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Leiden University. The university to discover. DMT Week 1 Adriaan van der Weel and Peter Verhaar.

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Presentation on theme: "Leiden University. The university to discover. DMT Week 1 Adriaan van der Weel and Peter Verhaar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leiden University. The university to discover. DMT Week 1 Adriaan van der Weel and Peter Verhaar

2 Leiden University. The university to discover. The people -Peter Verhaar -English, Leiden and UCD -Publishing (IDC, now Brill) -Leiden University Library -Adriaan van der Weel -English, Leiden, TCD, and Sydney -Publishing (Brill; Fairfax, Syme Weldon) -Leiden University (UUtrecht, College of W&M)

3 Leiden University. The university to discover. The course -MS -Print -Digital textual transmission -Digital publication: the ‘Communications Circuit’ -Humanities computing: Universal Machine -Practical hands-on knowledge -Theoretical and practical insights -Way of thinking

4 Leiden University. The university to discover. Communications Circuit

5 Leiden University. The university to discover. Practical matters -Organisation of classes -Web support (for now): - e09.htmlhttp:// e09.html -Various locations for seminar! -Today: Conceptual framework

6 Leiden University. The university to discover. Books and Digital Media

7 Leiden University. The university to discover. Digital Convergence

8 Leiden University. The university to discover. Analogue is digital, too

9 Leiden University. The university to discover. Publishing

10 Leiden University. The university to discover. Publishing in DMT -Digital-born materials -E.g., -Digitised materials -E.g., er/view.jsp?request=ubl012 er/view.jsp?request=ubl012

11 Leiden University. The university to discover. The digital lifecycle

12 Leiden University. The university to discover. The Universal Machine -The computer can be made to do anything that humans can catch in an algorithm -Computers ‘reshape the objects of study, alter research possibilities and even begin to redefine what constitutes research’ (Manoff 1997, quoted by Dallas) -Cf Anderson, ‘The End of Theory’

13 Leiden University. The university to discover. BUT... -Humanistic research is: -Quantity: not such a wealth of data. Bitty. Discontinuous. -Quality: narrative, evaluative, ambiguous, subjective, conceptual -All knowledge is interpretation! (cf Andriesse)

14 Leiden University. The university to discover. Markup -Example: This is the first lecture of Digital Media Technology -Serves both publication (the CC) and the Universal Machine -‘First-level markup’: rather intersubjective -‘Second-level markup’: more subjective

15 Leiden University. The university to discover. Knowledge organisation -‘Harnessing knowledge’ -The book (‘Order of the Book’) -Digital (‘Digital Order’?) -Making text intelligent (main focus) -Using intelligent agents to mine text -People (Web 2.0)

16 Leiden University. The university to discover. Characteristics of media 1 -A. Oral: -Unquantifiable (we are adrift in a sea of ‘knowledge’ -Relatively unstructured; unsystematic (narrative) -Usually relevant -Rather subjective -Changeable

17 Leiden University. The university to discover. Characteristics of media 2 -B. Book (NB: MS vs print): - Quantifiable (in principle) - Available in other time and place - Fixed - More structured (writing/the book is a structuring device: cf Aristotle’s Categories.) -C. Digital - ??? - Takes characteristics from both

18 Leiden University. The university to discover. Knowledge representation: the new knowledge machines -Structure and content -Borges (structure) -Ontology (content) -What knowable things exist -What are the relationships that hold between them -The book has structure and content: chapters, paragraphs, footnotes, etc. -XML represents structure and content

19 Leiden University. The university to discover. New research questions? -Who decides the agenda? Need to lead, rather than follow.

20 Leiden University. The university to discover. Text and markup

21 Leiden University. The university to discover. The course project -Book trade correspondence project: h/BookTradeCorrProj.html h/BookTradeCorrProj.html

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