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Autumn School Joint IT-Enhanced Organic & Sustainable Education Training Course 04 - 11 October 2011 Mesta, Chios Island, Greece
Autumn School: “Joint IT-Enhanced Organic Education” Objectives & Supporting Initiatives Tuesday, October 4th, 2011 Dr. Vassilis Protonotarios Greek Research and Technology Network
Autumn School Objectives (1/2) Expansion of organic farming Keep trainers, teachers, and consultants of farmers and agricultural professionals well informed on new challenges in organic agriculture Implementation of new technologies in farmers’ training Presentation of additional pedagogic aspects in vocational training Design a training focused on the farmers’ needs Build a well structured training scenario Develop a competence-based vocational training Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Autumn School Objectives (2/2) Available online repositories in organic agriculture and sustainable development topics Support trainees with all the guidelines on the successful organisation on a training event Presentation of the well established case studies in Greece (e.g. the case of mastic products) Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Supporting Initiatives Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
CerOrganic project ( Quality-Certified Training of Farmers on Organic Agriculture Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
CerOrganic project CerOrganic is a 24-month LdV Multilateral Project Ends in December 2011 Aims to develop & test a quality assurance procedure for the vocational education/training of agricultural advisors/trainers in Organic Agriculture Methodology used is based on the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework (EQARF). Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
CerOrganic Consortium Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
CerOrganic aims to: (1/2) determine required qualifications for teaching OA study EQARF requirements to incorporate them into CerOrganic Training of Trainers Program (CerOrganic ToT) design CerOrganic ToT as an exemplary program providing quality-certified training Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
CerOrganic aims to: (2/2) pilot, evaluate and revise CerOrganic ToT using a blended learning approach combining theory and farm practice with online training resources (Web portal) evaluate and valorise the CerOrganic (through trials conducted by CerOrganic ToTquality certification procedure trainers in their home countries) Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
CerOrganic expects to: (1/2) increase the number of internationally qualified organic agriculture trainers and provide quality trainings and training certification systems that will ease farmers’ transition to organic agriculture. Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
CerOrganic expects to: (2/2) increase the number of internationally qualified organic agriculture trainers and provide quality trainings and training certification systems that will ease farmers’ transition to organic agriculture. Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet ( Developing the skills of Organic Agriculture Trainers for the Balkans Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece Multilateral Project (Transfer of Innovation) for the Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo da Vinci (LdV) sub-programme (2009-1-RO1-LEO05-03584 / LLP-LdV-TOI-2009-RO-008)
About LdV ToI Project running from 12/2009 to 12/2012 Seven (7) partners from five (5) countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Greece & Spain) Covers Balkan countries Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet web site: Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet Consortium Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet Scope “Developing the skills of Organic Agriculture Trainers for the Balkans” = Training of Trainers (ToT) Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet aims to: facilitate the transfer of innovative training practices and e-learning content to the case of vocational education of: young and unemployed agricultural professionals agricultural professionals in new EU members Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
2010 Call’s Priorities Covered (1/2) support improvements in quality and innovation in vocational education and training systems, institutions and practices improve the quality and increase the volume of co- operation between institutions or organizations providing learning opportunities Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
2010 Call’s Priorities Covered (2/2) facilitate the development of innovative practices in the field of vocational education and training other than at tertiary level, and their transfer, including from one participating country to others support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice for lifelong learning Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet Objectives (1/5) Identify and analyse targeted user requirements: for training agricultural professionals in a number of EU countries on topics related to Organic Agriculture (OA) Select and analyse suitable innovative training content that has been previously developed into Organic.Edunet eContentPlus project and Organic.Mednet & CerOrganic LdV projects Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet Objectives (2/5) Integrate the training content in national and regional training systems and practices related to OA Collect and categorize the existing content from previous initiatives in the form of digital training objects and publish in an online learning repository Repository for Vocational Education and Training (VET) content in Organic Agriculture topics Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet Objectives (3/5) Provide access to the training objects through a multilingual online environment (Organic.Edunet Web portal) Design a number of Vocational Education and Training (VET) scenarios specifically for the use of the transferred training content to support training of agricultural professionals in the participating countries Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet Objectives (4/5) To adapt and enhance the selected content in order to support the lifelong learning needs of agricultural professionals in the participating countries through appropriately designed VET scenarios To carry out a set of focused pilot trials for the validation of the proposed VET scenarios and the transferred training content Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Organic.Balkanet Objectives (5/5) To promote the cooperation of stakeholders in this particular geographic area Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
I.S.L.E ( Innovation in the teaching of Sustainable development in Life Sciences in Europe Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece Erasmus Network Lifelong Learning Programme
About Erasmus Academic Network running from 10/2010 to 9/2013 Thirty-nine (39) partners from thirty-one (31) EU countries! Covers: EU countries Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
28 Medical University Plovdiv
ISLE web site: Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
I.S.L.E aims to Develop innovation regarding a transverse, crosscutting or even transdisciplinary issue. ◦ Data already exists, websites, programs can already provide information; however, a tool to mutualise, to develop and to transfer innovations in the introduction of the concept of sustainable development in the teaching of life sciences, does not yet exist. Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
I.S.L.E. is willing to: propose something new and will focus on a theme that has not been investigated enough. "Everyone" talks about sustainable development, its demand is evident. In terms of education, it is certain that some researchers have worked on the subject, but it is not formatted and anyway it will require huge changes to work in an interdisciplinary way. Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
I.S.L.E. main objectives To identify and make concrete a concept that is often rightly regarded as too global and ineffective. To recognize that significant progress needs to be made regarding the sustainable development there is a requirement for new practices, tools and dialogues in response. Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
33 The ISLE project is organized into eight sections: (WP 1) a management component : the signature of a charter of good practices to ensure that appropriate governance will provide the necessary guarantees for the success of the project including in budgetary terms; (WP 2) firstly the a state of the art on the introduction of the concept of sustainable development in the teaching of life sciences in Europe and the set-up a communication tool between participants ; (WP 3) working with the results and what already exists the network will compile good practices which will result in a compendium; (WP 4) the results will then be submitted to expanded circles in order to benefit from cross-fertilization with the civil society. The approach involves the construction of new relations between educational institutions and the civil society. I.S.L.E. WPs review (1/2)
34 (WP 5) the creation of common diagnostic tools will then allow the progress made to be disseminated by encouraging new beneficiaries to assess their needs and find solutions in the good practices compendium and guidelines established by the project; (WP 6) armed with all the raw material available, partners can focus on the transfer and possible innovations in terms of content, practices and approaches, by addressing the question in a trans-disciplinary fashion; (WP 7) a specific quality assurance work package provides a rigorous monitoring of the work carried out and which will be accompanied by a labelling strategy; (WP 8) completes this willingly demanding process by mobilizing clearly identified partners who are fully dedicated to the enhancement and promotion of results achieved under the project and after its closure. The three years are punctuated by events (summer schools, Professionalization fair, edition of compendium...). I.S.L.E. WPs review (2/2)
I.S.L.E & Web 2.0 tools Facebook group: Twitter: @ISLENetwork Flickr: Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
eCOTOOL ( Developing and Harmonising VET Certificates Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece Development of Innovation (DoI) Project 504614 - LLP - 1 - 2009 - DE - Leonardo - LMP
Overview (1/2) eCOTOOL = e-COmpetences TOOLs Executive summary in one sentence: The overall objective of eCOTOOL is to improve the development, exchange, and maintenance of VET certificates and their accessibility and transparency by harmonizing ◦ Europass with: ◦ European instruments (EQF, ECVET) and ◦ e-competences. Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Overview (2/2) eCOTOOL = e-COmpetences TOOLs The European project for the integration of competences in EU policies (Europass, ECVET, EQF) supported by the European Commission 10 partners from 6 countries (DE, GR, CZ, SI, IT, UK), coordinator: University of Duisburg-Essen Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
What is eCOTOOL (1/2) Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece Competence development WorkingLearning Competence
The Challenges Learning: 1. Outcomes 2. Measurement 3. Certifications Working: 1. Organization 2. Working place 3. Personal profiles Competence: 1. Skills 2. Behaviour / Activities Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece Competence development Working The solution: A standardized Competence Model Learning Competence
eCOTOOL objectives Development of a generic and adaptable competence model for VET certificates The Europass Certificate Supplement eco-tools Increasing European mobility & transparency Adaptation and pilot testing for agriculture Exploitation in whole Europe Input for standardization in CEN (TC 353) for first European Norm on competence model Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Rural Inclusion ( e-Government Lowering Administrative Burdens for Rural Businesses Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece Rural Inclusion: e-Government Lowering Administrative Burdens for Rural Business. Funded by Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Progrmme – ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP)
About Project Acronym: Rural Inclusion Project Type: CIP-ICT PSP Start Date: 01/07/2009 Duration: 36 Months Total Budget: 4.800.000€ EU Funding: 2.400.000 € Web Site: Wiki Page: Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Rural Inclusion Vision Making the life of civil servants and rural entrepreneurs easier through innovative eGov services, training tools and methods Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Rural Inclusion Objectives (1/2) Principal Objective To reduce the administrative burdens (ABs) of rural SMEs, by reducing the information elicitation process of businesses when they want to use a particular instance of some public service, or making more effective use of the resources Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Rural Inclusion Objectives (2/2) To deploy a number of innovative eGov services that will complement the provision of the selected public services, and will facilitate the interaction between the rural SMEs and the regional authorities To adopt and implement an innovative approach for the training of both staff of the regional public agencies and SME communities on the use of the deployed eGov services, aiming at a cultural change towards the use of online public services Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
Living Labs and Rural Inclusion Five (5) Rural Living Labs curently operate in the participating user regions ◦ In the Greek island of Chios ◦ In the Spanish autonomous region La Rioja ◦ In the French area of Lammote – Beuvron ◦ In the area of Latvia ◦ In the Communauté de Communes du Nord Martinique (overseas France) Joint IT-Enhanced Autumn School 4th-11th October, 2011, Chios island, Greece
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