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Masters of the Bibliographic Universe? The Promises and Pitfalls of Digital Scholarship in the Age of Googlepedia

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Presentation on theme: "Masters of the Bibliographic Universe? The Promises and Pitfalls of Digital Scholarship in the Age of Googlepedia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Masters of the Bibliographic Universe? The Promises and Pitfalls of Digital Scholarship in the Age of Googlepedia

2 Where we’re headed… Digital scholarship Bibliographic universe Googlepedia Demo of Zotero etc. The promises and pitfalls


4 For example… Claim: Bibliographic practices are being transformed through the convergence of specific socio-technical factors, e.g. ‘Googlepedia’ Reason: Scholarship now takes place in print and digital media, but is increasingly disseminated through the Web. Therefore scholarly citation and hyperlinking are co- evolving practices/technologies… Evidence: Watch this space…


6 RDIF Radio Frequency Identification

7 The Evidence





12 David White, ‘Results and analysis of the Web 2.0 services survey undertaken by the SPIRE project’, JISC 2007. “It is immediately clear that Wikipedia is very popular with usage ranging between 70 and 84 percent across all age groups. This is mainly individuals reading content rather than contributing, although the ratio of contribution to lurking across all collaborative authoring tools is 1 to 4. Around 50 percent of Wikipedia use is for study, which represents a huge amount of students and researchers who probably use Wikipedia as there first (and possibly only) source of reference.”

13 Ann M. Lally and Carolyn E. Dunford. ‘Using Wikipedia to Extend Digital Collections’, D-Lib Magazine, Volume 13, Number 5/6, May/June 2007 Figure: Wikipedia referrals to UW Libraries Digital Collections, October 2005 - September 2006


15 Demo: Bibliography 1.0 Microsoft Word and Endnote

16 OPAC WEB Database Bibliographic Software e.g. Endnote Word- processor Text file Bib 1.0: the scholars perspective… Desktop publishing z39.50


18 Demo: Bibliography 2.0 Firefox and Zotero

19 Worldcat Wikipedia Zotero Endnote GoogleDocs Carmun Google Blogs /wiki Open Office Bib 2.0: the scholars perspective… SRW/U RSS OpenURL OpenSearch Libraries Australia

20 Cohen, Daniel. 2007. History and Technology - Zotero: Social and Semantic Computing for Historical Scholarship. Perspectives: Newsletter of the American Historical Association. 45, no. 5: 13. Rosenzweig, Roy. 2006. Can History Be Open Source? Wikipedia and the Future of the Past. The Journal of American History 93, no. 1: 117.

21 Compatible standards and software for Zotero ContextObjects in Spans (COinS) Embedded RDF Dublin Core XML MARC Voyager (WebVoyage) InnoPAC SIRSI Aleph Dynix VTLS DRA … Standards Software


23 Conclusion

24 Promises of Googlepedia Scholarly information any time and any where: ambient library made good… Complex knowledge organization: Semantic Web made good… Complex searches: FRBR made good… Permanent: digital repositories made good…

25 Pitfalls of Googlepedia Accuracy and reliability of Wikipedia an ongoing issue Googlepedia hyperlinks lack durability and persistence Information overload: trusted information filtering and recommendation services are needed Skills and knowledge gaps of students and academic staff

26 Bibliography 2.0, maybe… Scholarly communications is becoming dependent upon ‘free’ Bib 2.0 services offered by the big info utilities i.e. Google,, OCLC Growing gap between local campus- based Bib 1.0 and global Bib 2.0 practices

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