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CS460 Spring 2011 Review. Overview Course overview Propositional Logic Example CSP Example Hints for Final.

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Presentation on theme: "CS460 Spring 2011 Review. Overview Course overview Propositional Logic Example CSP Example Hints for Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS460 Spring 2011 Review

2 Overview Course overview Propositional Logic Example CSP Example Hints for Final

3 Course Review AI introduction Agents Searching – Uninformed – Informed – Local Adversarial search Constraint satisfaction problems Propositional Logic Looking ahead

4 Propositional Logic Example 7.22 (homework problem), minesweeper

5 C. For each cell that has been probed, take the resulting number n revealed by the game and construct a sentence with 8 choose n disjuncts. Conjoin all the sentences together. Then use DPLL to answer if this sentence entails X[I,j]for the I,j needed. d. To encode the global constraint that there are M mines altogether, we can construct a disjunct with N choose M disjuncts, each of size N. For N=100 and M=20, this works out to over 10**39, which is too large for any computer. However, we can represent the global constraint within the DPLL algorithm itself, by adding min and max parameters to the DPLL function, to represent the minimum and maximum symbols that must be true in the model. For an unconstrained problem, min=0 and max=N. For the minesweeper, we can use M for both min and max. Modify DPLL to fail if min< remaining or max <0. Run DPLL recursively by subtracting 1 from both min and max when true is assigned to a symbol.


7 CSP Example Download and install JaCoP Java Constraint Programming package. Look at examples – Zebra problem (6.7 in textbook)

8 Hints for Final Review and make corrections on all the midterm problems Review all homeworks Review the posted ppts / pdfs on the wiki page Review the midterm review and final review sessions Review the textbook sections corresponding to the class notes Review aima code packages that you used in homeworks and saw in class. Do selected problems at the back of the chapters in the book.

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