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Relaxation Is important to build a stress-free environment Leaves energy free for learning The body needs less energy, leaving more for the brain.

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2 Relaxation Is important to build a stress-free environment Leaves energy free for learning The body needs less energy, leaving more for the brain.

3 Ideal state of mind Concentrative relaxation The more alert our minds are, the more receptive we are Pleasantness is only the means, not the aim. (Lozanov)

4 Learning is state of mind dependent Our „states of mind“ constantly change when we are awake. Consequence: I must send out as many signals as possible to relate to as many states I can.

5 Learning is state of mind dependent Support for teachers: Music All parts (Largos, Allegros, Andantes) are played Language and intonation (use all voice possibilities – chest, head and combined voice)

6 Alpha waves Alpha waves are often a by-product Not the aim (as in superlearning)

7 No deep relaxation When deeply relaxed you can memorize things but not recall them. Consequence: Do everything to avoid „sleepy“ states of minds.

8 Avoid all kinds of deep relaxation „Relaxation is the first level of hypnosis (Lozanov) Hypnoses provokes getting back to back ages The hypnotical state diminishes creativity. Hypnoses can provide diseases

9 Desuggestopedia is not…. not hypnosis not Superlearning not using a reclining chair, or a sofa. not using "breathing exercise“ not using "alpha wave" enhance exercise not using "slow baroque" music in the concert reading not only a group of teaching techniques not able to teach without a teacher

10 Concentrative relaxation Learning should happen with pleasure and should be free from tension sleepiness fear stress

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