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Romantic Music, Drama, & Dance

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1 Romantic Music, Drama, & Dance

2 Romantic Music

3 Romantic Music Individuality of Style Expressive Aims and Subjects
Emphasis on self-expression Expressive Aims and Subjects Explored a universe of feeling that included flamboyance and intimacy, unpredictability and melancholy, rapture and longing

4 Romantic Music (cont’d)
Nationalism – inclusion of folk songs, dances, legends, and other national material in a composition to associate it with the composer’s homeland Exoticism – use of melodies, rhythms, or instruments that suggest foreign lands

5 Romantic Music (cont’d)
Expressive Tone Color Reveled in rich and sensuous sound, using tone color to obtain variety of mood and atmosphere Colorful Harmony Seeking greater emotional intensity, composers emphasized rich, colorful, and complex harmonies

6 Romantic Music (cont’d)
Expanded Range of Dynamics, Pitch, and Tempo Wider ranges of dynamics and pitches Rubato – slight holding back or pressing forward of tempo to intensify the expression of the music

7 Art Song Art song – setting of a poem for solo voice and piano, translating the poem’s mood and imagery into music

8 Schubert 1797-1828 Earliest master of the romantic art song
Never held an official position as musical director or organist

9 Schubert (cont’d) First Viennese composer whose income came entirely from musical composition Over 600 songs Songs have a wide variety of moods and styles Uses imaginative harmonies

10 R. Schumann 1810-1856 Embodied musical romanticism
Thought of music in emotional, literary, and autobiographical terms

11 C. W. Schumann One of the leading concert pianists of the 19th-century Premiered many works by her husband Robert Schumann

12 Chopin 1810-1849 The poet of the piano
The only great composer who wrote almost only for the piano

13 Chopin (cont’d) Nocturne – a composition, usually slow, lyrical, and intimate in character, often for piano solo Étude – a piece designed to help a performer master specific technical difficulties Polonaise – composition in triple meter with a stately character, often for piano solo

14 Liszt 1811-1886 Incredible showman and irresistible to women
Controversial music Some consider his music to be vulgar His music was very original

15 Mendelssohn A romantic whose music was deeply rooted in classical tradition Evokes a variety of moods

16 Program Music Program music – instrumental music associated with a story, poem, idea, or scene Absolute music – instrumental music having no intended association with a story, poem, idea, or scene Program symphony – symphony related to a story, idea, or scene, in which each movement usually has a descriptive title

17 Berlioz 1803-1869 One of the first French romantic composers
Music sounds unique

18 Dvořák Followed Smetana as the leading composer of Czech national music

19 Tchaikovsky A popular figure in Russian music and one of the most popular composers in history Mostly remembered for his ballets (The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, and Sleeping Beauty)

20 Smetana 1824-1884 The founder of Czech national music
His works are influenced by folk songs, dances, and legends of his native Bohemia

21 Brahms 1833-1897 A romantic who enhanced classical forms
Created masterpieces in all the traditional forms except opera

22 Verdi 1813-1901 Most popular opera composer
Composed for the public instead of the elite

23 Puccini Composed some of the best loved operas

24 Wagner German composer, conductor, music theorist and essayist primarily known for his operas which can be divided into three chronological periods.

25 Wagner (cont’d) Advanced the art of opera with Tristan and Isolde (his greatest singing opera) and Der Ring des Nibelunge also known as the Ring Cycle Leitmotif – short musical idea associated with a person, object, or thought

26 Mahler 1860-1911 Last great Austrian composer
Music is often programmatic and reflects his constant search for the meaning of life

27 Romantic Drama

28 Melodrama Melodrama – a form of theatre and cinema that means “music drama” Each character has a theme song The plot uses music that accompanies the action for purposes of mood setting and conflict

29 Stock characters Stock characters – stereotypical characters that are not developed as far as motivation and background

30 Romantic Dance

31 Romantic Ballet Golden Age of Ballet
Jean-Georges Noverre – a choreographer who saw the need for reform in ballet Wrote ballet guidelines and created the Seven Basic Movements of Dance

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