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برنامج  الإتحاد  الأوروبي  لدعم  التعليم  العالي TEMPUS III – MEDA NTO - Egypt Tempus National Tempus Office-Egypt.

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Presentation on theme: "برنامج  الإتحاد  الأوروبي  لدعم  التعليم  العالي TEMPUS III – MEDA NTO - Egypt Tempus National Tempus Office-Egypt."— Presentation transcript:

1 برنامج  الإتحاد  الأوروبي  لدعم  التعليم  العالي TEMPUS III – MEDA NTO - Egypt Tempus National Tempus Office-Egypt Education and Culture Ministry of Higher Education

2 2 Master of Science Course in Applied Environmental Geosciences and Water Recourses Management 2004

3 3 B ackground TEMPUS is the European Community Programme for the development of Higher Education systems

4 4 S pecific O bjectives Establishment of new courses or reform of former ones in the list of national priorities. Help higher education institutions restructure and reform their management. Encourage institutions to work together and set up networks, in a particular discipline. Develop training and capacity building. Provide higher education institutions with some basic materials.

5 5 Tempus Mechanisms Joint European Projects (JEP)  Curricula Development (CD)  University Management (UM)  Institutional Capacity Building (IB) Deadline for Application: 15 December Structural and Complimentary Measures (SCM)  Structural Measures (SM)  Complimentary Measures (CM) Deadline for Application (ONLINE): 15 February & 15 October Individual Mobility Grants (IMG)  Preparation of a Joint European Project Proposal  Participation in a Specific Event  Retraining Period Deadline for Application (ONLINE): 15 February, 15 June & 15 October

6 6 Who can Participate Any higher education institutions officially recognized by the national authorities ( public or private) Industries, companies, professional organizations and social partners All public authorities at local, regional and national level Non governmental organizations (NGO’s)

7 7 2005 News Structural Measures  Innovative projects emphasizing on Processes (Transfer of Know how, Aquisition of skills, etc.)  Addresses issues such as Quality Assurance, Accreditation, recognition of Qualification, etc. Complimentary Measures  Responds to short-term needs for dissemination and transfer of good practice  Projects that build on well-established programs  Provide practical and theoritical foundation for reform policies in the form of training, seminars, etc. Projects SHOULD be Endorsed by the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education, and be a partner, IF POSSIBLE.

8 8 Egyptian Priorities 2005 Joint European Projects Priority will be given to the projects involving several Egyptian higher education institution. The following priorities apply: Curriculum Development  Biology and biotechnology  Environmental sciences (including water resource management)  Mechatronics and informatics  Intercultural studies University Management  Establishment of E-management, total quality management and quality assurance system. Training Courses for Institution Building  No specific priorities Structural and Complementary measures Establishment of National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Exchange of experience focusing on Bologna Process. Improving knowledge resources. Promotion of university-industry-society partnership aimed at establishing certified training centers for technical and vocational training.

9 9 I nput (in Egypt) EC Funding through the MEDA Partnership Agreement  Allocated 11 Million Euro for 2003-2004 (Fully absorbed)  Allocated 12 Million Euro for 2005-2006

10 10 Financial Issues: Generalities Application though Contractor (Grant Holder) Procedure  Application  Evaluation  Approval  Contract Signature  Money Istallments (70%, 20%, 10%)  Reporting (Jan 15th/Y1, March 1st/Y2, Final)  Final Accounting Monitoring Roles and Responsibilities Bank Accounts

11 11 Ligible Funding Mentioned and endorsed Necessary for the implementation of the Project During the Project Duration Book Keeping (Here and there) Examples  Staff Cost (30%), Academic & Administrative  Equipment Cost (30%)  Printing and Publishing  Overheads (7%)  Other Costs

12 12 Illegible Funding Money Investment Loan financing, interests, etc. Furniture, Cars, Research Equipment, Telephones, Mobile Phones, Security and Alarming Systems Hospitalities Fees of usage of equipment Registration and Enrollment fees Infra structure (Buildings, AC, etc.)

13 13 Equipment Inventoried General Buying Rules (<10K€, <50K€, etc.) Tax and Custom exemption

14 14 Travel Cost Travel  Train  Plane Perdiem (full, half, etc.) Inside or Outside Travel Report

15 15 Staff Cost < 30% of the total eligible costs Depend on the Activity not on the Grade Subject to all local taxes Paied in LE Local rates  800 – 1800, 600 – 1000  1000 – 2500, 1500 – 4000 Staff Convention

16 16 How NTO can Help? Letters for issuing visas Letters for tax and customs exemption. Consultation with equipment purchase if done locally. Dissemination and promotion for projects activities and outcomes in HE sector in Egypt. (You are invited for the National TEMPUS Projects’ Forum NTPF-3 March 7 th 2006)

17 17 Roles and Responsibilities Cotractor Coordinator Legal Representative Accounting Book Keeping

18 18 Common Pitfalls Duplication of resources within the same institution (go for more comprehensive and integrated equipments). Sustainability threats. Lack of integration among enhancement projects either within the same institution or across different institutions in the same field of specialization. Inflation in staff cost in early stages of the project that cause shortage by the end of the period.

19 Thank You National TEMPUS Office – Egypt +20 (2) 57 100 35 +20 (2) 34 572 96 +20 (10) 13 999 14 TEMPUS

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