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Career Development Events Revision Highlights 2012-2016
General CDE Revisions CDE handbook introduction chapter: –Online declaration deadline on June 1 – page v –Online certification deadline on September 15 – page v –Online add/delete deadline on the Tuesday before convention at noon (Eastern) – page v Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (AFNR) Career Cluster Content Standards – all CDEs aligned with standards (see chart at the end of each handbook chapter)
General CDE Revisions (cont.) Team activity – evaluated all event team activities; increased overall impact on total score and added process/teamwork score, where appropriate Four new events to use all four scores for total team score –dairy cattle –milk quality and products (formerly dairy foods) –forestry –livestock Most resource lists were edited to include more recent publications, websites, etc.
Fall Career Development Events November 17, 2011 Milk Quality and Products (Formerly Dairy Foods) Turf Management Fruits & Vegetables Land Judging
Milk Quality and Products Name changed from Dairy Foods to Milk Quality and Products All four scores will count for total team score. Changed to positive scoring Event flow/timing changed to incorporate all revised and remaining activities. Team activity – NEW –Includes performance and/or analysis of acceptability tests on raw milk –Teams will also conduct a verbal presentation reporting their results, impacts and improvement methods. –Scoring includes accuracy of report, content of comments, presentation (written/oral) and teamwork Removed real vs. non-real activity and added fat content identification activity
Milk Quality and Products (cont.) Added cheese property characterization to the cheese identification activity Eliminated milker part identification activity Updated event-specific scan form to align with revisions. NJ’s event will be conducted using National FFA’s format and scoring except for the team activity.
Milk Quality and Products (cont.) Total possible event points – 2,400 points –*Milk flavor identification and evaluation (110 points x 4 members) – 440 points (+80 points from 2006-11) –*Fat identification (25 points x 4 members) – 100 points (new in 2012) –*California mastitis test (65 points x 4 members) – 260 points (same as 2006- 11) –*Cheese type identification (15 points x 4 members) – 60 points (same as 2006-11) –*Cheese characteristic identification (25 points x 4 members) – 100 points (new in 2012) –*Problem solving (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (+300 points from 2006-11) –*Written exam (160 points x 4 members) – 640 points (+240 points from 2006- 11) –Team activity – 400 points (+375 points from 2006-11)
Winter/Online Career Development Events March 21, 2012 Agronomy Farm Business Management Forestry Meat Evaluation and Technology
Agronomy Updated regional crop list Incorporated a yearly rotation in the grain grading practicum. Grain grading scorecard will be crop specific and released before convention in team orientation packet. Updated weeds, crops and machinery identification lists *State event will remain the same using the updated lists
Agronomy (cont.) Total possible event points – 5,000 points –*Examination (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (same as 2006-11) –*Identification (150 points x 4 members) – 600 points (same as 2006-11) –Soils (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (same as 2006-11) –Commodity (250 points x 4 members) – 1,000 points (same as 2006-11) –Diagnostic (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (same as 2006-11) –*Pest Management (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (same as 2006-11) –*Insect Identification (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (same as 2006-11) –*Equipment & Machinery Identification (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (same as 2006-11) –Team activity – 1,000 points (same as 2006-11)
Farm Business Management Incorporate more diverse farms (i.e. orchards, vineyards) in the event problem Included team activity observers’ scoresheet to handbook. No major event changes. Total possible event points – 1,200 points –Written exam (300 points x 3 members) – 900 points (same as 2006- 11) –Team activity – 300 points (same as 2006-11) State event will remain the same.
Forestry All four scores will count for total team score. Timber cruising changed from a rotational individual practicum to an annual individual activity Equipment identification changed from an annual individual activity to a rotational individual practicum. Updated tree identification specimen list (added 14 specimens to list). Updated equipment identification list (added 4 items to list). Updated tree disorders identification list (added 2 items and deleted 4 items on list).
Forestry (cont.) Total possible event points – 3,050 points –General knowledge exam (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (+100 points from 2006-11) –Tree Identification (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (+130 points from 2006-11) –Issues interview (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (+100 points from 2006-11) –Timber cruising (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (+100 points from 2006-11) –Two forestry practicums (200 points x 4 members) – 800 points (+200 points from 2006-11) –Team activity – 450 points (+200 point from 2006-11)
Meats Evaluation and Technology Individual activities: –Beef quality and yield grading Change from 6 carcasses to 3-5 carcasses Answer to nearest 0.1 of the yield grade instead of answering to the nearest one-third of a grade. Scoring will be pro-rated closely to the old system. –Four to six placing classes instead of six standard placing classes Eliminated lamb carcasses as a placing class. Possible new classes (within the 4-6 placing classes): –Processed/cured ham or loin retail cut class –Keep/cull class (new in 2012) – Example – page 3 –Value-based pricing beef placing class (new in 2012) – Example–pages 3-5 –Question classes (same as 2006-11)
Meats Evaluation and Technology (cont.) Individual activities (cont.) –Retail meat cuts identification (change from 40 to 30 cuts; add cookery method; cuts list updated to reflect the current industry) –Meat formulation problem solving –Written exam Team activity – NEW –Includes four scenario-based team practicums chosen from handbook examples each year. –Not every example will be used each year; an example could be used multiple times in one year. Updated event-specific scan form to align with revisions.
Meats Evaluation and Technology (cont.) Total possible (maximum) event points – 2,420 points –Written exam (80 points x 3 members)– 240 points (+5 points from 2006-11) –Meat formulation problem (50 points x 3 members) – 150 points (same as 2006-11) –Retail meat cut identification (180 points x 3 members) – 540 points (-180 points from 2006-11) –Beef quality and yield grading – 144-240 points –Placing classes – 600-900 points –Ten questions (50 points x 3 members members) – 150 points (same as 2006-11) –Team activity – 200 points (+160 points from 2006-11) NJ event will remain the same
Spring Career Development Events April 19, 2012 Agricultural Sales Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems (Formerly Agricultural Mechanics) Environmental Natural Resources Floriculture Nursery/Landscape
Agricultural Sales Big Changes both state and national New event will be composed of three parts (Event format – page 1): –Team Activity –Individual Sales Activity –Individual Written Exam Product(s) used in team activity and individual sales activity will be chosen by committee and released before convention in the team orientation packet and FFA website. Participants will not be selecting their own product for the individual sales call activity.
Agricultural Sales (cont.) Team activity consists of composing a pre-call plan for a variety of customer types and present findings to judges. –Each participant is allowed to bring a one-inch binder containing product information to team activity. –No laptops, flip charts, dry erase boards or other presentation equipment will be used. Information and product(s) from the team activity will be used in the individual sales activity. –Participants will directly sell to the product(s) to the judge(s) who will fit one of the customer profiles identified in the team activity. –Not all individual sales calls will result in a closed sale. –Emphasis on rapport building and probing questions in individual sales activity.
Agricultural Sales (cont.) Total possible event points – 1,150 points –*Individual written exam (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (same as 2006-11) –*Team activity – 150 points (new in 2012) –*Individual sales call (150 points x 4 members) – 600 points (new in 2012)
Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems Changed name from Agricultural Mechanics to Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems Omitted industry/marketing system practicum and added electrical systems practicum Revised team activity rubric to include teamwork/process scores *State Event will undergo changes following the National FFA Convention. Event will still have written exam and individual activities, both hands on and problem solving.
Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Systems (cont.) Total possible event points – 1,000 points –*Written examination (50 points x 3 members) – 150 points (-150 points from 2006-11) –*Individual activities (5 @ 30 points x 3 members) – 450 points (same as 2006-11) –Team activity – 400 points (+150 points from 2006-11) *State Event will have different points structure
Environmental Natural Resources Teams will be evaluated on their ability to work together in team activity. Changed annual practicums to consist of a writing exercise and identification (omitted global issues interview). Increased emphasis on writing exercise in the team activity as well as individual practicums. Soil analysis (replaced soil nutrient test) and soil profile practicums revised to include analysis of lab results and interpretation guides. Revised all scorecards to include more description and detailed rubrics.
Environmental Natural Resources (cont.) Total possible event points – 3,800 points –*Written exam (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (same as 2006-11) –*Writing exercise (100 points x 4 members) – 400 points (new in 2012) –*Identification (400 points x 4 members) – 400 points (new in 2012) –*Rotational practicums (4 @ 100 points x 4 members) – 1,600 points (same as 2006-11) –Team activity – 1,000 points (same as 2006-11)
Environmental Natural Resources (cont.) NJ Specific: –Written Exam –Writing Exercise – Create a written document of 250 words or less. (Press release, letter to the editor, etc.) –Identification – ID Fifty Items – New List –Practicum Rounds – Two per year Water Analysis Soil Analysis (lab analysis) Soil Profile GPS Locations Environmental Analysis Waste Management
Floriculture Added equipment identification list. Incorporating computers into event as a whole instead of having just one specific “computer skills” practicum as a rotating option. Incorporated “Potting of Plant Cuttings,” “Asexual Propagation of Plants” and “Pinching Plants” from individual practicums to the “Growing Procedures” rotational practicum. NJ specific: –Written Exam –Identification –Problem Solving –1 Annual Practicum –2 Rotational Practicums
Floriculture (cont.) Total possible event points – 5,700 points –*Identification of plant material (200 points x 4 members) – 800 points (same as 2006-11) –*General knowledge exam (250 points x 4 members) – 1,000 points (same as 2006-11) –*Problem solving (200 points x 4 members) – 800 points (same as 2006-11) –*Practicums (525 points x 4 members) – 2,100 points (same as 2006-11) –Team activity – 1,000 points (+800 points from 2006-11)
Nursery/Landscape Phase 1 – Team activity is the same (scenario and presentation), but has different general themes: –Promotions, start up business plan, consulting, customer service, service-learning or community involvement Phase 2 – Team Skills Challenge – NEW –Includes more application/hands-on activities (Examples – page 3) –Teams will accomplish Challenge tasks individually, in pairs or more, as determined by team members according to skills, experience and preference
Nursery/Landscape (cont.) Eliminated landscape drawing activity and assessment/solution activity. Increased overall event activity focus on commercial, residential, public and recreational use of nursery and landscape principles (including interiorscapes and turf grass) NJ’s event: –Written Exam –Identification –Verbal or Written customer assistance –Landscape Estimate –1 Nursery Propagating/Potting activity
Nursery/Landscape (cont.) Total possible event points – 2,000 points –*Written exam (150 points x 3 members) – 450 points (same as 2006-11) –*Identification (150 points x 3 members) – 450 points (same as 2006-11) –*Landscape estimating (100 points x 3 members) – 300 points (same as 2006-11) –**Verbal customer assistance (50 points x 3 members) –150 points (same as 2006-11) –**Written customer assistance (50 points x 3 members) – 150 points (same as 2006-11) –*Nursery Propagation/Potting (50 points x 3 members) – 150 points (same as 2006-11) –Team Activity (50 points x 3 members + 100 points) – 250 points (same as 2006-11) –Team Skills Challenge – 100 points (new in 2012)
Dairy and Livestock Career Development Events April 2012 Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation (Formerly Dairy Cattle Evaluation) Livestock Evaluation
Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation Changed name from Dairy Cattle Evaluation to Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation –Rationale for change: new name integrates dairy management team activity and application skills related to career opportunities in the management of dairy operations. All four scores will count for total team score. –Event rules – page 1 –Previously in this event, teams were allowed to bring 3 or 4 participants and only the top three scores counted toward the final team score.
Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation (cont.) Team activity – NEW –Dairy farm management scenario with problem identification and solution recommendations given by participants in a presentation to judges. –Presentation content and communication are evaluated –Team activity topic rotation (Event format – page 2) 2012 & 2016: Genetics/Reproduction 2013: Feeds/Nutrition 2014: Housing/Facilities 2015: Health/Diseases
Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation (cont.) Incorporated linear evaluation, pedigree and sire selection practicums into team activity. Written test will have 50 questions: forty questions about dairy management and industry and ten questions utilize dairy herd record evaluation (Sample record evaluation sheet – page 7) Updated event-specific scan form to align with revisions.
Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation (cont.) Total possible event points – 3,000 points –General Knowledge Exam (150 points x 4 members) – 600 points (same as 2006-11) –Evaluation (300 points x 4 members) – 1,200 points (same as 2006-11) –Oral Reasons (150 points x 4 members) – 600 points (same as 2006-11) –Dairy Management Team Activity – 600 points (+450 from 2006- 11)
Dairy Cattle Management and Evaluation Only change on the state level – 4 participants are mandatory. We will continue to adhere to the rules set forth by Delaware Valley College Del Val will use the top three participants from each team to make-up the team score. Still eligible for awards. NJ FFA will re-rank based on teams of 4 and provide official team rankings.
Livestock Evaluation All four scores will count for total team score. Team activity – NEW Updated event-specific scan form to align with revisions.
Livestock Evaluation (cont.) Total possible event points – 3,500 points –Eight evaluation classes (400 points x 4 members) – 1,600 points (+400 points from 2006-11) –Four reasons classes (200 points x 4 members)– 800 points (+200 points from 2006-11) –Three individual keep/cull classes (150 points x 4 members) – 600 points (new in 2012) –Written test (50 points x 4 members) – 200 points (-100 points from 2006-11) –Team activity – 300 points (+150 points from 2006-11)
Livestock Evaluation (cont.) Only change on the state level – 4 participants are mandatory. We will continue to adhere to the rules set forth by Delaware Valley College Del Val will use the top three participants from each team to make-up the team score. Still eligible for awards. NJ FFA will re-rank based on teams of 4 and provide official team rankings.
State Convention Career Development Events May 22 & May 23, 2012 Agricultural Issues Creed Speaking Extemporaneous Speaking Job Interview Parliamentary Procedure Prepared Public Speaking
Agricultural Issues Forum Portfolio deadline moved from September 15 to August 15 State title of portfolio in the form of a question (not doing so results in loss of points) Portfolios will only be accepted with one staple or spiral binding (no binders, folders, sheet protectors, etc.)
Agricultural Issues Forum (cont.) Presentation scorecard – same point allocation, added descriptors –Scorecard – page 7 –Rationale for change: better training tool for local/state level; less subjectivity in judging Total possible event points – 150 points/round –Portfolio – 25 points (same as 2006-11) –Presentation – 125 points (same as 2006-11)
Creed Speaking New Scorecard No major event changes Total possible event points – 1,000 points (same as 2006-11) –Oral communication – 200 points –Non-verbal communication – 400 points –Question/Answer – 400 points
Extemporaneous Public Speaking New Scorecard No major event changes Total possible event points – 1,000 points (same as 2006-11) –*Oral communication – 600 points –*Non-verbal communication – 400 points
Job Interview Utilize electronic/online job application instead of paper forms. The telephone interview has been changed to an “initial telephone contact” where the participant will be contacted by the company’s human resources department to set up interview time, ask clarifying questions, etc. All scores from preliminary round will be carried over for participants advancing to the final round. Incorporated a scenario-based, impromptu networking activity (i.e. career fair, mixer) for top eight participants in final round Included more detailed descriptors in all event scorecards
Job Interview (cont.) All scores from preliminary round will be carried over for participants advancing to the final round. Incorporated a scenario-based, impromptu networking activity (i.e. career fair, mixer) for top eight participants in final round Included more detailed descriptors in all event scorecards NJ event: –Cover letter –Resume –Application (paper-based) –Personal Interview –Preliminary follow-up letter –No finals round
Job Interview (cont.) Total possible preliminary round points – 1,000 points –*Cover letter – 100 points (same as 2006-11) –*Resume – 200 points (+50 points from 2006-11) –*Application – 100 points (+50 points from 2006-11) –Initial telephone contact – 50 points (new for 2012) –*Personal interview – 500 points (+50 points from 2006-11) –*Preliminary follow up letter – 50 points (-50 points from 2006-11) Total possible final round points – 1,600 points –Preliminary round points – 1,000 points (same as 2006-11) –Networking activity – 100 points (new in 2012) –Final round personal interview – 500 points (+50 points from 2006-11)
Parliamentary Procedure Written exam will be changed to the Society of Agricultural Education Parliamentarians (SAEP) accreditation exam –Part 1 of the exam will be five open book parliamentary procedure research questions using the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. –Part 2 of the exam will be forty-five (45) multiple-choice questions taken from Dunbar’s Manual of Parliamentary Procedure Test Questions and Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised. –All participants scoring a total exam score of at least 80% will be recognized as Accredited Parliamentarians by SAEP and receive a certificate at the award banquet.
Parliamentary Procedure (cont.) Teams advancing to the semifinal and final rounds will complete a short parliamentary procedure scenario outlining a practical problem instead of the secretary’s minutes. Minutes will still be presented in the preliminary round. Updated “Form 2 – Team Score Sheet” NJ’s event will remain the same while utilizing new scorecards.
Parliamentary Procedure (cont.) Included more detailed descriptors in the minutes scorecard –Scorecard – page 12 –Rationale for change: better training tool for local/state level; less subjectivity in judging Total possible event points – 1,000 points –*Written exam – 150 points (+50 from 2006-11) –*Presentation – 670 points (-80 points from 2006-11) –*Oral questions – 135 points (+35 from 2006-11) –*Minutes (preliminary round) – 45 points (-5 points from 2006-11) –Team problem solving activity (semifinal and final rounds) – 45 points (new for 2012)
Prepared Public Speaking New scorecard No major event changes Total possible event points – 1,000 points –Manuscript – 200 points (-100 points from 2006-11) –Presentation – 800 points (+100 points from 2006-11)
Summer Career Development Events June & July 2012 Poultry Evaluation Dairy Handlers Activity Horse Evaluation
Poultry Evaluation Class name changes –Class 1: Market Broilers (formerly “eight meat-type cockerels or pullets for broiler breeding selection”) –Class 2: Egg-type hens (formerly “evaluating hens for production”) –Class 5: Four RTC carcasses for placing (formerly “four carcasses for grading”) –Class 8: Fifteen chicken eggs for exterior quality grading (formerly “ten chicken eggs for exterior quality grading”) –Class 10: Boneless Further Processed Poultry Meat Products (formerly “ten further-processed poultry meat products for evaluation”) –Class 11: Bone-In Further Processed Poultry Meat Products (new for 2012) –Class 12: Ten chicken carcass parts for identification (formerly Class 11)
Poultry Evaluation (cont.) Expanded classes 8 and 9 to include 15 eggs for exterior quality grading and evaluation criteria. Split further processed poultry meat products into two classes – boneless and bone-in classes. Total possible event points – 2,450 points –Twelve classes (600 points x 3 members) – 1,800 points (same as 2006-11) –Written exam (150 points x 3 members) – 450 points (same as 2006-11) –Team activity – 200 points (same as 2006-11) NJ’s event will be based on the format used by Delaware FFA. Delaware FFA anticipates holding their event in June.
Dairy Cattle Handlers Activity No activity revisions Total points possible – 100 points (same as 2006-11)
Horse Evaluation Identification classes changed from team activity to individual activity Team activity – NEW (Event format – page 2) –Part 1: Practical Application Activities –Part 2: Team Scenario and Presentation Updated event-specific scan form to align with revisions.
Horse Evaluation (cont.) Total possible event points – 2,170 points –Breed identification class (20 points x 3 members) – 60 points (new in 2012) –Tack and equipment identification class (20 points x 3 members) – 60 points (new in 2012) –Two halter and one reason class (300 points x 3 members) – 900 points (same as 2006-11) –Two performance and one reason class (300 points x 3 members) – 900 points (same as 2006-11) –Team activity – 250 points (+150 points from 2006-11)
Horse Evaluation NJ event will follow the format set forth by Delaware FFA.
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