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Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations 1 Using a Performative Subsumption Lattice to Support Commitment-based Conversations.

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Presentation on theme: "Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations 1 Using a Performative Subsumption Lattice to Support Commitment-based Conversations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations 1 Using a Performative Subsumption Lattice to Support Commitment-based Conversations Rob Kremer University of Calgary Department of Computer Science Calgary, CANADA Roberto Flores Christopher Newport University Department of Physics, Computer Science and Engineering Newport News, VA

2 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations2 Message Format Envelope –Can be understood by all agents –Tag/value pairs –CASA can use KQML (next slide) or XML syntax Content –Might only be understood by specific agent –The language tag specifies the format of the content

3 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations3 Message Format: Envelope :performativeperformative :actact :to URL :from URL :sender URL :receiver URL :in-reply-tostring :reply-withstring :conversation-idstring :languagestring :language-versionstring :contentcontent :versionversion-spec :ontologyontology-spec :timeouttime

4 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations4 Message Format: XML DDT <!DOCTYPE CASAmessage [ ]>

5 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations5 Message Format: Example :performative request :act inviteToJoinCD :to casa:// :from casa:// :receiver casa:// :sender casa:// :reply-with casa://$$1453 :language casa.URL :language-version 1.0 :content casa://

6 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations6 FIPA Performatives inform cancelrequest query-refcall-for-participation inform-refquery-ifrequest-when request-whenever propose agree subscribe confirm failurenot-understoodreject-proposalrefuse disconfirm accept-proposal proxypropagate

7 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations7 FIPA Performatives inform cancelrequest query-refcall-for-participation inform-refquery-ifrequest-when request-whenever propose agree subscribe confirm failurenot-understoodreject-proposalrefuse disconfirm accept-proposal proxypropagate performative ack affirmative-reply reply negative-reply reply-propose-discharge Added catagories

8 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations8 FIPA Performatives inform cancelrequest query-refcall-for-participation inform-refquery-ifrequest-when request-whenever propose agree subscribe confirm failurenot-understoodreject-proposalrefuse disconfirm accept-proposal proxypropagate Arranged in a lattice performative ack affirmative-reply reply negative-reply reply-propose-discharge Added catagories

9 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations9 Extended FIPA Performatives inform cancelrequest query-refcall-for-participation inform-refquery-ifrequest-when request-whenever propose notifyagree subscribe nack confirm timeoutfailurenot-understoodreject-proposalrefuse disconfirm accept-proposal proxypropagate propose-discharge done Arranged in a lattice performative ack affirmative-reply reply negative-reply reply-propose-discharge Added catagories

10 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations10 Policies P-informcommits the addressee to acknowledge P-ackreleases informed agents of the commitment to acknowledge P-requestcommits the proposed agents to reply P-counteroffercommits addressees to reply P-replyreleases proposed agents of the commitment to reply and releases counteroffered agents of the commitment to reply P-agreean acceptance realizes the shared uptake of proposed/counteroffered commitments P-donereleases accepted agents of the commitment earlier agreed to

11 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations11 Policies  Commitment Operators Performative Ack Reply Inform Request Agree Confirm Performatives Commitment-operator Operator: add Commitment: (receiver,sender,ack) Commitment-operator Operator: delete Commitment: (receiver,sender,reply) Commitment-operator Operator: delete Commitment: (sender,receiver,ack) Commitment-operator Operator: add Commitment: (reciever,sender,reply) Commitment-operator Operator: add Commitment: (receiver,sender,content) P-inform P-ack P-request P-reply P-agree Commitment-operator Operator: delete Commitment: (receiver,sender,content) P-confirm PoliciesCommitment Operators action reply ack communication-act Unspecified action Social Commitments

12 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations12 Example: Informally Alice Bob (performative: request, content: attend(Bob,x)) Can you attend this meeting? (performative: agree, content: attend(Bob,x)) Sure... (performative: inform, content: attend(Bob,x)) I’m here (performative: confirm, content: attend(Bob,x)) Thanks for coming. (performative: ack, content: attend(Bob,x)) (nod) (performative: ack, content: attend(Bob,x)) (nod) (performative: ack, content: attend(Bob,x)) (nod)

13 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations13 Example: Perf. Lattice and Commitments reply-propose-discharge(Alice,Bob,x) act(Bob,Alice,x) propose-discharge(Bob,Alice,x) Alice Bob request inform reply agree informack propose-discharge done reply informack reply-propose-discharge confirm reply informack reply(Bob,Alice,x) ack(Bob,Alice,x) ack ack(Bob,Alice,x) ack ack(Alice,Bob,x) ack ack(Alice,Bob,x) ack

14 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations14 Example: Implementation Details reply(Bob,Alice,x) act(Bob,Alice,x) reply-propose-discharge(Alice,Bob,x) propose-discharge(Bob,Alice,x) Alice Bob reply request agree propose-discharge done reply-propose-discharge confirm reply inform evaluate(Alice,Bob,x) decide(Bob,Alice,x)` consider(Alice,Bob,x) accept(Bob,Alice,x) inform ack ack(Bob,Alice,x) ack ack(Bob,Alice,x) ack ack(Alice,Bob,x) ack ack(Alice,Bob,x) ack

15 Christopher Newport University 2005/07/27Commitment-based Conversations15 Conclusions Arranging performatives in a lattice simplifies interpretation Messages (performatives) → policies → commitment operators → shared social commitments Easily observable by 3 rd parties Agents do not have the be implemented in the SC style (eg. could be BDI internally) Turn taking arrises naturally

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