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CSE 548 Advanced Computer Network Security Long Qiu Xinyi Dong DOSGI APPLICATION PLATFORM FOR MOBICLOUD.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 548 Advanced Computer Network Security Long Qiu Xinyi Dong DOSGI APPLICATION PLATFORM FOR MOBICLOUD."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 548 Advanced Computer Network Security Long Qiu Xinyi Dong DOSGI APPLICATION PLATFORM FOR MOBICLOUD

2 P ROJECT G OAL  Fulfill SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) and CBD (Component Based Development)  Build up Distributed OSGi framework for mobile phone and virtual machines.  Develop network module which enables communication among different OSGis.  Implement service transition bundle that bridge various objects.

3 T ASKS  Setting up Distributed OSGi framework on virtual machine.  Setting up Distributed OSGi framework on Android phone.  Develop network bundle.  Develop service transition bundle.  Develop demo bundles which utilize built platform to show its strength.

4 T ASK A LLOCATION  Xinyi:  Setting up Distributed OSGi framework on virtual machine. 100%  Develop network bundle. 50%  Develop service transition bundle. 50%  Develop demo bundles which utilize built platform to show its strength. 50%

5 TASK ALLOCATION  Long:  Setting up Distributed OSGi framework on Android phone. 100%  Develop network bundle. 50%  Develop service transition bundle. 50%  Develop demo bundles which utilize built platform to show its strength. 50%

6 S OFTWARE AND H ARDWARE  Software:  Operating system: Linux on VM, Android on cell phone.  DOSGi framework: Felix on VM, FelDroid on cell phone  Development Kit: JDK on VM, Android SDK on cell phone.  IDE: Eclipse  Other tool: Maven

7 SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE  Hardware:  Server by MobiCloud project for running virtual machine  Google Android Phone



10  Setting up DOSGi on virtual machine.  Which OSGI implementation: Felix, Equinox, or Eclipse Plug-in?  Prefer Felix  Setting up DOSGi framework on Android phone.  The framework Felidroid on Android phone  Compatible with Felix on VM?  Limited documents on Internet

11 TECHNICAL DETAILS  Develop network bundle.  To handle communication and networking between the Android phone and its VM.  Develop service transition bundle.  To bind bundles from each side.  Does DOSGi provide such functionality?

12 TECHNICAL DETAILS  Build demo bundles presenting our built platform.  “Geological Location Recording” running on Android phone.  Handled by internet bundle and transition bundle within FelDroid.  “Location Log” on VM.

13 R ISKS AND B ENEFITS  Novel aspects of this project:  The interaction between services in different platform can be handled by OSGi instead of service itself.  Risks/challenges:  Is there any interfaces between OSGi framework for VM and that for Android phone?  Difference between OSGi implementations. Limited documentation.  Potential applications & benefits:  Provide a platform for distributed services.  Scalability for developing services among different OSGi frameworks.

14 THANK YOU  Comments

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