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New Workflows for Electronic Journals Joint Presentation of: Digital Acquisitions, OIS Catalogers Discussion Group Standing Subcommittee on Serials, Series.

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Presentation on theme: "New Workflows for Electronic Journals Joint Presentation of: Digital Acquisitions, OIS Catalogers Discussion Group Standing Subcommittee on Serials, Series."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Workflows for Electronic Journals Joint Presentation of: Digital Acquisitions, OIS Catalogers Discussion Group Standing Subcommittee on Serials, Series and Continuations March 16, 2006

2 Agenda Overview of E-Journal access at Harvard and how it will change-- SFX, MARCit!, MetaLib, and HOLLIS E-journal workflow from acquisition to cataloging and access MARCit! process and workflow in detail CONSER Cataloging standards, policies and the ISSN workflow

3 What is an e-journal? FOR THIS DISCUSSION: AACR2 definition of a serial: continuing resource issued in a succession of discrete parts, usually bearing numbering, that has no predetermined conclusion An e-journal is an electronic form of a journal, serial, magazine, newspaper, newsletter, continuing directory, annual report and some monographic series if classed together A journal-like electronic publication with no print counterpart made available via the Web An e-journal is NOT a database, website, collection of e-book or e-journal titles

4 E-Journal Access at Harvard - Aleph Harvard has access to over 16,000 e-journals (over 38,000 variations) Approximately 6,500 cataloged in Aleph No access in Aleph to titles/holdings in aggregated collections Titles in collections are volatile – holdings change frequently We do not own many of these collections

5 E-Journal Access at Harvard – E-Research @ Harvard Libraries Patrons have access to most e-journals through E-Research @ Harvard Libraries (MetaLib) “Find E-Journals” function Brief bibliographic information and no subject access These titles are loaded daily from our SFX database



8 SFX and Find It @ Harvard Service Ex Libris provides a central database of SFX titles and collections This central database is updated on a regular basis Harvard maintains a local copy of the central database with our titles activated Harvard also maintains holdings/coverage if different from central database Our SFX database is the foundation for the Find It @ Harvard service as well as the “Find E-Journals” module of E-Research and the Citation Linker


10 E-Journal Record Loading Project ULC-approved project to load vendor MARC records for e-journal titles in aggregated collections Task force formed: Amira Aaron, OIS Mary Beth Clack, Widener Library Ruth Haas, HCL Technical Services Allison Powers, OIS Noelle Ryan, Countway Library With great help from Patricia Hatch, Amber Meryman and Paul Aloisio

11 Project Objectives Maintain holdings/availability information for e-journals in one database only. Reduce the workload involved with processing, naming and cataloging e-journals, both for serials cataloging and for OIS staff. Preserve locally-created bibliographic information for e-journals in Aleph whenever it exists. Provide comprehensive, consistent access to e-journal holdings in the OPAC and E-Research (MetaLib). Ensure that holdings/availability information for e-journals is kept current in the OPAC. Provide stable, manageable URN's for e-journals both in the OPAC and in E-Research.

12 Project Objectives (cont.) Ensure that links for e-journals both in the OPAC and E-Research are accurate and up-to-date. Ensure that links for e-journals could be globally changed if we switch our link resolver. Provide one URL for multiple versions/providers of a journal, both on the results set and on the full record in the OPAC. Ensure that users see all versions of a journal on one record. Provide more complete bibliographic information for e-journals in E-Research and the potential for searching e-journals by subject.

13 Recommended Process Maintain all e-journal holdings data in the SFX database - required for Find it!@Harvard and for “Find E-Journals” module of E-Research Expand project to include records for all e- journals – not just those in aggregated collections Purchase an ongoing subscription to the MARCit! MARC records service from Ex Libris, which is based on our e-journal holdings - title and coverage - in our SFX database Load records into both Aleph and MetaLib Add, maintain and delete e-journal holdings via automated batch loads into both Aleph and E- Research

14 MARCit! Service from Ex Libris Provides MARC records for e-journal holdings in SFX database- can be loaded into both Aleph and E-Research. Currently only for those titles with ISSN’s Includes e-journals available to the entire Harvard library community. Pulls records from CONSER database If no CONSER record – creates a brief record Provides updates & deletions Supplies OpenURL in 856 field

15 MARCit! Record Loads-Summary Load the MARCit! records following the single record approach for all e-journal holdings in the SFX database. Load the holdings record with a NET location and MRCIT collection code. Load an 856 field containing a URN which has been batch-assigned and which resolves to the openURL. The openURL will lead directly to the full-text if there is only one full-text option in SFX; otherwise it will lead to an SFX menu.

16 MARCit! Record Loads-Summary (continued) Use the SFX number as the unique identifier for the holdings record (load in the 035 holdings field). Load the availability information (866) which will be updated in the regular loads from MARCit! via SFX. Process updates, deletes and additions on a regular basis (to be determined), matching on the SFX number. Load records also into E-Research using XML load format from MARCit!










26 MARCit! Records Loaded into Aleph Initial load expected end of March 2006 @16,000 Records will be added Records will be updated on a regular basis (to be determined) The initial batch of records loaded into Aleph from the MARCit! Service can be described in three categories: New records (not currently part of Aleph database) Match on existing records in Aleph Multiple matches in the Aleph database

27 New Records-Bibliographic Data Title added to Aleph Bibliographic record will be either CONSER record or brief bibliographic record Brief bibliographic records are very brief-most contain LDR, 008, 022, 035, and 245 fields only 035 field will contain (Mrcit) record number information Brief bibs represent less than @6% of the total load Brief bibs will be reported out to CONSER office but will most likely not be upgraded.

28 New Records-Holdings Holdings record added will contain 852 $$b NET $$c MRCIT If call number appears in bib in 050 or 090 field, this will be added to the 852 field. Holdings record will also include: 035 field-unique identifier that will be used for updating records. 506 field containing restriction data. One 856 field with the URN that will link to the journal or to a mediated page in Find it! service 866 field with coverage data. 007 field



31 Match on Existing Records Currently approximately 6,500 records in Aleph for e-journals containing URN’s which have been widely distributed. If record loaded matches existing title in database, the holdings record containing 852 $$b NET and $$c GEN is suppressed Only NET GEN holdings with URNs will be suppressed. New holdings record with 852 $$b NET and $$c MRCIT added. The old URN’s will resolve to the openURL as well so they will still work.

32 Match on Existing Records – Record Updates Bibliographic records that match on existing titles in Aleph will be rejected and not loaded in favor of the existing record. This means that no 035 field will be added to the bibliographic record, so the bibs will not be automatically updated in future loads. Holdings records with NET MRCIT Holdings WILL be updated, as they will contain a 035 field. OIS will investigate the possibility of updating existing bibliographic records at some future date. Analysis will be needed to ensure that protected fields are not adversely affected in an update process.

33 Multiple Matches MARCit! Records that match multiple titles in the database will be added as new records These titles will be reported to the CONSER office. CONSER will work with libraries to resolve duplicates.

34 Circumstances where multiple records may appear Brief bib contains misspelled words Title loaded with Electronic ISSN vs. Print ISSN Title is a work that contains multiple parts (e.g. Brain Research) Holdings in Aleph includes a URL, but not an URN.

35 How libraries should handled titles with misspelled words Search Aleph to see if correct title exists. If yes, check to see if NET MRCIT holding exists Access the OIS Digital Acquisitions page at: Fill in the E-Journal Update form. Include Aleph record number and explanation of misspelled title. If the correct record exists, OIS will investigate further and contact Ex Libris. Changes will be reflected in next MARCit! Load.

36 Handling titles with Electronic ISSN when Print ISSN exists Search Aleph to locate print title. Access the OIS Digital Acquisitions page at: Fill in the E-Journal Update form. Include Aleph record number and explanation of electronic ISSN vs. Print ISSN. OIS will investigate further and contact Ex Libris. Changes will be reflected in next MARCit! Load.

37 What to do if record contains E-ISSN and Library Wants to Subscribe to print version Libraries can upgrade the electronic ISSN record with the print information. Library adds holdings record for print. Library contacts CONSER office for cataloging and/or authentication. MRCIT holding will still be updated based on 035 field.

38 How to Handle Multiple Parts Records will be reported to CONSER office. CONSER will work with appropriate libraries to clean up the records.

39 How to Handle Titles Containing URLs in Holdings Holdings records containing an URL, not an URN, will not be suppressed when MRCIT record is added. If you wish to keep your URL, do nothing. Library will be responsible for keeping record up to date. Not recommended-will create duplicate entries and will not be automatically updated. If you wish to use the MRCIT record, delete your NET GEN holdings record.

40 Updates to MARCit! Records MARCit! sends updates based on SFX changes or changes to CONSER records MARCit! record with update status and revised 866 availability field(s). Updated record is loaded into Aleph; old holdings field is deleted; new holdings field is created. A report of updated MARCit! records will be sent to the CONSER staff for review, as some of these may be the result of new or updated CONSER records. Updated information will also be added to E- Research.

41 Deletes Workflow Summary Title is deactivated in SFX database (central staff or monthly update). MARC record with status of delete is part of next MARCit! load. Delete record causes the URN to be redirected to a message instructing users to look elsewhere or ask for help. Delete record causes the Aleph holdings to be deleted. If this is the only holdings on the Aleph record, the bib record is also suppressed. The E-Research record is also deleted.

42 Advantages of New Workflow Currently in the OPAC, holdings and availability information for e-journal titles is often out of date and it is difficult for serials cataloging to maintain or even be notified about changes. This approach will ensure: Maintenance of e-journal holdings and availability information in one database (SFX) for all e-journal titles. All e-journal titles treated consistently. Up-to-date and consistent information displayed to the user in both the OPAC and E-Research. Reduced workload on the part of OIS staff for individual e-journal titles. Reduced workload on the part of serials cataloging staff in adding/maintaining holdings for e-journals.

43 Electronic Resources NOT Part of MARCit! Loads Titles that will not be included in MARCit! loads are: Electronic Journals that do not have ISSNs Databases Websites Electronic books Resources that are restricted to a certain school or faculty only Workflows for other types of electronic resources will be covered in a future presentation.

44 Electronic Journals Without ISSNs If you wish to add an E-journal title that does not have an ISSN: Contact CONSER office with ISSN inquiry CONSER has access to ISSN database If CONSER finds an ISSN, contacts library. Follow E-Journal registration process for titles with ISSN.

45 Electronic Journals Without ISSNs If CONSER office does not find ISSN: Add and/or export bibliographic record Create holdings record with 852 field $$b NET $$c GEN Add H09 field with $$k identifying your sublibrary (e.g. netwid) Add 506 with restriction note Add 866 field with coverage information Add 007 to holdings record

46 Electronic Journals Without ISSNs- CONSER Report to ISSN Office If CONSER does not find ISSN, CONSER will CONSERize record and send record to US ISSN Office (if US publication) or to appropriate foreign entity requesting an ISSN. ISSN office will add ISSN and contacts CONSER office. CONSER notifies OIS and this record will ultimately be added to the SFX database. Record will match on future load and NET MRCIT holdings will be created, NET GEN holdings will be suppressed.

47 Electronic Journals Without ISSNs- Report to OIS Fill out an E-Journal Submission Form (JIT) form available from the DigAcq Forms page at: Please report free (i.e. no charge) e- journals as well, using the FREE E-Journal Submission Form at the site. OIS reports URN back to unit—unit adds this to 856 field. OIS adds record to SFX.

48 Electronic Journals—Title changes- If New Title has an ISSN Many libraries will receive notice of a title change before SFX database is updated. If new title has an ISSN: Add 785 field to previous title record. Fill out Fill out an E-Journal Submission Form (JIT) form available from the DigAcq Forms page at: The new title record will be brought in on future batch load.

49 E-journals—Title changes-If New Title does not have an ISSN If new title does not have an ISSN: Add 785 field to previous title record. Create and/or export new bibliographic record-add 780 field if needed. Contact CONSER Office Fill out an E-Journal Submission Form (JIT) form available from the DigAcq Forms page at: so that OIS can add the title to SFX.


51 Standards and Policies National standards and responsibilities Harvard involvement in the CONSER program which includes our commitment when creating new records as well as maintaining records in the CONSER database on OCLC Local practices established by Bib Standards and the SSSSC

52 CONSER and Harvard’s bibliographic standards Harvard University Library. Bibliographic Standards (rev. June 2004) 9.1 CONSER. Original bibliographic description of current serials must conform to the specifications of the CONSER Program’s standards and follows the CONSER Editing Guide.

53 Harvard’s CONSER commitment CONSER Task Force Report available on the SSSSC homepage: Task Force chaired by Jane Ouderkirk, Widener Library, and approved by the University Library Committee Recommendation: “the long-standing policy requiring CONSER level cataloging of all current serial receipts be reaffirmed.”

54 Questions about CONSER? Consult staff in the HUL/CONSER Office on serials, serials holdings and/or CONSER related issues: Ruth Haas (6-5981) Michelle Williams (5-5684) Dawn Piscitello (5-5684) HUL/CONSER Office HCL TS 625 Massachusetts Ave.

55 Single Record approach Policy set out in the Bibliographic Standards states: 3.1 “Harvard libraries generally follow a single record approach for multiple versions. Under this policy, information describing various kinds of reproductions and electronic versions of a work is included in holdings records that are attached to the … original (usually print) title.” Complete Standards available from:

56 Cautionary Note: change of format A serial ceasing in one physical format and continuing in another (e.g., print continued in an electronic format only) requires a new bibliographic record (LCRI 21.3B example 2) The two records are linked by earlier/later title fields (780/785)

57 Local Cataloging Practices—Fields not longer used When cataloging electronic resources, Harvard-specific practices no longer required include: 655 field 740 field

58 Aleph cataloging (655 field) 655 field for electronic media But note that Bib Standards continues to require for other media. Consult the standards at: enre.htm

59 Aleph Cataloging (740 field) 740 field with the qualifier (Online) Example:740 0 |a Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (Online) |5 hul Future plans include: 1. URNs to appear along with the titles in the results list 2. Appropriate 740 fields may be identified and deleted by program

60 Local Cataloging Practices— Field use modified H09 field Locally defined for use on the holdings record Example: H09 |k netksg Identifies the unit taking responsibility for maintaining the URL given in the holding record

61 Aleph cataloging (H09 field) MUST continue to be included in all holdings records for electronic resources that are not |b NET |c MRCIT Will not be included in |b NET |c MRCIT holdings records

62 ISSN workflow Includes all types of publications falling into the definition of a serial, i.e., print or non-print publications issued in parts, usually bearing issue numbers and/or dates, and expected to continue indefinitely In order for us to submit a title to the US ISSN Center a resource must be published in the United States International bodies headquartered in the US are the responsibility of the ISSN Center in Paris

63 ISSN workflow (cont.) Includes magazine, newspapers, annuals (such as report, yearbooks, and directories), journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions of societies and monographic series Can include ceased titles, if considered important Can include government publications and newsletters, if considered important

64 ISSN workflow (cont.) For non-US publications, CONSER Office staff will search titles in the ISDS Register and, if found, ISSN information will be added to the CONSER record Possibility of expanding access to the Register to other Harvard libraries is being investigated

65 ISSN workflow (cont.) No need to send surrogates to the HUL/CONSER Office; the CONSER record is considered to be enough for verification Be sure that the bibliographic record has information about a recent issue consulted either in the 362 field or in a 500 “Latest issue consulted” note.

66 ISSN workflow (cont.) To receive an ISSN assignment send bibliographic titles and OCLC record numbers to: Ruth Haas HUL/CONSER Office HCLTS 625 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, Mass.

67 Questions?

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