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Consumer Buyer Behaviour Chapter 3 with Duane Weaver.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Buyer Behaviour Chapter 3 with Duane Weaver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer Buyer Behaviour Chapter 3 with Duane Weaver

2 OUTLINE Purchasing Process –PP – Problem Recognition –PP – Information Search –PP – Evaluation of Alternatives –PP – Purchase Decision –PP – Post purchase Evaluation Buying Environment –Traditional Factors –New Trends –Future Trends??

3 Purchasing Process PP – Problem Recognition PP – Information Search PP – Evaluation of Alternatives PP – Purchase Decision PP – Post purchase Evaluation

4 PP – Problem Recognition Recognizing a need or want Not always cognitive (smells, sounds, sights, emotions----impulses)

5 PP – Information Search (1of2) Search for information of how to satisfy need or want Internal Search –Evoked set (top of mind and already approved by self) Time searching: –Ability to search (education level and product knowledge) –Motivation (the higher the “involvement” the more likely external search is conducted) Need for cognition (personal) Enthusiasm for shopping –Cost of search Actual product cost Subjective costs (time, anxiety…etc) Opportunity cost –Benefits of search Reduce purchase risk Gained knowledge of additional use

6 PP – Information Search (2of2) Attitudes and Values Information Processing Models –ELM –HEM Cognitive Mapping

7 PP – Evaluation of Alternatives Evoked set method Multi-attribute Approach Affect Referral

8 PP – Purchase Decision Situation Changes Desire for Variety Impulse Decisions Ads, Promos, and other mktg. materials Impact of Friends and Family

9 PP – Post purchase Evaluation Buyer’s Remorse a.k.a post purchase cognitive dissonance –Occurs when: 1.High involvement 2.Expensive item 3.Socially visible purchasing experience (others will know) Importance of managing such remorse in IMC … managing follow-up

10 Buying Environment (1 of 3) Traditional Factors –Demographics (buyer types an attitudes as segmented by demographics) –Heredity and Environment (attitudes and buying habits learned or instinctual) –Family Life Cycle (single, newlywed no children, families young children…) –Life-Changing Events (divorce, marriage, death, major illness in family, parent moves home, …)

11 Buying Environment (2 of 3) New Trends –Cultural change 1.monitor for changes 2.create products and services compatible with changes mktg. messages that build on the changing attitudes being held by target markets How might these current factors impact our decisions to reach our customers with IMC? –Time Pressures –Cocooning –Indulgences/Binges –Excitement/Fantasy –Emphasis on Health –Clanning

12 Buying Environment (3 of 3) Future Trends?? –What factors do you feel will affect advertising in the future? (Group Analysis) Please summarize your analysis so that we can discuss your findings as a class


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