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Realising People’s Potential Inclusion, opportunity and social capital November 2008 Bala Thakrar 1Asian Foundation for Philanthropy.

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Presentation on theme: "Realising People’s Potential Inclusion, opportunity and social capital November 2008 Bala Thakrar 1Asian Foundation for Philanthropy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Realising People’s Potential Inclusion, opportunity and social capital November 2008 Bala Thakrar 1Asian Foundation for Philanthropy

2 Brief........ How nations are able to be inclusive and build on the opportunities and utilise the human potential of Diaspora for their social and economic advantage Asian Foundation for Philanthropy2

3 Focus Diaspora in the UK Advantages & Challenges for host country Diaspora Value for Home country Asian Foundation for Philanthropy3

4 Definition of Diaspora Population of migrant origin who are scattered among two or more destinations. Currently much more than in the past, Diaspora made up from complex mixes of people who arrived at different times, through different channels (eg labour migration, asylum, family union, for education, for professional advancement) Asian Foundation for Philanthropy4

5 Through different means (legal entry, illegal entry, smuggling, overstaying etc) And with very different statuses (citizen, resident, student, visitor, humanitarian protection, indefinite leave to remain etc) Asian Foundation for Philanthropy5

6 The ‘true’ Diaspora Maintain ties (economic, political, social, cultural and emotional) with their homeland may or may not be a citizen retains level of identity adopts customs of new home succeeding generations Asian Foundation for Philanthropy6

7 Background to UK Diaspora community 10% (6m) of UK’s population represents ethnic minorities/Diaspora South Asian Diaspora 2.5million which make up 4% of UK population South Asian Diaspora accounts for 10 per cent of UK’s economic output 71 Asian millionaires - 47 under age of 40 (2002/3 Rich List) Asian Foundation for Philanthropy7

8 Opportunities...... Economic Thriving entrepreneurship – driving force in small and medium enterprise business development. There are 250,000 ethnic minority enterprises in UK, contributing £13 billion a year to the British economy. Asian Foundation for Philanthropy8

9 Continue....... Diverse skills – manual to highly professional (Health Service, IT industry, public Diversification & Creativity ie new markets within and beyond the Diaspora for homeland products and services eg Indian and Chinese Diaspora traders that span countries, regions and continents Asian Foundation for Philanthropy9

10 Political Value diasporas as source of information or to support policy decisions eg British Embassy staff kidnapped in Addis Ababa, UK govt sought info from Ethiopian community in UK which led to quick & effective action. Diaspora to participate in political system Asian Foundation for Philanthropy10

11 Government to explore constructive “conversation/engagement” with the Diaspora to realise their potential in development, poverty reduction and peace building. Globalisation & Development: AFFORD’s submission(in response to the UK Govt’s White Paper on Globalisation & Development, 2000) Asian Foundation for Philanthropy11

12 Social/Cultural Music – diverse music festivals Arts – eg Refugee Arts Exhibition Cultural programmes – concerts, theatre, films “Culture plays an important role in bridging gaps between diasporas and the host country; artistic outputs of diasporas can often help to open minds and increase tolerance where there is otherwise resistance.” Asian Foundation for Philanthropy12

13 Challenges....... Government Policy Citizenship – “British” identity. Definition and testing of cultural or national identity may sometimes exclude diasporas and make it harder for them to integrate. Govt keen to promote diversity and inclusive policy v. national identity and integration?? Asian Foundation for Philanthropy13

14 Terrorism – the present debate on terrorism has raised awareness of the connections between international and domestic events and the role of diasporas is seen as influential. Asian Foundation for Philanthropy14

15 As with any community, Diasporas are complex and contradictory. To have a “formalised process” for engagement eg DFID have funded Connections for Development Asian Foundation for Philanthropy15 Conclusion

16 Continue Asian Foundation for Philanthropy16 Govts need to be proactive in understanding; what it means to be part of diasporic community, how migration occurred, the inter-action within Diaspora and between different groups; and how people can be supported to participate fully in the host community. There is much to be gained from understanding and engaging with the Diasporas and assisting people to realise their full potential.

17 Host countries.... Financial remittances to home country –more than aid. Home countries eg India, Ghana, have recognised value of its Diaspora. PVD annual conference Business investments Brain drain v Brain gain (I.T - knowledge transfer, Diaspora volunteering) Diaspora - international voice for locally marginalised community (Burma, Jagruti) a Asian Foundation for Philanthropy17

18 Age of Diaspora We have become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic. Different people, different beliefs, different yearnings, different hopes, different dreams Jimmy Carter Asian Foundation for Philanthropy18

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