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School of Mechanical Engineering 1.Quiz 3 today—Chapters 6 & 7; Picture Make-Up next week! 2.Co-op Opportunities—OPP, Room 118 in Potter Engr. Bldg. --

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1 School of Mechanical Engineering 1.Quiz 3 today—Chapters 6 & 7; Picture Make-Up next week! 2.Co-op Opportunities—OPP, Room 118 in Potter Engr. Bldg. -- Linda Olechowski 3.Black Cultural Center—sign up by Tuesday, November 1 4.Global Profile next week—1000 words, November 3. 5.Global Semester 6—”ETA-SJTU”—apply by December 15. Global Engineering Professional Seminar ME 290 Agenda Week 10: October 27, 2011

2 Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2011 2 ›1.Make BCC appointment by Tuesday, November 1, Week 11. ›3. Profiles are due NEXT WEEK, November 3, Week 11. ›4. Post “Profiles” on GlobalHUB, Week 14. ›5. Complete bonus point seminars, Week 14. ›5. Apply for ETA-SJTU Semester 6, Week 15. Looking ahead:

3 Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2011 3 ›Unique among all Purdue Engineering! Open to all ME’s Open to all ME’s(only) in good standing! SJTU Gate ›Class-size group, flying to Shanghai January 5, 2012—34 ME’s, start classes same as Purdue on January 9th—in China! Fifth year for this program! ›Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) Mechanical Engineering program ranked #1 in China! ›No additional cost (includes air-fare), Purdue calendar for classes, all classes count (credit transfers), no delay in graduation! Your semester “6”?

4 Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2011 4 ›Overview of the document—indicates the purpose of the profile. ›Discuss your background briefly—i.e., introduce yourself by including the basics such as—name, current affiliation/s, program of study (BSME, etc). ›Some background—why engineering? Why mechanical engineering at Purdue? Profile—Part I

5 Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2011 5 ›Identify current degree program by name and by university. ›Identify specific “path” through this program—minors, international programs, languages. ›Name and describe summer internships, part-time employment, supplemental programs and experiences. ›Include co-curricular activities at Purdue, e.g., ASME, Purdue Bands, etc., as they relate to professional credentials, e.g., opportunities to gain leadership skills. Profile – Part II

6 Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2011 6 ›What career goals to you hold out for yourself? Do you want to have your own company? ›What focus do you want to develop? Energy? “Green”? Biomedical? ›Vision: Looking ahead, how to you expect to contribute—as a global engineer-- to the big technological issues of this century? Profile—Part III

7 Global Engineering Professional Seminar Fall 2011 7 ›National Academy of Engineering “Grand Challenges” Ethics (also class hand-out!) plus your experience! ›GlobalHUB Helpful links for profiles….

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