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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Blitz Marketing INTERNATIONAL MARKETING - SPECIFIC PRODUCTS- ISEG -2008/2009 SUP 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 copyright Blitz Marketing INTERNATIONAL MARKETING - SPECIFIC PRODUCTS- ISEG -2008/2009 SUP 4

2 copyright Blitz Marketing COURSE N°1 -Review of marketing basic rules -Review of international marketing strategies -Review of basic strategy models -Case study : chinese scooters

3 copyright Blitz Marketing MARKETING It includes all the steps and processing from the concept of the product until its final use by the end user or consumer.

4 copyright Blitz Marketing The anatomy of marketing Value-Strategy-Tactic T differenciation marketing mix selling V brand process service S segmentation positioning targeting s Value Tactic strategy

5 copyright Blitz Marketing International Marketing Strategies The international strategic model affects the marketing strategic model (4P) -Ethnocentric approach (similar to home marketing approach) -Multinational approach ( 4P country adaptation to local competition and consumers/users) -Global approach: mix of ethnocentric and multinational, strong economies of scale, strong product and brand image, platform products.

6 copyright Blitz Marketing Analyse of various strategic focus(B.C.G.) FRAGMENTATION -Little economies of scale -Limited entry barriers SPECIALISATION - ROI -Accurate marketing strategy Dead-end  -no différenciation -no innovating technologies VOLUME -large economies of scale

7 copyright Blitz Marketing Evaluation of business activities per market growth/market share(matrice B.C.G) STARS defending&protect Competitive position Dilemma New segmentation? Repositioning? Give up ? MAJORS Optimisation ROI Dead weights Suppress growing rate 0% 10% 20% corresponding market share 10 10

8 copyright Blitz Marketing Tactict implementations of strategic models Dead end Expansion strategy (extend the existing markets) Marketing incrementals product development,external global and international marketing,sub-contracting Supply chain,costs Strategy of diversification (new marketing propositions) Changing product implementations Customers diversification Sub-contracting Co-contracting Partnership-external growth Internal values chain Present market/product propositions Strategy of differenciation New products, new corebusiness R&D Prospective -innovating Technologies -Partnerships &networks Bus. intel. -Flagship organizatio, MARKETS PRODUCTS

9 copyright Blitz Marketing Case Study Chinese scooters Describe the corporate strategy of the 2 chinese producers. Explain and justify why their lack of marketing strategies is leading to a dead end.What would be your proposals?

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