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Emerald Fulltext Is the products of MCB University PressIs the products of MCB University Press Established in 1967, in the name of Emerald intelligence.

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Presentation on theme: "Emerald Fulltext Is the products of MCB University PressIs the products of MCB University Press Established in 1967, in the name of Emerald intelligence."— Presentation transcript:


2 Emerald Fulltext Is the products of MCB University PressIs the products of MCB University Press Established in 1967, in the name of Emerald intelligence + Full Text. Their aim to provide the article from journal that publish by MCB University PressEstablished in 1967, in the name of Emerald intelligence + Full Text. Their aim to provide the article from journal that publish by MCB University Press In 2001 they had amend their service and changed its name to Emerald FulltextIn 2001 they had amend their service and changed its name to Emerald Fulltext The world's leading publisher of management journals and databasesThe world's leading publisher of management journals and databases

3 Contain more than 100 articles from journal of MCB University PressContain more than 100 articles from journal of MCB University Press More than 42,000 full textMore than 42,000 full text Provide full text journals since 1994 and serve abstracts back to 1989Provide full text journals since 1994 and serve abstracts back to 1989 Is the importance information resource for organizations, government and academics.Is the importance information resource for organizations, government and academics. Emerald Fulltext

4 Subject Areas Human Resource Management Library Management and Library Studies Training Marketing Organization Management Managing quality and operation Production and operation Management Engineering Environmental Management And any subjects that relate to Management Emerald Fulltext

5 Example of famous journals - Management Decision - European Journal of Marketing - The TQM Magazine - Personnel Review - International Journal of Operations & Production Management Management - Library Management

6 Emerald Fulltext Search Methods 1. Quick Search 2. Advanced Search 3. Browse

7 Homepage

8 Quick Search Quick Search 1. Select Quick Search2. Enter your search criteria 3. Check the box which types you would to search for. 4. select the field you would like to search in 5.Select providing result6. Click on “Search” 12 3 4 5 6

9 Advanced Search 1. Select Advanced Search 4. Select data field 2. Type Searching word 5. Select conjunction word 3. Check the box which types you would to search for. 6. Select providing result 7. Limit the publishing year and document type 8. Click on Search 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

10 Browse By : Journal Title 1 2 3 4 5 1. Select Browse 2. Select Browse By : Journal Title 3. Click on “Browse” 4. Select the starting letter of the journal 5. Choose which of the journal you would to view

11 Browse By : Subject 1 2 3 4 1. Select Browse2. Select Browse By : Subject 3. Click on “Browse”4. Select the subject that matches your inquiry

12 Search Results 1 1. Click to view the article or 2. Click to view Full text 2 345 3. Click to amend your original search criteria 4. Revise your search in the same result 5. Save search list

13 Article

14 Full Text - HTML

15 Full Text - PDF Print, Save

16 My Profile 1. Type Username and Password to login 2. For new user click on “click here to register” 1 2

17 Register

18 Marked List Click on “Create new” to create new Marked list to adding your search result

19 Enter the name of your new list then click on “ Save” Marked List

20 1 2 1. Tick the check box which article you would like to collect 3. Click on “Add to my list” 2. Select the Marked list 3 Marked List

21 Click on “Ok” to confirm

22 1 1. Select the article you want2. Click on “Print” to print 3. Click on “Download” to save4. Click on “Email” to send an Emial 234 Marked List

23 Save Search Click on “Saved Search” to recognize your searching word

24 Type the name that you would like to save then click on “Add” Save Search

25 Search History 2. Delete all search history 1.View your Search history 1 2

26 Emerald Alert Saved Search Alerts Saved Search Alerts TOC (Table of Contents) Alerts TOC (Table of Contents) Alerts Weekly Digests Weekly Digests

27 Save Search Alerts Select “Saved Search Alerts” to receive e-mail notification of the new article

28 Table of Contents Alerts Click on “Select Journal” to select the journal you would like to receive the alert e-mail

29 1. Select the initial letter of the journal 2. Clicking on the choose journal then click on “Add” 3. Click on “Done” 1 2 3 Table of Contents Alerts

30 Click on “Save” to save Table of Contents Alerts

31 Weekly Digests Choose which format you would like to receive an alert e-mail then click on “Save”


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