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PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS One Short Sentence Description of What You Do Your Name, Your title/role Insert Your Organization Logo.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS One Short Sentence Description of What You Do Your Name, Your title/role Insert Your Organization Logo."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS One Short Sentence Description of What You Do Your Name, Your title/role Insert Your Organization Logo

2 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Problem Clearly define the problem Identify who has this problem Identify the size/severity of the problem (quantitative) Slide/story technique to help the audience relate and understand: – Problem scenario or use case (tell the story of an individual person to make it “real”) – Use Pictures! – Credibility from objective 3 rd parties and statistics 2

3 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Innovative Solution How exactly do you address this problem? How is your solution unique and more effective than alternatives? Describe your product or service in terms of benefits. This slide should have photos, product/service screen shot, or a diagram so that people can “see” what you do. If it is important to show how your solution fits in with other products or services, show a value chain diagram. 3

4 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Traction Org Founded in [YEAR] (and if applicable: Program started in [year]) [NUMBER] full-time employees, [NUMBER] part-time In market as of [DATE] [NUMBER] Clients/Customers [NUMBER] of partners (if you need them, use logos) Note patents or certifications or accreditations Press coverage, awards – only the most important 4

5 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Market Size How many potential customers/clients exist that you could serve? If there are different categories of customers/clients, show how your “market” is segmented. A pie graph or other visual form works if labeled clearly. Explain how you prioritize the segments - “This is our initial market because…” If you are a for-profit enterprise, translate potential customer #s to potential $$: – What is your addressable market (# potential customers x price). – What is a realistic market penetration estimate Credibility comes from objective 3 rd party statistics 5

6 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Customers: Who do you serve? Photo Credit: Arvind Balaraman Describe current customers/clients. (Show logos if businesses. Note how many customers and if for- profit, average revenue per customer) If you have no customers/clients yet, use this slide to describe who your ideal customer/client would be. 6

7 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Business Model State how you price your product/service and what it costs you to provide it. Identify sources of revenue and cost Judges will be looking for evidence that you are thinking about sustainability and growth, whether you are non-profit or for-profit. 7

8 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Partners & Collaboration If partners are critical to your success, note them here (show logos if organizations). Be clear about what they do for you and the status of the relationship (would like to partner with them, vs. already working together). If partners aren’t critical to your success delete this slide. 8

9 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Marketing Plan What are your key insights about market or customer dynamics? How do/will your clients/customers find out about your product or service? Who are the decision makers and influencers of your customer/client? In what type of sales or outreach activities are you engaging? 9

10 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Alternatives [Or for-profit: Competition] Who else is trying to solve the same problem? How is your approach different/better? Is there evidence (outcome rates, etc) that supports this? Sometimes a grid can be a compelling way to visually show this: Org 1Org 2Org 3US Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3 10

11 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Team Who do you have on your team that will help you execute your plan successfully and what do they bring to the table Focus on results more than credentials May also note key advisors Name, role, logos of previous experience for key people NAME – CEO 20+ year ___ industry vet Founder [PREVIOUS ORGANIZATION] [EDUCATION if relevant] Logos related to experience 11

12 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS Financials For-profit: Show financial growth "hockey stick" in a bar graph with 1 bar for revenue and 1 for net income for 3-5 years. Clearly label the graph and note assumptions underneath. Non-profit: Show projected program growth with funding and costs in a similar manner. Differentiate between grants and earned income funding. $XK $XXK $XXXK $XXK $XM $XXK Key Assumptions: 12

13 PRESENTED BY SOCIAL VENTURE PARTNERS The Ask What we need now is (specifics) Use of Funds: – “Hire key talent in ____” – “Expand distribution of _____” Plan for continuing to grow beyond this funding round (answer the sustainability question) Sum it up - With your investment/grant support we will [provide what outcome] by [doing what], leading to [what overall good/vision of the world]. Photo Credit: Sujin Jetkasettakorn 13

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