or mobile device

15 Click on a card I-Card Selector User Interface

16 16 Higgins is an interoperability framework Higgins Framework Plug-ins Higgins Browser Extension Eclipse RCP Apps Identity Providers Apps and Services CardSpace Protocol Providers implement protocols for interacting with Relying Parties OpenID CardSpace Managed (WS-Trust) RSS SSE I-Card Providers implement identity protocols and card types CardSpace Personal SAMLX509 Higgins Relationship Kerberos JNDI / LDAP Enterprise Apps Token Providers implement different kinds of security tokens IdAS Context Providers connect to different identity data sources HTML Forms UN/PSIdemix RDF/OWL Active Directory Comms Clients Relying Parties

17 17 Higgins delivers A consistent user experience based on i-cards  Any identity protocol  Any token data type  Any kind of identity data  Any identity data source  Any platform

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