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LOGO Analysis of Unemployment Qi Li Trung Le David Petit Brian Weinberg Dwaraka Polakam Doug Skipper-Dotta Team #4.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Analysis of Unemployment Qi Li Trung Le David Petit Brian Weinberg Dwaraka Polakam Doug Skipper-Dotta Team #4."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Analysis of Unemployment Qi Li Trung Le David Petit Brian Weinberg Dwaraka Polakam Doug Skipper-Dotta Team #4

2 Table of Contents Concepts of Unemployment 1 Descriptive Data Analysis 2 Statistical Analysis 3 Conclusions 4 Questions? 5

3 Group #4 Concepts of Unemployment EmployedUnemployedNot Looking Population Labor Force Labor Force: People willing to work at market equilibrium wage, both employed and unemployed Unemployment Rate: Number of Unemployed/Labor Force Keynesian View: Unemployment consists of excess labor supply in market economy Classical View: The unemployed consist of those searching for jobs

4 Team #4 Descriptive Statistics  Data from prior studies

5 Variables  Unemployment Rate  No Degree/Degree  Men/Women  White/Minority  Other Rates  Crime Rate  Suicide Rate  Welfare Budget  Annual Income Per Capita

6 Team #4 Descriptive Statistics  Histograms  Crime Rate  Annual Income  Suicide Rate  Welfare Budget  Unemp Rate

7 Team #4 Descriptive Statistics  Histograms No Degree Women White Minor Unemp Rate Men Degree

8 Exploratory Data Analysis Team #4 Test for Equality of Means Between Series Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:04 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 MethoddfValueProbability t-test18-0.6195310.5433 Satterthwaite-Welch t-test*15.10255-0.6195310.5448 Anova F-test(1, 18)0.3838190.5433 Welch F-test*(1, 15.1025)0.3838190.5448 *Test allows for unequal cell variances Analysis of Variance Source of VariationdfSum of Sq.Mean Sq. Between10.8405 Within1839.4172.189833 Total1940.25752.118816 Category Statistics VariableCountMeanStd. Dev.Std Mean Err WOMEN_UNEMP105.321.1093540.350809 MEN_UNEMP105.731.7745420.56116 All205.5251.4556150.325485  Unemployment rates between Men and Women have no significant difference  High f-test probability  A labor market that does not discriminate on the basis of sex

9 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  Unemployment Rate is Regressed against male unemployment rate and female unemployment rate  The regression is Significant as seen by the F-stat  The variables are both equally significant in the unemployment rate as seen by their the t-stat  Therefore male and female unemployment rates are very close. Dependent Variable: UNEMP_RATE Method: Least Squares Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:20 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. C0.0145420.1095220.1327760.8981 MEN_UNEMP0.5366520.03768414.24070 WOMEN_UNEMP0.4602340.0602817.6348590.0001 R-squared0.999796 Mean dependent var5.538 Adjusted R-squared0.999738 S.D. dependent var1.4607 S.E. of regression0.023633 Akaike info criterion-4.409 Sum squared resid0.00391 Schwarz criterion-4.318 Log likelihood25.04513 Hannan-Quinn criter.-4.5086 F-statistic17187.56 Durbin-Watson stat3.3868 Prob(F-statistic)0

10 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  Without a constant, the regression variables have even greater significance Dependent Variable: UNEMP_RATE Method: Least Squares Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:15 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. MEN_UNEMP0.5319680.0124142.864860 WOMEN_UNEMP0.4680.01366734.243310 R-squared0.999796 Mean dependent var5.538 Adjusted R-squared0.99977 S.D. dependent var1.460706 S.E. of regression0.022134 Akaike info criterion-4.60651 Sum squared resid0.003919 Schwarz criterion-4.54599 Log likelihood25.03255 Hannan-Quinn criter.-4.6729 Durbin-Watson stat3.327676

11 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  Unemployment rates between those with a degree and those without differ significantly Test for Equality of Means Between Series Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:06 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 MethoddfValueProb t-test18-5.6304310.000 Satterthwaite-Welch t-test*12.48443-5.6304310.001 Anova F-test(1, 18)31.701750.000 Welch F-test*(1, 12.4844)31.701750.001 *Test allows for unequal cell variances Analysis of Variance Source of VariationdfSum of Sq.Mean Sq. Between132126055 Within18182409171013384 Total19503669722650893 Category Statistics VariableCountMeanStd. Dev. Std. Err. Of Mean DEGREE_UNEMP101547.6582.9332184.3397 NO_DEGREE_UNEMP104082.41298.829410.7259 All2028151628.156364.0668

12 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  There is no significant relationship (as seen by the t-stats) between having a degree and being unemployed or having no degree and being unemployed  Intuitively this seems very wrong and can be accounted for by the constant.  In the next slide the constant will be removed Dependent Variable: UNEMP_RATE Method: Least Squares Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:18 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. C1.3946680.41333.374490.0118 DEGREE_UNEMP0.0015120.001351.124470.2979 NO_DEGREE_UNEMP0.0004420.00060.732030.4879 R-squared0.991372 Mean dependent var5.538 Adjusted R-squared0.988907 S.D. dependent var1.461 S.E. of regression0.15385 Akaike info criterion-0.662 Sum squared resid0.165688 Schwarz criterion-0.57 Log likelihood6.311784 Hannan-Quinn criter.-0.762 F-statistic402.1441 Durbin-Watson stat0.437 Prob(F-statistic)0

13 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  With the Constant removed both variables become significant  Small coefficients imply a very small effect on the unemployment rate Dependent Variable: UNEMP_RATE Method: Least Squares Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:19 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. DEGREE_UNEMP-0.0026320.00083-3.1691110.0132 NO_DEGREE_UNEMP 0.002350.000327.3410460.0001 R-squared0.977336 Mean dependent var5.538 Adjusted R-squared0.974503 S.D. dependent var1.4607 S.E. of regression0.233243 Akaike info criterion0.1034 Sum squared resid0.43522 Schwarz criterion0.1639 Log likelihood1.483058 Hannan-Quinn criter.0.037 Durbin-Watson stat0.492591

14 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  Annual Income is not significant when regressed with a constant  Low t-stat and R 2 Dependent Variable: AN_INC_PER_CAP Method: Least Squares Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:24 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. C28599.635233.2135.4650230.0006 UNEMP_RATE1099.2916.70161.1990810.2648 R-squared0.152344 Mean dependent var34687 Adjusted R-squared0.046388 S.D. dependent var4113.64 S.E. of regression4017.095 Akaike info criterion19.6114 Sum squared resid1.29E+08 Schwarz criterion19.6719 Log likelihood-96.05681 Hannan-Quinn criter.19.545 F-statistic1.437796 Durbin-Watson stat0.41066 Prob(F-statistic)0.264805

15 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  This regresses the Unemployment rate vs the Crime rate  We found that the unemployment rate is not a significant factor in the crime rate as seen by the low f-stat and the low t-stat Dependent Variable: CRIMERATE Method: Least Squares Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:26 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. C125.241516.14427.757680.0001 UNEMP_RATE1.1310032.8279780.3999330.6997 R-squared0.019601 Mean dependent var131.505 Adjusted R-squared-0.102948 S.D. dependent var11.8 S.E. of regression12.39253 Akaike info criterion8.04892 Sum squared resid1228.599 Schwarz criterion8.10944 Log likelihood-38.24461 Hannan-Quinn criter.7.98254 F-statistic0.159947 Durbin-Watson stat0.45088 Prob(F-statistic)0.699672

16 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  This regression has the Unemployment Rate vs Suicide Rate  We found that there is a slight relationship between the two  The f-stat is low, but the R 2 indicates that there is some relationship between the variables Dependent Variable: SUICIDE_RATE Method: Least Squares Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:31 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. C10.314780.36848627.99230 UNEMP_RATE0.12680.0645481.9644420.0851 R-squared0.325409 Mean dependent var11.017 Adjusted R-squared0.241085 S.D. dependent var0.32469 S.E. of regression0.282856 Akaike info criterion0.4891 Sum squared resid0.640059 Schwarz criterion0.54961 Log likelihood-0.445485 Hannan-Quinn criter.0.42271 F-statistic3.859031 Durbin-Watson stat0.58848 Prob(F-statistic)0.085072

17 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  Welfare regressed against unemployment shows a significant relationship between the two  Intuitively, as the number of unemployed people grows, the greater demand for welfare Dependent Variable: WELFARE_BUDGET Method: Least Squares Date: 11/25/10 Time: 21:34 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. C1131949327896.73.452150.0087 UNEMP_RATE159511.557437.652.7771240.024 R-squared0.490849 Mean dependent var2015323 Adjusted R-squared0.427205 S.D. dependent var332568 S.E. of regression251698.6 Akaike info criterion27.8867 Sum squared resid5.07E+11 Schwarz criterion27.9472 Log likelihood-137.4335 Hannan-Quinn criter.27.8203 F-statistic7.712418 Durbin-Watson stat0.35586 Prob(F-statistic)0.024031

18 Team #4 Exploratory Data Analysis  Here the Unemployment Rate is regressed against multiple variables  All variables are significantly contribute to the Unemployment Rate  Annual Inc per cap coefficient is negative, suggesting a higher income implies a lower unemployment rate  Surprisingly, as crime rate increases unemployment decreases Dependent Variable: UNEMP_RATE Method: Least Squares Date: 11/28/10 Time: 12:20 Sample: 1 10 Included observations: 10 VariableCoefficientStd. Errort-StatisticProb. AN_INC_PER_CAP-0.0004110.000113-3.647430.0148 CRIMERATE-0.0835540.02457-3.400710.0192 SUICIDE_RATE4.7287421.3832113.4186690.0189 WELFARE_BUDGET5.61E-061.13E-064.9795030.0042 C-32.6309411.73778-2.779990.0389 R-squared0.948687 Mean dependent var5.538 Adjusted R-squared0.907637 S.D. dependent var1.46071 S.E. of regression0.443928 Akaike info criterion1.52054 Sum squared resid0.98536 Schwarz criterion1.67184 Log likelihood-2.602719 F-statistic23.1103 Durbin-Watson stat2.027352 Prob(F-statistic)0.00201

19 Team #4 Statistical Analysis Income Welfare Suicide Constant Crime Unemployment What does it effect? – +

20 Team #4 Statistical Analysis UnemploymentUnemployment Significant Regressions Education Sex Ethnicity

21 Team #4 Conclusion  Recap:  Regressing unemployment rate with these a few durations has no meanings.  Unemployment rates between Men and Women have no significant difference  We can compare different sample means:  Unemployment rates between Men and Women have no significant difference:  Unemployment rates between Degree and No Degree have significant difference:  Regress unemployment rate with men and women unemp (with c and without c):  Regress unemployment rate with degree and no degree unemp (with c and without c):  Regress annual income with unemployment rate (not significant, no relationship):  Regress crime rate with unemployment rate (not significant, no relationship):  Regress suicide rate with unemployment rate (not significant, some relationship):  Regress welfare budget with unemployment rate (significant, strong relationship):  Regressing unemployment rate with these four variables has no meanings.  Regress Unemployment with Annual Income, Crime rate, Suicide rate, Welfare budget(Significant)

22 Team #4 Conclusions  I have no money and cannot get any work  Father, can ’ t I have a piece of bread  I say father, could you get some specie claws?  I ’ m so hungry  My dear, cannot you continue to get some food for the children I don ’ t care for myself  I say Sam, I wonder where we are to get our Costs  **Warrant Distraint for rent**

23 Team #4 Future Investigations  Next time, I top down approach how does state and county unemployment break down.

24 Team #4 Future Investigations  Or a bottom up approach that considers the dynamic between US unemployment and international unemployment.

25 LOGO Team #4

26 Technical Appendix CountryRates:InterestGrowthInflationJoblessExchange Current Account United States 0.25%2.00%1.20%9.60%82.92 -123 Year JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2010 9.7 9.6 2009 2008

27 Team #4 Works Cited   mployment  http::// e:Panic1873.jpg  ipedia/commons/c/ce/Chomage- oecd-t3-2009.png

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