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Spring Meeting April 17, 2008.  Welcome and Introductions.

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Presentation on theme: "Spring Meeting April 17, 2008.  Welcome and Introductions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spring Meeting April 17, 2008

2  Welcome and Introductions

3  Larry R. Miller Scholarship  Ms. Lucy Loftus, HSC

4  Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Award  Ms. Lucy Loftus, HSC

5  CAST Associates Award  Ms. Maralee Johnson

6  University Level Awards  Dr. Lori Woeste, HSC  University Service Initiative Award  Dr. Winn Mahatanankoon, ITK  University Teaching Initiative Award  University Research Initiative Award

7 CAST 2007-2008 Outstanding Teacher ◦ Dr. Guang Jin, HSC

8 CAST 2007-2008 Outstanding Service Award ◦ Dr. Lori Woeste, HSC

9 CAST 2007-2008 Outstanding Researcher ◦ Dr. Chris Merrill, TEC

10  Mr. Vern Hanks, HSC  Dr. Marty Power, FCS  Dr. Beth Verner, KNR  Dr. Susan Winchip, FCS  Dr. Robert Zant, ITK

11  Mr. Vern Hanks, HSC

12 Dr. Marty Power, FCS

13  Dr. Beth Verner, KNR

14  Dr. Susan Winchip, FCS

15  Dr. Robert Zant, ITK

16  Congratulations to all our CAST Colleagues!

17  STATE OF THE COLLEGE 2007-2008

18  Strengths  Faculty  Teaching  External Funding & Scholarship  Service  Staff

19  CAST Vision & Mission  TEAL  Advancement Award  College digital signage project  CAST in Focus  Science & Technology Week

20  CAST strategic planning was used in defining major objectives in CAST for FY2009 1. …premier comprehensive undergraduate programs. 2. …graduate education programs that have a state, national, and international reputation for excellence. 3. …state, national, and international recognition for quality research and scholarship.

21 4. …outreach initiatives that enhance the public and private sectors. 5. …state-of-the-art technology and infrastructure that is sensitive to a healthy, safe, and environmentally sustainable campus. 6. …attracts, develops, and maintains meaningful relationships with internal and external constituencies.

22  CAST FY 2009 Budget Priorities  Restoration of College operational dollars  Travel  Recapitalizing equipment  New GA’s and increased stipends  Funds to relocate faculty in McCormick



25  College Staff  Dr. Deb Gentry, Associate Dean  Dr. Alan Lacy, Associate Dean  Ms. Dorothy Witte, Director of Development  Ms. Suzie Zeigler, Administrative Assistant  Ms. Cindy Greskiwcz, Secretary  Ms. Kate Plantholt, Coord. of Instructional Tech  Mr. Chris Andre, Computer Support Specialist  Mr. James Hearn, Computer Support Specialist  Mr. Vince Boyd, Assistant to the Dean

26  DEPARTMENT CHAIRS and SCHOOL DIRECTORS  Rob Rhykerd, Agriculture  Dave Falcone, Criminal Justice Sciences  Connor Walters, Family and Consumer Sciences  Terry Dennis, Information Technology  David Thomas, Kinesiology and Recreation  Marilyn Morrow, Health Sciences  LTC Eugene Snyman, Military Science  Rick Boser, Technology

27  And, I want to thank YOU!

28  CASTing a future for Illinois citizens, communities, and economy.

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