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Experiences on services enabling integration of electronic resources: A to Z (EBSCO) and ScholarSFX (SFX Express with Google Scholar) Natalia Litvinova.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiences on services enabling integration of electronic resources: A to Z (EBSCO) and ScholarSFX (SFX Express with Google Scholar) Natalia Litvinova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiences on services enabling integration of electronic resources: A to Z (EBSCO) and ScholarSFX (SFX Express with Google Scholar) Natalia Litvinova Russian State Library IFLA Standing Committee on Acquisition and Collection Development Mid-term meeting, Granada, March 2007

2 Russian State Library

3 RSL Web site (English version)

4 Russian State Library collections Collections in general Grand total – 43.3 million units Including 12.6 million foreign documents Collections by the kinds of publications Books and pamphlets - 16.7 million items Journals – 12.9 million items Serials – 1.4 million items

5 Electronic resources generated by RSL Grand Total – about 150 thousands items Electronic library of digital dissertations – 115 thousands items Digitized documents from RSL collections: - digitized within special projects (Memory of Russia, Meeting of Frontiers, Russian Literature Online etc.) - digitized for preservation purposes

6 Licensed Resources 47 packages - Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) - American Institute of Physics - American Mathematical Society - American Physical Society - Blackwell Publishing - Business Source Complete (EBSCO) - Cambridge Journals Online - Elsevier Economics Collection and Article Choice

7 Licensed Resources (continued) - Emerald Management Extra - IEEE Electronic Library - Inspec - Integrum Techno (Russian Journals) - Oxford Journals Online - Proquest 5000 - Sage Publications - Springer Collections (Journals and E-books) - Taylor & Francis Journals and others

8 The Russian State Library users and staff need a Union list of titles from Licensed Resources. From the year 2000 to 2006 we composed this list ourselves. The Procedure was as follows: - downloading title lists from vendors platforms - importing the lists into Access database - finding out and analyzing duplicate titles - presenting the resulting list in HTML and putting it on Web site

9 The Union list on RSL Web site (before 2006)

10 The procedure was very time consuming More important, the list should have been updated regularly because of changeable nature of licensed resources, especially those of aggregators

11 Commercial systems A to Z (EBSCO Industries) Serials Solutions (Proquest) Journal Manager (TDNet)

12 Three steps of composing Union list in A to Z

13 The Resulting Union List Title List Summary Total Resource Links: 69,458  Managed Resource Links: 65,816  Custom Resource Links: 3,642 Total Managed Packages: 26 * Unique Resources: 49,189  Unique Managed Resources: 47,886  Unique Custom Resources: 3,636 Total Custom Packages: 3

14 You can customize your site

15 A to Z provides powerful means of collection analysis - by subject - by usage (various statistical data) - by overlap analysis

16 Analysis by subject

17 You can get various statistical data...

18 Overlap Analysis

19 Searching multiple resources one by one is uncomfortable. Our users want to search resources simultaneously and get union lists of documents which have been found. To do this, libraries use metasearch services (MS) and link resolvers (LR). Metasearch services allow searching multiple resources. Link resolvers allow context-sensitive linking which enables getting full texts of documents from the resources library has access to. MS and LR are rather expensive. Libraries have to pay tens of thousands dollars for these services.

20 Google Scholar offers free metasearch service for scientific resources on the Web. Most academic publishers cooperate with Google in this project. Search results in Google Scholar are supplied with OpenURL links. ScholarSFX is a kind of simple link resolver which allows a library to configure it to represent library holdings (resources available to this library) ScholarSFX is offered free of charge to the members of Russian national consortium NEICON.

21 How it works

22 How links work

23 To make this working the Library administrator creates library profile in ScholarSFX The main component of library profile is a set of target resources, that is, the resources library has access to (both licensed and open access resources). The procedure of setting up target resources is similar to that of A to Z: library administrator chooses relevant resources from the list available in ScholarSFX

24 1. Choosing target resources

25 2. Choosing titles (titles available to RSL in American Institute of Physics package)

26 Changing coverage

27 Illustration of resolving links

28 Thank you for your attention Muchas gracias!

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