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1 On the Hardness Of TSP with Neighborhoods and related Problems (some slides borrowed from Dana Moshkovitz) O. Schwartz & S. Safra
2 Desire: A Tour Around the World
3 The Problem: Traveling Costs Money 1795$
4 But I want to do so much
5 The Group-TSP (G-TSP) A Minimal cost tour, but All goals are accomplished. TSP with Neighborhoods One of a Set TSP Errand Scheduling
6 The G-TSP Generalizes: TSP Hitting Set
7 G-TSP - The Euclidean Variant TSP – PTAS [Aro96, Mit96] Hitting Set – hardness factor log n [Fei98] Which is it more like ?
8 Approximations [AH94] – Constant for well behaved regions. [MM95],[GL99] – O(log n) for more generalized cases. [DM01] – PTAS for unit disk. [dBGK + 02] – Constant for Convex fat objects.
9 Group Steiner Tree (G-ST) Say you have a network, with links between some components, each with different capabilities (fast computing, printing, backup, internet access, etc). Each link can be protected against monitoring, at a different cost. The goal is to have all capabilities accessible through protected lines (at least for some nodes on the net).
10 The G-ST A minimal cost tree, but All capabilities are accessible. Class Steiner Problem Tree Cover Problem One of a Set Steiner Problem
11 The G-ST Generalizes: Steiner Tree - Each location contains a single distinguished goal. Hitting Set - The graph is complete and all edges are of weight 1.
12 G-ST - The Euclidean Variant ST – PTAS [Aro96, Mit96] Hitting Set – hardness factor - log n [Fei98] Which is it more like ?
13 Some Parameters of the Geometric Variant Dimension of the Domain Is each region connected ? Are regions Pairwise Disjoint ?
14 Mitchell’s Open Problems [Mit00] [21] Is there an O(1)-approximation for the group Steiner problem on a set of points in the Euclidean plane ? [27] Does the TSP with connected neighborhoods problem have a polynomial-time O(1)-approximation algorithm ? What if neighborhoods are not connected sets (e.g. if neighborhoods are discrete sets of points) ? [30] Give an efficient approximation algorithm for watchman routes in polyhedral domain.
15 Previous Result [dBGK + 02] G-TSP in the plane cannot be approximated to within unless P = NP Holds for connected sets, but not necessarily for pairwise disjoint sets.
16 Our Results G-TSP and G-ST Dimension2-D3-Dd Pairwise Disjoint Sets YesNoYesNoYesNo Connected sets -2 - Unconnected sets Resolving [Mit00, o.p. 21 and 27] dBGK+02 Improving [dBGK+02] And resolving [Mit00, o.p. 30] regarding WT & WP
17 gap- G-TSP-[ a, b ] YES - There exists a solution of size at most b. NO - The size of every solution is at least a. Otherwise – Don’t care.
18 From Gap to Inapproximability If we can show it’s NP-hard to distinguish between two far off cases, then it’s also hard to even approximate the solution. the size of the min-Traversal is extremely small the size of the min-Traversal is tremendously big Similarly for G-ST
19 gap- G-TSP-[ a, b ] If gap- G-TSP-[ a, b ] is NP-hard then (for any > 0) approximate G-TSP to within is NP-hard
20 Gap Preserving Reductions Gap-VCGap-G-ST YES don’t care NO YES don’t care NO
21 Hyper-Graphs A hyper-graph G=(V,E), is a set of vertices V and a set of edges E, where each edge is a subset of V. We call it a k-hyper- graph if each edge is of size k.
22 VERTEX-COVER in Hyper-Graphs Instance: a hyper-graph G. Problem: find a set U V of minimal size s.t. for any (v 1,…, v k ) E, at least one of the vertices v 1,…, v k is in U.
23 How hard is Vertex Cover ? Theorems: z[Tre01] For sufficiently large k, Gap-k-hyper-graph-VC-[1- , k -19 ] is NP-hard z[DGKR02] Gap-k-hyper-graph-VC-[1- , (k-1- ) -1 ] is NP-hard ( for k > 4 ) [DGKR02] Gap-hyper-graph-VC-[1- , O(log -1/3 n)] is intractable unless NP µ TIME (n O(log log n) )
24 Main Result Thm: G-ST in the plane is hard to approximate to within any constant factor. Proof: By reduction from Gap-Hyper-Graph-Vertex-Cover. We’ll show that for any k, Gap-ST-[ ] is NP-hard
25 The Construction: X 1
26 Completeness Claim: If every vertex cover of G is of size at least (1- )n then every solution T for X is of size at least (1- )n-1. Proof: Trivial.
27 Soundness Lemma: If there is a vertex cover of G of size at most then there is a solution T for X of size at most.
28 Proof: A Natural Tree T N (U)
29 Proof: A Natural Tree T N (U)
30 Therefore, from the NP-hardness of [Tre01] Gap-k-hyper-graph-VC-[ ] we deduce that Gap-ST-[ ] is NP-hard Hence, (as k is arbitrary large), G-ST in the plane cannot be approximated to within any constant factor, unless P=NP. ▪
31 Using A Stronger Complexity Assumption [DGKR02] Gap-hyper-graph-VC-[ ] is intractable unless NP µ TIME (n O(log log n) ) we deduce that Gap-ST-[ ] in the plane is intractable unless NP µ TIME (n O(log log n) ) Hence, G-ST in the plane cannot be approximated to within unless NP µ TIME (n O(log log n) ). ▪
32 G-TSP Corollary 1: G-TSP cannot be approximated to within any constant factor unless P=NP. Corollary 2: G-TSP cannot be approximated to within unless NP µ TIME (n O(log log n) ).
33 G-TSP Proof: any efficient -approximation for G-TSP, yields an efficient 2 -approximation for G-ST (by removing an edge), as T * G-TSP · 2T * G-ST ▪
34 How about log n ? Why not use the ln n hardness of [Fei98] ? (to obtain a factor of log ½ n)
35 How hard is Vertex Cover ? Theorems: z[Tre01] For sufficiently large k, Gap-k-hyper-graph-VC-[1- , k -19 ] is NP-hard z[DGKR02] Gap-k-hyper-graph-VC-[1- , (k-1- ) -1 ] is NP-hard ( for k > 4 ) [DGKR02] Gap-hyper-graph-VC-[1- , O(log -1/3 n)] is intractable unless NP µ TIME (n O(log log n) ) Completeness We need this (almost) perfect Completeness!
36 Gap Location Theorems: [Fei98] Gap-hyper-graph-VC-[t ln n, t ] is intractable unless NP µ TIME (n O(log log n) ) Where t<1 What’s the problem ?
37 If the two properties are joint Conjecture: Gap-hyper-graph-VC-[1- , log -1 n ] is intractable unless NP µ TIME (n O(log log n) ) Corollary: G-TSP and G-ST cannot be approximated to within log ½ n, unless NP µ TIME (n O(log log n) )
38 Other results Applying it to connected sets, dimension 3 and above. The case of sets of constant number of points. O(log 1/6 n) for Minimum Watchman Tour & Minimum Watchman Path. O(log 1/6 n) for Minimum Watchman Tour & Minimum Watchman Path. 2- for G-TSP and G-ST with Connected sets in the plane. 2- for G-TSP and G-ST with Connected sets in the plane. Dimension d – a hardness factor of and toward a factor of, which generalizes to. Open problems…
39 Open Problems Is Gap-hyper-graph-VC-[1- , log -1 n ] intractable unless NP µ TIME (nO(log log n)) ? zCan we do better than 2- for connected sets in the plane ? Can we do anything for connected, pairwise disjoint sets on the plane ? zCan we avoid the square root loss ? zDoes higher dimension impel an increase in complexity ?
40 2D unconnected to 3D connected
41 Minimum Watchman Tour and Path
42 Triangular Grid – For a better Constant 1
43 G-TSP and G-ST – Connected sets in the plane Theorem: G-TSP and G-ST cannot be approximated to within 2- , unless P=NP Proof: By reduction from Hyper-Graph- Vertex-Cover.
44 The construction d F = E G = (V,E) G’
45 The construction l
46 Making it connected
47 From a vertex cover U to a natural traversal T N (U) |T N (U)| 2d|U| + 2
48 From a vertex cover U to a natural Steiner tree T N (U) |T N (U)| d|U| + 2
49 Natural is the Best Lemma: For some parameter d( ), and for sufficiently large n and l, the shortest traversal (tree) is the natural traversal (tree) of a minimal vertex- cover.
50 Natural is the Best
51 Natural is the Best
52 Natural is the Best
53 Natural is the Best
54 Natural is the Best
55 Natural is the Best |T| ≥ |T’| ≥ |T N (U)|
56 Natural is the Best
57 Natural is the Best
58 Natural is the Best |T| ≥ |T’| - ≥ |T N (U)| -
59 Maximizing the Gap Ratio |T N (U YES )| 2d|U YES | + 2 |T N (U NO )| 2d|U NO | + 2 We want d as large as possible !
60 Maximizing d – for G-ST D ≥ d 2( ρ+d )sin( /n) ≥ d 2( ρ+d ) /n + ≥ d 2 ρ/n + ’ ≥ d ρ d D /n |T N (U)| 2 |U|/n + 2
61 Maximizing d – for G-TSP D ≥ 2d + 2( ρ+d )sin( /n) ≥ 2d + ρ/n + ’ ≥ d ρ d D /n |T N (U)| 2 |U|/n + 2
62 G-TSP and G-ST in the Plane If Gap-k-Hyper-Graph-Vertex-Cover-[A,B] is NP- hard, then (for any > 0) Gap-k-G-TSP-[1+A- ,1+B+ ] is NP-hard Gap-k-G-ST-[1+A- ,1+B+ ] is NP-hard
63 G-TSP and G-ST in the Plane [Tre01] For sufficiently large k, Gap-k-hyper-graph-VC-[ 1- , k -19 ] is NP-hard Therefore (for any > 0), Gap-G-TSP-[2- , 1+ ] is NP-hard and Gap-G-ST-[2- , 1+ ] is NP-hard. even if each set is connected ▪
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