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 Working backwards  Do any of the phrases appear in the string?  Check for each phrase independently  If any appears, condition is TRUE  If TRUE,

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Presentation on theme: " Working backwards  Do any of the phrases appear in the string?  Check for each phrase independently  If any appears, condition is TRUE  If TRUE,"— Presentation transcript:


2  Working backwards  Do any of the phrases appear in the string?  Check for each phrase independently  If any appears, condition is TRUE  If TRUE, then type "True Blue", else type "Not True Blue"

3  Functions: FIND, SEARCH  Both return ERROR if not found  ISERROR returns TRUE if error  How do I get a TRUE if found?

4  IF “UNC” is FOUND OR “Heels” is FOUND  IF FIND(“UNC) is NOT an ERROR OR FIND(“Heels”) is NOT an ERROR  OR( NOT(FIND(“UNC”)), NOT(FIND(“Heels”)) )

5  TRUE and FALSE are simply two branches  But sometimes its easier to think AND rather than OR  It is NOT TRUE BLUE if all of the searches fail (AND)  It is TRUE BLUE if any of the searches succeed (OR)

6  Consider the following two statements: If A is false or B is false If A is true and B is true  Let’s look at the truth table: ABNOT A or NOT BA and BNOT (A and B) 00101 01101 10101 11010

7  5A+5B == 5(A+B)  Well, in Boolean… ~A OR ~B == ~(A AND B) ~A AND ~B == ~(A OR B)

8  OR( NOT(FIND(“UNC”)), NOT(FIND(“Heels”)) )  NOT( AND( FIND(“UNC”), FIND(“Heels”) )

9  What if not a blank after UNC?  See True Blue Worksheet

10  Using PROPER causes the following quirk: I’Ve John’S  Is there a way to fix it? See Apostrophe Worksheet

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