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1 If you do not have a copy of the Stage 1 DBPR handouts, a copy can be downloaded from the Encounter Collaborative meeting page:
2 Stage 1 Disinfectants & Disinfection Byproducts Rule U.S. EPA Webcast Training Session April 27, 2005
Poll: Are you responsible for implementing Stage 1 DBPR? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] Yes No Not applicable
4 State Request Stage 1 Training for... EPA Oversight Visits Identified Problems with... Why Stage 1 DBPR? Why Now?
5 State Request Stage 1 Training for... EPA Oversight Visits Identified Problems with... Calculating Compliance Why Stage 1 DBPR? Why Now? Routine, Reduced, and Increased Monitoring Understanding TOC Requirements
6 Stage 1 DBPR Purpose and Scope Purpose: Increase public protection from disinfection by products (DBPs) by reducing the exposure to TTHMs, HAA5, bromate, and chlorite. Scope: Applies to all public water systems that add a chemical disinfectant Except for transient systems that add a disinfectant other than chlorine dioxide Addresses both acute and non-acute health effects
7 A Delicate Balance Risk: microbial contamination vs. DBP formation U.S. EPA’s solution: control health risks from microbials, disinfectants, and DBPs Result: M-DBP suite of rules MicrobialsByproducts
8 Outline Compliance & Reporting – TTHM, HAA5, Chlorine, Chloramines Overview Case Studies Monitoring – TTHM, HAA5, Chlorine, Chloramines DBP Precursors (DBPP) Q & A Question and answer sections through out the presentation
9 Presenters Maria Lopez, U.S. EPA Rudd Coffey, The Cadmus Group, Inc. Ed Moriarty, U.S. EPA Tom Grubbs, U.S. EPA Katie Porter, U.S. EPA Panelists Overview
10 Disclaimer The examples included in this presentation are intended for discussion purposes only. Throughout this presentation, the terms “state” or “states” are used to refer to all types of primacy agencies including U.S. territories, Indian tribes, and EPA Regions. The statutory provisions and EPA regulations described in this document contain legally binding requirements. This presentation is not a regulation itself, nor does it change or substitute for those provisions and regulations. Thus, it does not impose legally binding requirements on EPA, states, or public water systems. This guidance does not confer legal rights or impose legal obligations upon any member of the public. While EPA has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the discussion in this presentation, the obligations of the regulated community are determined by statutes, regulations, or other legally binding requirements. In the event of a conflict between the discussion in this presentation and any statute or regulation, this presentation would not be controlling. Overview
11 Overview Review the Stage 1 DBPR requirements Overview
12 Acronyms and Definitions A list of acronyms and definitions for the terms used in this presentation can be found in the handouts Overview
13 Public Health & Disinfectants Disinfectants: Kill disease-causing microorganisms React with substances naturally found in water to form harmful DBPs Produce negative health effects when present in excessive levels Overview
14 Public Health & Disinfectants Disinfectants: Kill disease-causing microorganisms React with substances naturally found in water to form harmful DBPs Produce negative health effects when present in excessive levels In excess amounts: Eye and nose irritation Stomach discomfort Anemia Other acute short-term health effects Overview
15 Precursor in Water NOM Bromide How Are DBPs Formed? + Overview
16 Precursor in Water NOM Bromide Added Disinfectant Chlorine Ozone Chloramines Chlorine Dioxide How Are DBPs Formed? += Overview
17 Precursor in Water NOM Bromide Added Disinfectant Chlorine Ozone Chloramines Chlorine Dioxide How Are DBPs Formed? TTHM HAA5 Bromate Chlorite DBPs += Overview
18 Precursor in Water NOM Bromide Added Disinfectant Chlorine Ozone Chloramines Chlorine Dioxide How Are DBPs Formed? Health Effects: Some DBPs may cause adverse reproductive or development effects: Low birth weight Early term miscarriage Some studies suggest a connection between chlorinated water and: Bladder, rectal, and colon cancer TTHM HAA5 Bromate Chlorite DBPs += Overview
19 MRDL & MCL Overview Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels (MRDLs) DisinfectantMRDL Chlorine4.0 mg/L Chloramines4.0 mg/L Chlorine Dioxide0.8 mg/L Overview Disinfection ByproductMCL TTHM0.080 mg/L HAA50.060 mg/L Bromate0.010 mg/L Chlorite1.0 mg/L Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs)
20 TOC Removal Overview New treatment technique regulations for Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Based on source water characteristics, systems must remove specified quantities of TOC. Systems can comply through TOC removal or through alternative compliance criteria. Overview
21 Monitoring Plans Each system must develop and implement a monitoring plan Plan must include: Sample location and schedules Representative of entire distribution system Compliance calculation methodology Plans must have been available for state inspection by January 2004. Subpart H systems serving > 3,300 must have submitted monitoring plans to the state by April 2004 Overview
22 Analytical Methods Stage 1 DBPR specifies analytical methods for each standard Only certified labs can analyze MCL samples Exception: daily chlorite samples For daily chlorite, disinfectants, and all other non- MCL parameters (e.g., alkalinity, TOC, bromide), analysis may be conducted by a party approved by U.S. EPA or the state Overview
23 The requirements that apply to each system depend on the system’s treatment process and type of water source. Applicability to Systems This presentation covers: TTHM, HAA5, chlorine, and chloramines Some compliance options for TOC Removal This training does not focus on: Requirements for systems disinfecting with ozone or chlorine dioxide Overview
Poll: How long have you worked with the Stage 1 DBPR? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 0-6 Months 7-12 Months 1-2 Years 2-4 Years 4+ Years
25 Questions Please send your questions & comments via the web console located on your bottom right. Q & A
26 Monitoring Overview Chlorine & Chloramines TTHM & HAA5
27 General Sampling When sampling remember to: Only take samples under normal operating conditions Sample according to the monitoring plan Only sample when serving the public Monitoring
28 Chlorine & Chloramines Monitoring Chlorine and chloramines monitoring based on TCR monitoring. Systems must monitor for chlorine and chloramines every time they sample for total coliform Includes repeat total coliform-positive monitoring & reduced TCR monitoring Must be taken at same location as TCR samples No reduced monitoring 1 TCR sample = 1 chlorine or chloramines sample Monitoring
29 TTHM & HAA5 Monitoring Type of SystemMonitoring FrequencyLocations Subpart H serving > 10,000 4 samples per plant per quarter At least 25% at MRT Remaining samples at ART MRT = Maximum Residence Time ART = Average Residence Time Monitoring
30 TTHM & HAA5 Monitoring Type of SystemMonitoring FrequencyLocations Subpart H serving > 10,000 4 samples per plant per quarter At least 25% at MRT Remaining samples at ART Subpart H serving 500 – 9,999 1 sample per plant per quarter MRT GW serving > 10,000 Monitoring
31 TTHM & HAA5 Monitoring Type of SystemMonitoring FrequencyLocations Subpart H serving > 10,000 4 samples per plant per quarter At least 25% at MRT Remaining samples at ART Subpart H serving 500 – 9,999 1 sample per plant per quarter MRT GW serving > 10,000 Subpart H serving < 500 1 sample per plant per year during month of warmest water temperature MRT GW serving < 10,000MRT Monitoring
32 TTHM & HAA5 Reduced Monitoring Type of SystemRequirementReduced Level Subpart H serving > 10,000 TTHM RAA < 0.040 mg/L HAA5 RAA < 0.030 mg/L Source Water TOC RAA < 4.0 mg/L (subpart H only) 1 sample per plant per quarter at MRT Subpart H serving 500 – 9,999 1 sample per plant per year during month of warmest water temperature GW serving > 10,000 Monitoring
33 TTHM & HAA5 Reduced Monitoring Type of SystemRequirementReduced Level Subpart H serving > 10,000 TTHM RAA < 0.040 mg/L HAA5 RAA < 0.030 mg/L Source Water TOC RAA < 4.0 mg/L (subpart H only) 1 sample per plant per quarter at MRT Subpart H serving 500 – 9,999 1 sample per plant per year during month of warmest water temperature GW serving > 10,000 Subpart H serving < 500N/A Monitoring
34 TTHM & HAA5 Reduced Monitoring Type of SystemRequirementReduced Level Subpart H serving > 10,000 TTHM RAA < 0.040 mg/L HAA5 RAA < 0.030 mg/L Source Water TOC RAA < 4.0 mg/L (subpart H only) 1 sample per plant per quarter at MRT Subpart H serving 500 – 9,999 1 sample per plant per year during month of warmest water temperature GW serving > 10,000 Subpart H serving < 500N/A GW serving < 10,000 TTHM RAA < 0.040 mg/L HAA5 RAA < 0.030 mg/L For 2 years or TTHM RAA < 0.020 mg/L HAA5 RAA < 0.015 mg/L For 1 year 1 sample per treatment plant per 3-year monitoring cycle at MRT Monitoring
35 TTHM & HAA5 Increased Monitoring Type of SystemTriggerIncreased Level Subpart H serving > 10,000 N/A Subpart H serving 500 – 9,999 GW serving > 10,000 Monitoring
36 TTHM & HAA5 Increased Monitoring Type of SystemTriggerIncreased Level Subpart H serving > 10,000 N/A Subpart H serving 500 – 9,999 GW serving > 10,000 Subpart H serving < 500 Any TTHM or HAA5 result > MCL 1 sample per treatment plant per quarter at MRT GW serving < 10,000 Monitoring
37 Quiz #1: PWS Takes 1 Routine TCR Sample/Month One routine TCR sample Adds chlorine for disinfection Ground water system What does this system need to do to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR chlorine monitoring requirements? Monitoring
38 Quiz #1: PWS Takes 1 Routine TCR Sample/Month One routine TCR sample Adds chlorine for disinfection Ground water system What does this system need to do to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR chlorine monitoring requirements? System needs to take 1 chlorine sample at the same time and place as the TCR sample Monitoring
39 Quiz #2: PWS Takes 3 Routine TCR Samples/Month Three routine TC samples One TC+ sample Adds chloramines for disinfection Ground water system What does this system need to do to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR chloramines monitoring requirements? Monitoring
40 Quiz #2: PWS Takes 3 Routine TCR Samples/Month Three routine TC samples One TC+ sample Adds chloramines for disinfection Ground water system What does this system need to do to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR chloramines monitoring requirements? 1.System needs to take 3 chloramines samples at the same time and place as the initial TCR samples. 2.System needs to take 3 chloramines sample at the same time and place as 3 TCR repeat samples. 3.System needs to take 5 repeat TCR and chloramines samples the following month. Monitoring
41 Quiz #3: PWS on Routine TTHM & HAA5 Sampling RAAs TTHM = 0.035 mg/L HAA5 = 0.020 mg/L GWUDI system serving 9,000 persons What does this system need to do to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR TTHM and HAA5 monitoring requirement? Monitoring
42 Quiz #3: PWS on Routine TTHM & HAA5 Sampling RAAs TTHM = 0.035 mg/L HAA5 = 0.020 mg/L GWUDI system serving 9,000 persons What does this system need to do to comply with the Stage 1 DBPR TTHM and HAA5 monitoring requirement? If the system stays on routine monitoring it must take 1 sample per plant per quarter. Because the system’s RAA are < 0.040 mg/L for TTHMs and < 0.030 mg/L for HAA5, the system may qualify for reduced monitoring of one sample a year during the month of warmest water temperature. They would need to consult with their state. Monitoring
43 Questions Please send your questions & comments via the web console located on your bottom right. Q & A
44 Compliance and Reporting Chlorine & Chloramines TTHM & HAA5
45 General Compliance Calculation When calculating compliance remember to: Compare the running annual average (RAA) of the results from last 12 months to standard Include all sampling results (unless designated as operational samples in monitoring plans) Calculate compliance at the end of every quarter in which system monitors State can calculate compliance Compliance and Reporting
46 Chlorine & Chloramines: Compliance Calculation Based on RAA of monthly results or averages Calculated each quarter the system serves water to the public Any RAA that exceeds the MRDL is a violation Compliance and Reporting
47 TTHM & HAA5: Quarterly Compliance Calculation Based on RAA of quarterly results or averages Calculated each quarter the system serves water to the public Any RAA that exceeds the MCL is a violation Compliance and Reporting
48 TTHM & HAA5: Annual/Triennial Compliance Calculation If sample result > MCL: Not yet in violation of MCL unless sample result is > 4 times MCL Must move to increased monitoring schedule If on reduced monitoring and sample > 75% of MCL: Must return to routine monitoring schedule Compliance and Reporting
49 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 1: Determine number of samples required Subpart H system serving 500-9,999 on routine monitoring Compliance and Reporting
50 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 1: Determine number of samples required 2. Calculate RAA to determine compliance TTHM sample 3 rd quarter of 2005 3Q 2005: 0.070 mg/L 2Q 2005: 0.080 mg/L 1Q 2005: 0.080 mg/L 4Q 2004: 0.090 mg/L The system is required to take 1 sample per treatment plant per quarter Subpart H system serving 500-9,999 on routine monitoring Compliance and Reporting
51 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 2. Calculate the RAA for TTHM Example: Sum of quarterly averages = (0.090 + 0.080 + 0.080 + 0.070) = 0.320 mg/L Use these results to calculate an RAA Compliance and Reporting Subpart H system serving 500-9,999 on routine monitoring
52 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 2. Calculate the RAA for TTHM Example: Sum of quarterly averages = (0.090 + 0.080 + 0.080 + 0.070) = 0.320 mg/L Sum of quarterly averages = 0.320 mg/L RAA = 0.320/4 RAA = 0.080 mg/L < MCL Use these results to calculate an RAA Compliance and Reporting Subpart H system serving 500-9,999 on routine monitoring
53 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 2. Calculate the RAA for TTHM Example: Sum of quarterly averages = (0.090 + 0.080 + 0.080 + 0.070) = 0.320 mg/L Sum of quarterly averages = 0.320 mg/L RAA = 0.320/4 RAA = 0.080 mg/L < MCL Use these results to calculate an RAA System is in compliance! Compliance and Reporting Subpart H system serving 500-9,999 on routine monitoring
54 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 1: Determine number of samples required GW system serving > 10,000 on routine monitoring Compliance and Reporting
55 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 1: Determine number of samples required The system is required to take 1 sample per treatment plant per quarter DateAvg. of all samples Q1: Jan 20040.057 Q2: April 20040.029 Q3: July 20040.064 Q4: Nov 20040.081 Q1: Jan 20050.037 GW system serving > 10,000 on routine monitoring Compliance and Reporting
56 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 2. Which samples should the system use for calculating compliance for Q1 2005? Compliance and Reporting GW system serving > 10,000 on routine monitoring DateAvg. of all samples Q1: Jan 20040.057 Q2: April 20040.029 Q3: July 20040.064 Q4: Nov 20040.081 Q1: Jan 20050.037 Identify results to calculate HAA5 RAA
57 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 2. Which samples should the system use for calculating compliance for Q1 2005? Compliance and Reporting DateAvg. of all samples Q1: Jan 20040.057 Q2: April 20040.029 Q3: July 20040.064 Q4: Nov 20040.081 Q1: Jan 20050.037 Identify results to calculate HAA5 RAA GW system serving > 10,000 on routine monitoring
58 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 2. Calculate the RAA for HAA5 Example: Sum of quarterly averages = (0.029 + 0.064 + 0.081 + 0.037) = 0.211 mg/L Use these results to calculate an RAA Compliance and Reporting GW system serving > 10,000 on routine monitoring
59 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 2. Calculate the RAA for HAA5 Example: Sum of quarterly averages = (0.029 + 0.064 + 0.081 + 0.037) = 0.211 mg/L Sum of quarterly averages = 0.211 mg/L RAA = 0. 211/4 RAA = 0.053 mg/L < MCL Use these results to calculate an RAA Compliance and Reporting GW system serving > 10,000 on routine monitoring
60 Quiz#4: Calculating Compliance for TTHM & HAA5 2. Calculate the RAA for HAA5 Example: Sum of quarterly averages = (0.029 + 0.064 + 0.081 + 0.037) = 0.211 mg/L Sum of quarterly averages = 0.211 mg/L RAA = 0. 211/4 RAA = 0.053 mg/L < MCL Use these results to calculate an RAA Compliance and Reporting System is in compliance! GW system serving > 10,000 on routine monitoring
61 Report to State due within 10 days of the end of each quarter. Remember to include: Number of samples taken during each month of the last quarter Monthly arithmetic average of all samples taken in each month for the last 12 months Arithmetic average of the monthly averages for the last 12 months MRDL violations Complianc e and Reporting Chlorine & Chloramines Reporting
62 Number of samples taken during the last quarter Location, date and result of each sample taken during the last quarter Arithmetic average of all the samples taken in the last quarter Annual arithmetic average of the quarterly averages of the last 4 quarters MCL violations Compliance and Reporting Report to State due within 10 days of the end of each quarter. Remember to include: TTHM & HAA5 Reporting
63 Tier 2: Notify the state within 48 hours of the violation! Notify customers within 30 days Send a copy of PN to the state within 10 days of notifying customers PN Rule Requirements If a system commits a monitoring violation, it must inform the state and its customers Compliance and Reporting
64 Returning to Compliance Options for systems with compliance problems: BATs Source water changes Partnership with other system(s) Modify treatment Compliance and Reporting
65 Questions Please send your questions & comments via the web console located on your bottom right. Q & A
66 DBP Precursors Found naturally in water React with disinfectants to produce DBPs Reducing DBP precursors limits formation of DBPs DBP Precursors (DBPP)
67 DBP Precursor Treatment Technique (TT) Applies only to Subpart H systems using conventional filtration or enhanced softening which include these 4 filtration components: DBP Precursors (DBPP) 1.Coagulation 2.Flocculation 3.Sedimentation 4.Filtration
68 DBP Precursor Removal Percentages Removal requirements depend on source water characteristics: 30.0%40.0%50.0%> 8.0 25.0%35.0%45.0%> 4.0 – 8.0 15.0%25.0%35.0%> 2.0 – 4.0 >120>60-1200-60 Source water alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3 ) Source Water TOC (mg/L) Systems practicing softening must meet TOC removal requirements in this column Treatment Technique Removal Percentages: DBP Precursors (DBPP)
69 Paired sample Source TOC Treated TOC DBP Precursor Routine Monitoring Requirements 1 sample set per month: Source water alkalinity Source water TOC Treated water TOC DBP Precursors (DBPP)
70 30.0%40%50.0% > 8.0 25.0%35.0%45.0%> 4.0 – 8.0 15.0%25.0%35.0%> 2.0 – 4.0 >120>60-1200-60 Source water Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3 Source Water TOC (mg/L) Treated water sample determines what percentage of TOC was removed DBP Precursor Monitoring Results Source water samples determine TOC removal target Example: Alkalinity 65 mg/L Source Water TOC 9.0 mg/L DBP Precursors (DBPP)
71 30.0%40%50.0% > 8.0 25.0%35.0%45.0%> 4.0 – 8.0 15.0%25.0%35.0%> 2.0 – 4.0 >120>60-1200-60 Source water Alkalinity (mg/L as CaCO 3 Source Water TOC (mg/L) Treated water sample determines what percentage of TOC was removed DBP Precursor Monitoring Results Source water samples determine TOC removal target Example: Alkalinity 65 mg/L Source Water TOC 9.0 mg/L Required Removal Percentage = 40% DBP Precursors (DBPP) >60-120 > 8.0 40.0%
72 DBP Precursor Reduced Monitoring Qualify if average treated water TOC level is: Less than 2.0 mg/L for 2 years OR Less than 1.0 mg/L for 1 year Reduced Schedule: 1 sample set per quarter Return to routine if RAA of treated water TOC > 2.0 mg/L DBP Precursors (DBPP)
73 DBP Precursor Compliance Overview Most systems will be able to comply through alternative compliance criteria or Step 1 TOC removal DBP Precursors (DBPP) 1.Step 1 TOC RemovalCovered in Today’s Presentation
74 DBP Precursor Compliance Overview Most systems will be able to comply through alternative compliance criteria or Step 1 TOC removal DBP Precursors (DBPP) 1.Step 1 TOC RemovalCovered in Today’s Presentation 2.Alternative Compliance CriteriaBriefly Covered in Today’s Presentation 3.Step 2 TOC Removal
75 DBP Precursor Compliance Overview Most systems will be able to comply through alternative compliance criteria or Step 1 TOC removal DBP Precursors (DBPP) 1.Step 1 TOC RemovalCovered in Today’s Presentation 2.Alternative Compliance CriteriaBriefly Covered in Today’s Presentation 3.Step 2 TOC Removal 4.State WaiverNot Covered in Today’s Presentation
76 Step 1 TOC Removal Systems remove a percentage of TOC based on source water characteristics Percentage may change on a month-to-month basis Compliance is based on a ratio of the percentage of TOC actually removed to percentage of TOC that system should have removed Ratio > 1.00 required to remain in compliance Compliance based on RAA calculated quarterly DBP Precursors (DBPP)
77 Step 1 Calculations Calculation 1: Determine removal ratio Calculation 2: Identify removal ratios for last 12 months Calculation 3: Calculate the RAA DBP Precursors (DBPP)
78 Quiz#5: DBP Precursor Calculating Compliance for Step 1 This example is for a system meeting TOC removal requirements using the Step 1 Criteria What results does the system need in order to calculate compliance? DBP Precursors (DBPP)
79 Quiz#5: DBP Precursor Calculating Compliance for Step 1 This example is for a system meeting TOC removal requirements using the Step 1 Criteria What results does the system need in order to calculate compliance? Source Water TOC Source Water Alkalinity Treated Water TOC DBP Precursors (DBPP)
80 Quiz#5: DBP Precursor Calculating Compliance for Step 1 This example is for a system meeting TOC removal requirements using the Step 1 Criteria When should the system calculate compliance? DBP Precursors (DBPP)
81 This example is for a system meeting TOC removal requirements using the Step 1 Criteria When should the system calculate compliance? Quarterly to Determine the RAA DBP Precursors (DBPP) Quiz#5: DBP Precursor Calculating Compliance for Step 1
82 Step 1 Example A Source TOC (mg/L) 8.2 6.1 6.2 B Source Alk. (mg/L) 70 75 80 C Required TOC Removal (%) 40.0 35.0 D Treated TOC (mg/L) 4.6 4.0 4.4 E % Removed (A-D)/A 43.9 34.4 29.0 Month Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. F E/C 1.15 0.96 1.31 1.12 0.99 1.23 1.45 1.18 1.00 1.10 0.98 0.83 Since average is 1.00, the system is in compliance sum column (F) = 13.30 13.33/12= 1.11 DBP Precursors (DBPP)
83 Alternative Compliance Criteria 1.RAA of monthly source water TOC samples < 2.0 mg/L 2.RAA of monthly treated water TOC samples < 2.0 mg/L 3.RAA of source water TOC 60 mg/L, and either: TTHM RAA < 0.040 mg/L and HAA5 RAA < 0.030 mg/L OR System has made a “clear and irrevocable commitment” to installing technology to limit TTHM & HAA5 to those levels 4.TTHM RAA < 0.040 mg/L and HAA5 RAA < 0.030 mg/L, and system uses only chlorine for primary disinfection and maintenance of a residual DBP Precursors (DBPP)
84 Alternative Compliance Criteria 5.RAA of SUVA prior to any treatment < 2.0 L/mg-m 6.RAA of treated water SUVA < 2.0 L/mg-m 7.Softening that results in a RAA of treated water alkalinity < 60 mg/L (as calcium carbonate) 8.Softening that results in a RAA for the removal of magnesium hardness (as calcium carbonate) of at least 10 mg/L DBP Precursors (DBPP) Apply only to softening systems:
85 Step 2 TOC Removal If a system cannot meet Step 1 removal levels or an alternative compliance criteria, the state can set an alternate minimum TOC removal level (Step 2 removal level) Compliance calculations are the same, except that systems would use the alternate minimum required removal percentage to calculate their removal ratio DBP Precursors (DBPP)
86 Step 2 TOC Removal: Determining alternate minimum TOC removal Provide data to the state as evidence that the system cannot meet the requirements of Step 1 TOC removal Include the results of bench or pilot testing Perform Jar Testing: add 10 mg/L increments of alum Continue adding alum until pH Step 2 target pH Add coagulant until TOC removal 0.3 mg/L for an incremental addition of 10 mg/L of alum or ferric salt at the target pH level The percentage of TOC removed at this level will become your “TOC removal vs. coagulant dose” and the system’s minimum TOC removal requirement. The state will determine an alternate removal level DBP Precursors (DBPP)
87 Step 1 & 2: Compliance Reporting Reports must be submitted quarterly: The number of paired (source water and treated water) samples collected during the last quarter The location, date, and results of each paired sample and associated alkalinity taken during the last quarter For each month in the reporting period, the arithmetic average of the percent reduction of TOC for each paired sample and the required TOC percent removal Calculations for determining compliance with the TOC percent removal requirements Whether the system is in compliance with the enhanced coagulation or enhanced softening percent removal requirements for the last four quarters DBP Precursors (DBPP)
88 PN Rule Requirements A system is out of compliance if it does not comply with the Step 1 or Step 2 removal requirements and fails to meet an alternative compliance criterion Notify customers within 30 days Send a copy of PN to the state within 10 days of notifying customers If a system commits a monitoring violation, it must inform the state and its customers Tier 2: Notify the state within 48 hours of the violation! DBP Precursors (DBPP)
89 Returning to Compliance Options for systems with compliance problems: BATs Source water changes Partnership with other system(s) Modify treatment DBP Precursors (DBPP)
Poll: How many people are attending at your location? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 1 Person 2 - 4 People 5 - 10 People 10 - 20 People More than 20 People
91 Questions? Please send your questions & comments via the web console located on your bottom right. Q & A
92 Case Studies: Great View 1.Where, when, & how many chlorine samples should this system take? 2.What is the system’s RAA for chlorine? 3.What is the system required to report to the state within 10 days? 4.Where, when, & how many TTHM & HAA5 samples should this system take? 5.What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs? Case Studies GW System, serving 300, taking quarterly TCR samples
93 Case Studies Oct 2006: 1.5 mg/L Sept 2006: 1.0 mg/L Aug 2006: 1.0 mg/L July 2006: 1.5 mg/L June 2006: 3.0 mg/L May 2006: 1.0 mg/L April 2006: 2.0 mg/L March 2006: 1.5 mg/L Feb 2006: 1.0 mg/L Jan 2006: 1.5 mg/L Dec 2005: 1.0 mg/L Nov 2005: 1.0 mg/L Chlorine Results for last 12 months: 2006: 0.070 mg/L 2005: 0.040 mg/L TTHM Results for last 2 years: GW System, serving 300, taking quarterly TCR samples Case Studies: Great View
Poll: Where, when, & how many chlorine samples should this s... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] One per year at MRT Five samples per month and taken 25% at MRT and 75% at ART The same number and at the same time and place as TCR
95 Answer Where, when, & how many chlorine samples should this system take? The same number and at the same time and place as TCR GW System, serving 300, taking quarterly TCR samples Case Studies
Poll: What is the system’s RAA for chlorine? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 1.2 mg/L 1.4 mg/L 1.6 mg/L None of the above
97 Answer What is the system’s RAA for chlorine? 1.4 mg/L 1 + 1 + 1.5 + 1 + 1.5 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1.5 + 1 + 1 + 1.5 = 17 17/12 = 1.4 mg/L GW System, serving 300, taking quarterly TCR samples Case Studies
Poll: What is the system required to report to the state wit... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] Number of samples taken during each month of the last quarter The monthly arithmetic average of all samples taken in each month for the last 12 months The arithmetic average of the monthly averages for the last 12 months and whether the MRDL was violated All of the above
99 Answer What is the system required to report to the state within 10 days? All of the above GW System, serving 300, taking quarterly TCR samples Case Studies
Poll: Where, when, & how many TTHM & HAA5 samples should thi... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 1 sample per treatment plant; in the month of warmest water temperature; at the MRT September at the entry point to the distribution system The same number and at the same time and place as TCR 5 samples per month; 25% at MRT and 75% at ART
101 Answer Where, when, & how many TTHM & HAA5 samples should this system take? 1 sample per treatment plant; in the month of warmest water temperature; at the MRT GW System, serving 300, taking quarterly TCR samples Case Studies
Poll: What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 0.040 mg/L 0.055 mg/L 0.070 mg/L None of the above
103 Answer What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs? 0.070 mg/L GW System, serving 300, taking quarterly TCR samples Case Studies
104 Case Studies: Smithville 1.How many chlorine samples should this system take in August 2005? 2.Where and when should the system take chlorine samples? 3.Where, when, & how many TTHM & HAA5 samples should the system take? 4.What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs & HAA5? 5.Does the system have to perform public notification? 6.What does the system need to do to return to compliance? Case Studies GW System, serving 11,000, taking monthly TCR samples due to TC + in July 05
105 Case Studies: Smithville Case Studies Q3 2010: 0.09 Q2 2010: 0.05 Q1 2010: 0.08 Q4 2009: 0.04 Q3 2009: 0.04 Q2 2009: 0.08 Q1 2009: 0.06 Q4 2008: 0.07 TTHM Results for last 8 quarters: Q3 2010: 0.07 Q2 2010: 0.08 Q1 2010: 0.07 Q4 2009: 0.09 Q3 2009: 0.04 Q2 2009: 0.08 Q1 2009: 0.06 Q4 2008: 0.07 HAA5 Results for last 8 quarters: GW System, serving 11,000, taking monthly TCR samples due to TC + in July 05 8,501-12,900 10 Samples Required Routine TCR Monitoring
Poll: How many chlorine samples should this system take in A... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 15 samples 10 samples 5 samples 1 sample
107 Answer How many chlorine samples should this system take in August 2005? 10 samples – The same as the number of TCR samples required. GW System, serving 11,000, taking monthly TCR samples due to TC + in July 05 Case Studies
Poll: Where and when should the system take chlorine samples... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] In the month of warmest water temperature at the MRT 25% at MRT and 75% at ART Same time and place as TCR Quarterly at MRT
109 Answer Where and when should the system take chlorine samples? Same time and place as TCR GW System, serving 11,000, taking monthly TCR samples due to TC + in July 05 Case Studies
Poll: Where, when, & how many TTHM & HAA5 samples should thi... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 1 sample per treatment plant; in the month of warmest water temperature; at the MRT 1 sample per treatment plant per quarter at MRT The same number and at the same time and place as TCR 5 samples per month; 25% at MRT and 75% at ART
111 Answer Where, when, & how many TTHM & HAA5 samples should this system take? 1 sample per treatment plant per quarter at MRT Case Studies GW System, serving 11,000, taking monthly TCR samples due to TC + in July 05
Poll: What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs & HAA5? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] TTHM = 0.085 mg/L & HAA5 = 0.046 mg/L TTHM = 0.013 mg/L & HAA5 = 0.02 mg/L TTHM = 0.065 mg/L & HAA5 = 0.078 mg/L None of the above
113 Answer What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs & HAA5? TTHM = 0.065 mg/L & HAA5 = 0.078 mg/L TTHMs RAA 0.09 + 0.05 + 0.08 + 0.04 = 0.26 0.26/4 = 0.065 mg/L HAA5s RAA 0.07 + 0.08 + 0.07 + 0.09 = 0.31 0.31/4 = 0.078 mg/L GW System, serving 11,000, taking monthly TCR samples due to TC + in July 05 Case Studies
Poll: Does the system have to perform public notification? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] Yes No
115 Answer Does the system have to perform public notification? Does the system have to perform public notification? Yes Yes MCL violation because the HAA5 RAA of 0.078 mg/L exceeds the MCL of 0.060 mg/L GW System, serving 11,000, taking monthly TCR samples due to TC + in July 05 Case Studies
Poll: What does the system need to do to return to complianc... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] RAA in following quarter needs to be equal to or less than 0.060 mg/L System needs to monitor for 1 year RAA in the following month needs to be equal to or less than 0.060 mg/L
117 Answer What does the system need to do to return to compliance? RAA in following quarter needs to be less than 0.060 mg/L GW System, serving 11,000, taking monthly TCR samples due to TC + in July 05 Case Studies
118 Case Studies: Crystal Lake 1.Where, when, & how many chlorine samples should this system take? 2.What is the system’s RAA for chlorine? 3.Where, when, & how many TTHM & HAA5 samples should the system take? 4.What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs & HAA5? 5.What is the system’s required TOC removal percentage, actual TOC removal percentage, and actual TOC removal ratio? 6.Does the system need to perform public notification? SW System, serving 550. System has two conventional filtration plants Case Studies
119 Case Studies: Crystal Lake Case Studies SW System, serving 550. System has two conventional filtration plants Aug 2007: 1.0 July 2007: 1.5 June 2007: 2.0 May 2007: 2.0 April 2007: 1.0 March 2007: 1.5 Feb 2007: 2.0 Jan 2007: 1.0 Dec 2006: 1.0 Nov 2006: 1.5 Oct 2006: 5.0 Sept 2006: 1.5 Aug 2006: 1.0 July 2006: 1.5 June 2006: 2.0 May 2006: 1.0 April 2006: 3.0 March 2006: 1.5 Feb 2006: 2.0 Jan 2006: 1.5 Dec 2005: 1.0 Nov 2005: 2.0 Oct 2005: 0.5 Sept 2005: 1.0 Chlorine Results for last 24 months: Source Water Alkalinity65 mg/L Source Water TOC9.0 mg/L Treated Water TOC4.0 mg/L For this example sample set results are the same for each month and are:
120 Case Studies: Crystal Lake Case Studies SW System, serving 550. System has two conventional filtration plants 0.09 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.02 TTHM Results for last 6 quarters: MRT Plant 1 MRT Plant 2 0.02 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.06 0.07 HAA5 Results for last 6 quarters: MRT Plant 1 MRT Plant 2 Q2 2007 Q1 2007 Q4 2006 Q3 2006 Q2 2006 Q1 2006
Poll: Where, when, & how many chlorine samples should this s... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] Four per year in month of warmest water temperature 75% at ART and 25% at MRT Five samples per month and taken 25% at MRT and 75% at ART The same number and at the same time and place as TCR None of the above
122 Answer Where, when, & how many chlorine samples should this system take? The same number and at the same time and place as TCR Case Studies SW System, serving 550. System has two conventional filtration plants
Poll: What is the system’s RAA for chlorine? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 1.6 mg/L 1.8 mg/L 2.0 mg/L None of the above
124 Answer What is the system’s RAA for chlorine? 1.8 mg/L 1 + 1.5 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1.5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1.5 + 5 + 1.5 = 21 21/12 = 1.8 mg/L Case Studies SW System, serving 550. System has two conventional filtration plants
Poll: Where, when, & how many TTHM & HAA5 samples should thi... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 1 sample per treatment plant; in the month of warmest water temperature; at the MRT 1 sample per treatment plant per quarter at MRT The same number and at the same time and place as TCR 5 samples per month; 25% at MRT and 75% at ART
126 Answer Where, when, & how many TTHM & HAA5 samples should this system take? 1 sample per treatment plant per quarter at MRT Case Studies SW System, serving 550. System has two conventional filtration plants
Poll: What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs & HAA5? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] TTHMs = 0.085 mg/L; HAA5 = 0.095 mg/L TTHMs = 0.049 mg/L; HAA5 = 0.043 mg/L TTHMs = 0.035 mg/L; HAA5 = 0.023 mg/L
128 Answer What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs & HAA5? What is the system’s RAA for TTHMs & HAA5? TTHM = 0.049 mg/L & HAA5 = 0.043 mg/L TTHMs RAA (0.09 + 0.06)/2 + (0.05 + 0.07)/2 + (0.03 + 0.02)/2 + (0.02 + 0.05)/2 = 0.195 mg/L 0.195/4 = 0.049 mg/L HAA5s RAA (0.02 + 0.04)/2 + (0.08 + 0.02)/2 + (0.04 + 0.04)/2 + (0.02 + 0.08)/2 = 0.17 mg/L 0.17/4 = 0.043 mg/L Case Studies SW System, serving 550. System has two conventional filtration plants
Poll: What is the system’s required TOC removal percentage,... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] 40%; 55.6%; 1.39 45%; 22.5%; 0.5 15%; 50%; 3.33 30%; 40%; 1.33
130 Answer What is the system’s required TOC removal percentage, actual TOC removal percentage, and actual TOC removal ratio? 40%; 55.6%; 1.39 Required removal % = 40% (from 3 by 3 Matrix) Actual removal % = 55.6% ((9-4)/9) Actual removal ratio = 1.39 (55.6% / 40.0%) Case Studies SW System, serving 550. System has two conventional filtration plants
Poll: Does the system need to perform public notification? [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] Yes No
132 Answer Does the system need to perform public notification? No. Because the example assumed that the system had the same alkalinity and TOC numbers each month Therefore the removal ratio would be the same for each month. The removal ratio is 1.39 for the year which is greater than 1.00 so the system is in compliance. Case Studies SW System, serving 550. System has two conventional filtration plants
133 Upcoming Regulations Expected final in December 2005 Stage 2 DBPR LT2ESWTR Ground Water Rule Stage 2
134 Stage 2 DBPR Preview Applies to CWSs and NTNCWSs Consecutive Systems Designed to reduce peak DBP concentrations Proposed changes to TTHM and HAA5 requirements: Monitoring locations Method of calculating RAA Importance of data and knowledge from Stage 1 DBPR! Stage 2
Poll: Does your state require consecutive systems to comply... [PlaceWare Multiple Choice Poll. Use PlaceWare > Edit Slide Properties... to edit.] No requirements Monitor and comply independently Monitor as part of a combined distribution system independently or as part of the combined system
136 Evaluation Form Available in the Handouts Sent to Your Site Coordinator Please Complete and Then… Fax Directly (fax number on the form) or email to Join us for Consumer Confidence Report Web cast Training Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 2 – 4 PM Join us for Consumer Confidence Report Web cast Training Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 2 – 4 PM Don’t Forget Additional Resources
137 Questions? Please send your questions & comments via the web console located on your bottom right. Q & A
138 Additional Stage 1 DBPR Resources for Further Study of the Federal Rule
139 Stage 1 DBPR Webcast Materials Drinking Water Academy Web site: Available – May 16, 2005 Web cast Presentation Slides Written Q&A from Web cast Additional Resources
140 Additional Stage 1 DBPR Resources Quick Reference Guides: Stage 1 DBPR Rule (EPA 816-F-01-010) State 1 DBPR Laboratory Quick Reference Guide (EPA 816-F-02-021) Technical guidance documents: Alternative Disinfectants and Oxidants Guidance Manual (EPA 815-R-99-014) Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Guidance Manual (EPA 815-R-99-013) Enhanced Coagulation and Enhanced Precipitative Softening Guidance Manual (EPA 815-R-99-010) Additional Resources
141 EPA Resources Available Implementation guidance documents: Stage 1 DBPR Final Implementation Guidance (EPA 816-R-01-012) Stage 1 DBPR Plain English Guidance (EPA 816-R-01-014) General M-DBP Fact Sheet (EPA 816-F-01-012) Profiling and Benchmarking Fact Sheet (EPA 816-F-98-0176) Stage 1 DBPR Fact Sheet (EPA 816-F-01-014) A Small System Guide to the Stage 1 DBPR (in development) Additional Resources
142 EPA Resources Available All documents available through EPA’s M-DBP Web site or by calling the Safe Drinking Water Hotline: 1-800-426-4791 Additional Resources
143 For More Questions Send Your State’s Stage 1 Questions or Situations to: Stage 1 DBPR Questions: Call your EPA Regional Office or Ed Moriarty, US EPA HQ 202-564-3864 Additional Resources
144 Next Webcast: Consumer Confidence Report Wednesday, May 25, 2005, 2 – 4 PM (EST) Topics to be covered: Report Content Overview Interpreting and Reporting Data Reviewing CCR for Compliance Risk Communication Overview CCRiWriter Demonstration Additional Resources
145 Webcast Series See Handout or DWA Calendar for Upcoming 2005 Web casts Future Web casts will: Cover a Variety of Subjects and Rules Be Held Last Wednesday of the Month from 2-4 PM (Eastern Time) Have the Same Registration Process as for Stage 1 DBPR Will Open for Registration Six Weeks Prior to Each Webcast Additional Resources
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