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1 Update on Attention2Attendance Jane A. Russo, Superintendent Cathie Olsky, Ed.D., Deputy Superintendent Michael P. Bishop, Sr., CBO, Associate Superintendent, Business Services Doreen Lohnes, Assistant Superintendent, Student Support Services Nancy Diaz Miller, Senior Director, Pupil Support Services Tony Wold, Ed.D., Director, Program Quality Analysis Swandayani Singgih, Assistant Director, Fiscal Services April 26, 2011
2 Purpose of Today’s Presentation Update on Attention2Attendance Attendance Rate Conferencing Excessive Excused Absences Next Steps
Phase I (End of FY 2009/10) –Establish District A2A Core Team –Meet with sites to conduct brainstorming sessions –Assist with SIS (AERIES) Transition & Certification –Integrate data into system correctly and check for accuracy Phase II (Fall 2010) –Launch eTruancy (letters) and Conferencing (parent meeting) –Communicate, incentivize, recognize, monitor and adjust as appropriate Phase III (next step – Winter 2010 /11) –Launch Attendance Monitoring System (individualized attendance website dashboard) Implementation Phases of Attention2Attendance 3
Attendance Rate The District budget is based upon the actual attendance rate not the actual enrollment –The 5-year average attendance rate for SAUSD is 95.84% –A student who has 95% attendance will miss 9 days each school year This student would miss107 days in their academic career or 60% of one school year In April 2010, the Board authorized the implementation of a system that would allow us to effectively manage and increase our attendance (ADA) This system – called Attention2Attendance® (A2A) is comprised of four main components –Attendance Notifications –Conference Management –Data Analysis –Professional Consultation 3
5 Historical Attendance Rate Fiscal YearCBEDS EnrollmentP2 ADA% ADA to CBEDS enrollment 1999 – 0058,04354,80194.41% 2000 – 0159,83756,29894.09% 2001 – 0260,78857,53394.65% 2002 – 0360,97357,63794.53% 2003 – 0459,89557,26995.62% 2004 – 0558,88455,88094.90% 2005 – 0656,56353,77695.07% 2006 – 0754,83952,38295.52% 2007 – 0854,36952,17295.96% 2008 – 0954,58452,62596.41% 2009 – 1054,08452,04596.23% 2010 – 11 Projected53,31751,09995.84%* 2010 – 11 Actual53,75351,78196.33% (YTD) * Based on an average of 5 prior years of ADA to CBEDS enrollment.
Attendance Monitoring Return on Investment (ROI) 6 2010-11 2010-11 Attendance Rate (96.33%) 2011-12 2010-11 P-2 ADA (51,781) vs. 2009-10 Attendance Rate (96.23%) 2010-11 Projected P-2 ADA (51.099) Projected Revenue $269,000Ongoing$3,312,000 (0.1% attendance rate increase (682 ADA increase x $4,856/ADA) [=51.78 ADA x $5,204/ADA]) (revenue increase is to be realized in 2011-12) Projected Expenses A2A Contract -$168,000Ongoing-$168,000 Projected Direct Cost Savings as of 3/11/11 $27,000Ongoing$27,000 (mailings nor part of A2A contract) Total Projected Expenses -$141,000 Projected Net Revenue (Revenue less Expenses) $128,000Ongoing$3,171,000 Add One-time Revenue: Mandated Cost Reimbursement Eligibility $130,000One-time$130,000 as of 3/11/11 Projected Revenue Total $258,000Ongoing +$3,301,000 One-time
Attendance Rate Has Increased (2010/2011 - Months 1-4) 7
A2A Notifications Implemented in Month 2 8 ADA improved starting in Month 2 A2A started letter production in Month 2 (October 8, 2010)
Increased Parent Communication 9 We are now sending (3) Truancy Notifications, (2) Excessive Excused Notifications and Conference Reminder Letters Truancy Notifications (11,830) Excessive Excused Notifications (8,539) Conference Notifications (6,379) As of March 31, 2011, we have already increased parent communication by over 30%
Notification Effectiveness at the Elementary Sites 10
Notification Effectiveness at the Secondary Sites 11
Excused vs. Unexcused Absences 12 At the Elementary and the Secondary grades excused absences is a problem A2A identifies these students and notifies their parents/guardians positively improving attendance As of March 11, 2011 16.02% of our enrollment received an excessive excused notification
Excessive Excused Absences Excessive excused absences are the biggest issue facing sites –95% Attendance Rate is 9 missed school days each year –This is equivalent to missing 2 weeks of school Prior to implementing A2A sites were not able to fully address excused absences with most emphasis focused on truancy due to system limitations on mailing notices By addressing excused absences we are increasing communication with parents and students to reduce student absences As of 3.11.11, we’ve engaged an additional 8,539 students & parents to focus on attendance –Last year the district sent 0 notices on excessive excused absences 13
Student conferencing is a key intervention point – aligns District, parents and student expectations on attendance Indicators of a successful conference process –Conference procedures (from scheduling to closing) are incorporated into District processes –Site Administrators, Attendance Field Workers and Outreach Consultants are documenting interventions in single system of record –District and sites have confidence in conference activities if escalated to SARB and/or OC Truancy Court –Sites are able to successfully and confidently field calls from parents regarding conference procedures and activities 14 Phase II Conferencing
Conferencing Early Identification/Interventions Site Administrators have made student attendance improvement a priority goal (included in Principal’s evaluations) A2A’s Conference Management Tool has enabled Site Administrators to identify and conduct conferences early in the process (after the 1 st Truancy Notification) Our efforts are proving effective with attendance based upon increase site rates 15
Conferencing Continued Year ago, prior to A2A, –Sites didn’t have an effective way to identify students that were eligible for a conference –The district didn’t have the ability to know that all eligible conferences were being held High performance indicator –Conferences are being scheduled within a week of becoming eligible –60% of eligible conferences are being addressed (scheduled or closed) –All conferences are being ‘closed’ in the application 5 months into this process – amazing results 75% of sites are scheduling 60% or more of their conferences 16
District Conferencing Success 17 This chart represents all conferences district wide and what status they are in as of 3/31/11 Site Administrators have conducted or are in the process of conducting 7,362 conferences These are amazing results especially since the first year of implementing A2A, the conferencing feature often takes a back seat to learning the letter review process
Conference Effectiveness at the Elementary Sites 18
Manage Absences Before They Become Chronic Absentees 19 We are including absence codes T,U,Y,A,I,M The nominal figure is greater than 0 and less than 5, this is show only reflect absences with the above codes Manageable are absences between 5 and 9 Problematic are absences between 10 and 17 Chronic are absences greater than 18
20 Managing Chronic Absentees
21 Next Steps: Continue to Monitor Attendance Patterns
Back Up Slides (Intended for a deeper understanding of the issues, but will not be covered in the presentation) 22
Establish a district-level team focused on improving attendance Conduct brainstorming sessions with sites Integrated attendance data into letter generation reporting system (eTruancy) Collaborated to create State Attendance Certification Manual and develop communiqués to share best practices 23 A2A Phase I Building the Foundation
The first group of letters were sent home to Parents beginning October 8, 2010 Early communication and intervention regarding attendance patterns is essential to changing attendance behaviors –eTruancy delivers weekly letters to parents as students meet attendance thresholds –In addition to Truancy notifications, excessive excused absence letters are now sent –Sites monitor letters that are being sent and set up follow- up conferences 24 Phase II Enhancing Communication
Indicators of a successful Attendance Notification –Appropriate number of attendance notifications are being sent –Low suppression rates are achieved and maintained –Decrease in questions on process and application –Sites are able to successfully and confidently field calls from parents regarding unexcused and excused attendance notifications Over 120 Site Personnel were trained to use the system over a two- day period 25 Phase II Cont’d Enhancing Communication
Attendance Monitoring System (AMS) is a personalized attendance webpage for each site that which places all attendance data at the administrators fingertips that will allow us to: –Ensure AERIES data is reported accurately –Identify attendance trends per site/per day of the week –Monitor and track ADA goals at the site level –Associate attendance with learning time (lost or gained) –Associate attendance with revenue (lost or gained) - uses District-based revenue limit –Conduct site by site comparative attendance analysis –Conduct year to year attendance analysis by site, or district- wide 26 Next Step Phase III AMS Dashboard
A2A Notifications Attendance Letters –(4) Attendance Notification templates –(2) Excessive Excused Notification templates –(3) Conference Notification templates Conducted multiple letter edits based on our and community feedback Built (4) language letter templates: English, Spanish, Vietnamese and Khmer Reviewed and set up 20 custom configurations for the secondary sites Successfully sent first batch of attendance notifications for all 55 sites on Oct. 8, 2010 27
Completed Trainings In Person Trainings (Attendance Techs, AP, Principal, School Office Managers, Outreach Consultants) –July 27, 2010 –August 10, 2010 –August 17, 2010 –August 23, 2010 –September 10, 2010 –January 11, 2011 WebEx Trainings –August 27, 2010 –September 10, 2010 –November 11, 2010 thru January 31, 2011 –February 2011 conferencing training 28
Elementary Excessive Excused Absences 29 11% of all Elementary Students are Receiving an Excessive Excused Notification
13% of all Secondary Students are Receiving an Excessive Excused Notification 30 Secondary Excessive Excused Absences
Conference Activity 31 Sites are doing a tremendous job at scheduling conferences considering they are just 5 months into this process – but for next year there is still work to be done
Elementary Top Performers 60% or more of Conferences Closed or in Progress 32 Conference Activity
Secondary Top Performers 60% or more of Conferences Closed or in Progress 33 Conference Activity
Early identification was successful, but conferencing for chronic absences has created a backlog 34 Print Run 3.11.11 3.4.11 2.25.11 2.18.11 2.11.11 2.4.11 1.28.11 1.21.11 1.14.11 12.17.11 12.10.11 12.3.11 11.19.11 11.05.11 10.29.11 10.22.11 10.15.11 10.8.11 Attendance Monitoring is a Full-time Task
35 Managing Chronic Absentees
36 Managing Chronic Absentees
37 Managing Chronic Absentees
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