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University of Northern BC UNBC Pension Plan Annual General Meeting April 1, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Northern BC UNBC Pension Plan Annual General Meeting April 1, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Northern BC UNBC Pension Plan Annual General Meeting April 1, 2009

2 University of Northern BC Board of Trustees:  The UNBC Pension Plan is managed by a Board of Trustees. The board is comprised of both University appointed and Member Trustees.

3 University of Northern BC University Trustees  Chair – Eileen Bray (Vice-President Administration and Finance)  Vacant (Director, Human Resources)  Colleen Smith (Director, Finance and Budgets)  Betty Ann Shiels (External)

4 University of Northern BC Member Trustees  William Zhang (CUPE Rep)  Shelley Rennick (Director Rep)  Randall Brazzoni (Exempt Rep)  Art Fredeen (Faculty Rep)

5 University of Northern BC Pension Plan Governance  The administration of the pension plan is vested wholly in the Trustees  Fund administration is supported by Sun Life  Independent investment advice is provided by Asset Performance Inc.  Assistance with compliance issues is provided by Watson Wyatt

6 University of Northern BC Investment/Administration Fees  Investment management, custodial and member record keeping fees are set by fund managers and Sun Life  Administration fees are used to offset any expenses related to compliance with pension legislation, implementation of any changes in pension governance, independent advise, revision of existing pension documents, etc., and are set by the Trustees.

7 University of Northern BC Initiatives completed in 2008  Reduced member Administration Fees to $4.00 per month from $5.50 effective July 1, 2008.  Finalized revisions to the UNBC “Statement of Investment Policies ”.  Retirement Education Sessions were held in October.  Default fund option was changed from a Money Market fund to the BGI Universe Bond Index Fund.

8 University of Northern BC Initiatives completed in 2008  Maintained and monitored compliance with the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA) Pension Plan Governance Guidelines (ongoing).  Removed the PH&N Balanced Pension Trust Fund and added the BonaVista Balanced Segregated Fund due to less than satisfactory performance of the PH&N fund.

9 University of Northern BC Initiatives completed so far in 2009  Effective January 1, 2009 a one year “fee holiday” was approved for the $4 per month Administration Fee.

10 University of Northern BC Further Initiatives for 2009  Provide opportunities for member education and workshops.  Look at fund choices such as Milestone funds, which work in conjunction with projected retirement dates.

11 University of Northern BC Conclusion  The plan and its administrative processes are in compliance with all applicable legislation.  All filing deadlines have been met.

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