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Working together to make Europe a safer place Initiating European action on youth, risk behaviour and injury prevention AdRisk International Workshop on.

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Presentation on theme: "Working together to make Europe a safer place Initiating European action on youth, risk behaviour and injury prevention AdRisk International Workshop on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working together to make Europe a safer place Initiating European action on youth, risk behaviour and injury prevention AdRisk International Workshop on media and tool development Vienna 7, 8 April 2008 By Ursula Löwe, Austrian Road Safety Board, Vienna

2 The AdRisk Project  The Community Action on Adolescents and Injury Risk (AdRisk) responds to the call from the European Commission´s Public Health Programme for an integrated approach to reduce the injury risk and risk taking behaviour among adolescents aged 15-24 years. Working together with Youth for a safer Europe

3 Context AdRisk shall  Supplement existing activities  Integrate and work closely with existing networks  Fill gaps in knowledge and expertise  Translate existing expertise and complement for effective approaches on youth, risk behaviour and injury prevention Working together with Youth for a safer Europe

4 Focus on Risk taking behaviour  AdRisk should work on aspects that are not yet covered by other projects:  Injury prevention with a focus on the specific risk factors for youth, such as risk taking behaviour.  This is the innovative aspect. Working together with Youth for a safer Europe

5 Results and deliverables Reports and documents European Situation Analysis report Good practice guide Strategy recommendations Toolbox and media to reduce the injury risk among young people Official launch of deliverables: August 2008 Available on website:  National partnership Working together with Youth for a safer Europe

6 National partnership  AdRisk also collaborates with key national actors to initiate national action and to develop a European network on adolescents/ injury prevention/ risk competence  National activities shall be initiated in cooperation with key stakeholders Working together to make Europe a safer place

7 Organization and framing Working together with Youth for a safer Europe WP 1 Coordination KfV Vienna WP 2 Dissemination ULSS 20 VERONA WP 3 Evaluation NCHCA Budapest WP 4 Situation Analysis KTL Helsinki WP 5 Strategy KfV Vienna WP 6 Tools CSI Amsterdam Frame: Eurosafe network

8 Risk taking is fun Working together with Youth for a safer Europe Better be safe than sorry

9 Philosophy Many of the prevention programmes aimed at adolescents are repressive failing to involve the target group in a constructive way. Young people should be viewed as a resource to solve problems. Key issues: life skill development, resilience Working together with Youth for a safer Europe

10 Risk taking is a challenge Working together with Youth for a safer Europe for the development of an adult personality Sind Sie echte Teufelskerle? Stuntman – Superman ? „Viele träumen davon, mal ein Stuntman zu sein: Aus riesigen Höhen fallen, Treppen runterstürzen, in Flammen aufgehen und sogar mit Autos gegen Wände krachen und dabei nicht einen Kratzer davontragen !“ Key issues: risk competence, coping with risk

11 Risk taking behaviour  Risk taking behaviour is normative for this age group  Risk taking is a necessary condition for personal experience, development of life competence Working together to make Europe a safer place

12 Risk taking behaviour  There is evidence that risk taking behaviour is associated with injuries; the more different types of risk taking behaviour shown by a young person – the higher the risk of injuries Working together to make Europe a safer place

13 Communication with Youth Knowledge about possible consequences of risky behaviour does not necessarily diminish the risk taking behaviour Working together with Youth for a safer Europe

14 Working with youth  Policies and measures focus generally on enforcement, legislation, restrictions and engineering  New: working with youth (and not only for them) - promoting self competence on base of own experiences Working together to make Europe a safer place

15 Balancing the handling of risk Working together with Youth for a safer Europe istockphoto Not minimising

16 Risk competence leads to :  Adequate estimation of situations  Perception of own mental and physical state  Appropriate decisions in risky situations  Development of alternative behaviours  Reflection of experience and integration with former experiences (break)  Prevention of injuries Working together to make Europe a safer place

17 Transfer to implementation Where to start ? Different levels  Risk education  Risk and Lifeskill training  Campaigning  Tools and media on risk taking behaviour Working together to make Europe a safer place

18 Tools and Media This workshop aims at presenting and discussing innovative tools and media to address youth and risk behaviour Goals : to exchange, further development and transfer of experiences into further programmes and projets Working together to make Europe a safer place

19 Let´s start Working together to make Europe a safer place We wish you a fruitful exchange and learning process at our international media and tool workshop

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