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SET HDR Student Culture Sessions Terry Piva, Medical Sciences.

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1 SET HDR Student Culture Sessions Terry Piva, Medical Sciences

2 2 Overview The sessions were in general well received by the students who attended Attendances were low even though students were notified several times in advance of the event The sessions were informal in nature which was well liked by the students Questions were encouraged which allowed for input and discussion to take place Allowed for students to meet others from outside of their school which allowed for networking especially International students

3 3 The sessions Held City campus 29 April & Bundoora campus 4 May  Duration was 2 hours Professor Felicity Roddick ran the sessions which covered many aspects of supervision, student progress, policies and requirements etc There was also a presentation made by a later year postgraduate student Students and supervisors were invited to these sessions Important information was also emailed to the students prior to the session  This was in the form of one page document

4 4 Attached information

5 5 Highlights (1) The informal nature of the session was conductive for students to ask questions and talk about their own experiences The advice given by Felicity was well received by students and for many highlighted what are the processes which will take place during their studies For some students they were unaware of the processes involved as supervisors had not discussed such issues Students were encouraged to ask questions and many did during the session

6 6 Highlights (2) Students appreciated hearing the progress of others during their PhD Students liked the documentation given out as it was on 4 sheets of paper and in point form It allowed for students to see what other research is being conducted on the campus Allowed for students to meet others over morning tea which allowed for networking They were glad to hear from a student near the end of their studies who was positive about the experience

7 7 Areas of concerns (1) School induction sessions, some Schools run them others do not, which disadvantages those students whose Schools do not run these sessions There is a wide discrepancy in the information given to students by HDRC in the Schools or from their supervisors This causes much confusion and angst by the students Maybe a session(s) for the supervisors needs to also to be held to ensure consistent information be given to all students

8 8 Areas of concern (2) Students have many questions at different times during their studies and this workshop allowed for many of these to be answered If the supervisor is unaware then so will their students Maybe the student culture session be run earlier in each semester around the same times as the School’s run their sessions which will be of benefit to the student and their supervisor Students would have liked to have had some one talk about ethics as this is an area of confusion

9 9 Have things changed (1)? In semester 2, 2008 student culture meetings were held to discuss changes to program approval, conformation and supervision in general Much concern were echoed by the students at these meetings with regards program approval, conformation and lack of consistent information about their PhD progress The outcome of this meeting highlighted many problems that existed at that time Since then more information has been given to supervisors and students

10 10 Have things changed (2)? Communication or lack thereof was cited as a major concern in 2008, it was not raised during the sessions run in 2009 Supervision issues were also raised in 2008, and sadly these have not all been resolved, but appears to be reduced Supervisors need to be aware of changes that have taken place to program approval and conformation these past 18 months The conformation process still remains confusing to most students and supervisors as no clear guidelines exist

11 11 What can be done (1)? Continue holding the student culture sessions and make them compulsory for all students who commence in that semester  Supervisors should be encouraged to also attend They need to be held within a short time period of the School’s postgraduate information sessions The style of the culture session to remain relatively informal as it encourages student interaction Add information on ethics to the session

12 12 What can be done (2)? Run a separate session for students and supervisors about conformation to remove confusion about this process  Note: Universities have different conformation requirements The one page information sheets are good, and these should also be handed out at the session A separate one page information sheet on conformation needs to be developed for students and supervisors

13 13 In conclusion The sessions have shown to be of benefit and should continue at least twice per year on each campus These should run within a short period of the School information sessions Supervisors of commencing students should be encouraged to attend the sessions The handouts were well received and should continue The sessions should remain informal to allow for greater student participation At Bundoora a better location which allows for AV projection is needed

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