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1 Research sources for Law Richard Pears and Suzie Kitchin.

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1 1 Research sources for Law Richard Pears and Suzie Kitchin

2 2 The Library Web page for Law

3 3 Library catalogue Search for books Search for journals by TITLE Connect to e-journals NB not all Law journals indexed

4 4 WorldCat Search libraries around the world Identify material in other jurisdictions

5 5 Databases full text of legal documents, including journals and law reports major collections e.g. the Law Journal Library and the U.S. Supreme Court Library (both in HeinOnline) files of British and EU case-law (both report series and transcripts of unreported cases)

6 6 New research New books – RSS feeds Theses Alerting services E-prints

7 7 Effective searching Definitions and synonyms e.g. evidence, information, data, facts, statistics Use “ ” for phrases e.g. “Queen’s speech” Boolean operators: AND, OR & AND NOT Law AND human rights Law OR legislation Statute AND NOT case

8 8 Effective searching Truncation e.g. poli** will find: policy, policies, politics, political etc. Wildcards to pick up spelling variations e.g. organi?ation Proximity e.g. EU WITHIN 3 directive Use Advanced search option/ help

9 9 References and Bibliographies ALWAYS keep a full and accurate record of your information sources Use the Library Catalogue to e-mail references for saving Make sure you refer correctly to other authors within your work

10 10 Practical Connect to the internet Open the page Go to “Information skills” Open “Law postgraduate training” Work through the tutorials Ask for assistance if required

11 11 Where to get help Enquiries desk in Palace Green Library On-line enquiry service: Academic Support Team: Richard Pears and Suzie KitchinRichard Pears Suzie Kitchin

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