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Network Services

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1 Network Services











12 Grace Periods & New Network Accounts Kristian Goree

13 Grace Period Requests  Staff are informed 30 days before their contract expires via a "Deregistration notification" email.  If your contract is to be renewed, you are able to apply for a 30 day ‘Grace’ period, so that your computer access will be continued after the contract expiry date.  This form must be submitted before your contract expires.  This is a 3 Step Process Approva l GraceRequest

14 Request  The Extend Computer Access form is available from the Network Services website.  Grace periods can only be given once & can not be given to postgraduate student accounts. Request

15 Approval  After the form is submitted, it goes to the departments designated approver  Network Services then receives an e-mail, approving or rejecting the request Approva l

16 Extension  The Grace period is applied to the account in question.  An confirmation email is sent to both the approver and the staff member. Grace

17 New Accounts  Every staff member will have a computer account created for them when they start employment at Monash.  This is a 5 Step Process and takes approximately 3 days. E-mail PasswordCreationSubmission Approva l

18 Submission  The New Account Registration form is available from the Network Services website. Submission

19 Approval  After the form is submitted, it goes to the departments designated approver  Network Services then receives an e-mail, approving or rejecting the request Approval

20 Creation  Username and staff details are entered into the main university database  An email is received to confirm record entry  This record is updated overnight Creation

21 E-Mail  When the account is created the details are sent to the faculty to have an e- Mail address created (  This update is also an overnight process E-mail

22 Password & Local Account  When the email address is received the account details are sent to the listed contact or the departments default person.  The staff member needs to then call Network Services for their 1 st time password.  This password only lasts for 12hrs and can be changed via the portal.  A local account will also have to be created on the staff members PC Password

23 Rediscover the Web Firefox

24 Birth of Mozilla - 1998 Netscape stopped selling browser software America Online bought Netscape and cast off Mozilla Group America Online donated $2m to The Mozilla Foundation Project is now mostly funded by donations

25 Who Uses Firefox? Globally: 13 % of people use Firefox for their browser Australia: 24% NSW Roads and Traffic Authority De Bortoli Wines RMIT, University of Sydney, Monash

26 Security Internet Explorer has had more security issues. What does this mean? If you use Firefox, currently you are less likely to get adware, browser hijacking (i.e. A different start page set), pop-up advertising, people breaking into your computer.

27 Add Ons Themes: change look Extensions: functionality Plugins: specific content Search Engines: ->

28 Why Use Firefox? Free to use - “Open Source” Cross Platform – No Internet Explorer for Mac More secure – No popups or spyware! Easier to use – Tabbed Browsing Keep Microsoft “on their toes”

29 You Still Need Internet Explorer Content Management System (CMS) Employee Self Service (ESS) Microsoft Windows Update Some web sites only work properly with Internet Explorer. Known University ones are:

30 The Future Internet Explorer 7; Second half 2006 Firefox 2.0; 26th Sept, 2006 Anti Phishing Protection Undo Closed Tab Better RSS support (ABC News, The Australian) Spell As You Type

31 IT Best Practices MMC Network Services

32 this is not secure!

33 Backup Data Keep data on Shared drive Backup to offline media: –CD-R/CD-RW, DVD –External/USB hard drives –USB thumb drives Ghost computer (Network Services can help)

34 Keep computer up-to-date Ensure that Antivirus is running and up-to-date Use Spyware scanners (Anti-spyware program) Configure computers to automatically download and install security updates and patches Perform regular maintenance Start->All Programs->Accessories->System Tools –Disk Cleanup –Scan disk –Disk Defragmentation

35 Secure Computer Always use a (strong) AuthCate password (Novell/Workstation, Email/Proxy) Choosing a secure password guidelines: Lock screen, use screen saver passwords, or logout when computer is not in use Shutdown computer at the end of the day Use a personal firewall

36 Secure Email and Web Utilise spam filtering software for use with your email client Don’t open attachments or click on links in suspicious email 1 Securely configure email clients to turn off the “Preview pane” and to show and block potentially harmful attachments Use alternate browser and mail client (e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Thunderbird, covered in Adam’s presentation) 1 As a general rule don’t open attachments with any of the file extensions.exe,.com,.pif,.scr,.vbs,.js,.ocx,.shs,.reg and.bat

37 Mac Users The same principles of backup and security apply to Mac users

38 Do’s Regular Backups Keep computer up-to-date Secure computer Secure Email and Web

39 Don’ts Give your password details to someone else Post-it your password onto the monitor! Do Internet banking or online buying using credit card unless you are absolutely sure that your computer is fully secure Configure instant messaging software to allow only those on your contacts list to send you messages Save password in email client and browser

40 References and useful links ITS Security tips 7 ways to protect your laptop on the road eroad.mspx Popular Resources On Computer Security Protecting your computer from malicious code Security information for staff

41 References and useful links Secure your wireless network only/home/wireless.html

42 Thursday, June 04, 2015 Network Services Seminar How to keep your computer safe 2006

43 Thursday, June 04, 2015  Viruses and worms try to crawl into it  Hackers try to break into it  Spyware try to watch everything you do When you switch your computer on

44 Thursday, June 04, 2015 1. Install an Antivirus e.g. “Sophos” 2. Install an AntiSpyware e.g. “Defender” 3. Turn Windows Firewall on 4. Turn windows Automatic Updates on 5. Backup your data 5 Ways to keep your pc safe

45 Thursday, June 04, 2015 ♦ If for any reason Sophos Antivirus is not working properly ♦ Icon will change from red to gray ♦ Uninstall Sophos using Add/Remove programs and then reinstall it again. ♦ If it doesn’t fix it please LOG a job with Network Services How to fix Sophos ?

46 Thursday, June 04, 2015 Click Start then Run & Type: Nalwin32 Installing Sophos Antivirus Double click on Sophos in the Novell Application Launcher

47 Thursday, June 04, 2015  Spyware detection and removal  Helps prevent pop-up and ads  Scan in compressed files e.g. Zip  Automatic cleaning Get a free AntiSpyware Free download : Windows Defender Free Download:

48 Thursday, June 04, 2015 Click Start then Control panel Click Windows Firewall & select On Turn Windows Firewall On

49 Thursday, June 04, 2015 Click Start then Control panel Click Automatic Updates & select On Turn Automatic Updates On

50 Thursday, June 04, 2015 Network Services

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