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1 Boiler Green Initiative (BGI) Design Review 11/14/08 Boiler Green Initiative
2 Agenda Overview of team Pay-As-You-Throw Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
3 Team Overview: BGI The BGI team is involved with creating, designing, and implementing systems benefiting the local community and environment Boiler Green Initiative
4 Team Overview: Organization Team Leader: Ken Little Hillel HousePay-As-You-Throw Project Leader: Matt Leon William Naville Nicole Samuelson Heather Carhart Caroline Early Yitian Hu Cassie Sands Allyssa Stoll Bhakti Khandagale Rachel Roberts Project Leader: Udit Pandey Ken Little Boiler Green Initiative
5 Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) Project Review 11/14/08 ARMS 1098B Boiler Green Initiative
6 Introduction Heather Carhart – Senior in Quantitative Agricultural Economics Caroline Early – Sophomore in Communications Yitian Hu – Sophomore in Civil Engineering Bhakti Khandagale – Freshmen in First Year Engineering Udit Pandey – Sophomore in Mechanical Engineering Rachel Roberts – Senior in Math Education and Natural Resources & Environmental Science PAYT Boiler Green Initiative
What is Pay-As-You-Throw? System where residents pay for Waste service based on trash thrown out or put at curbside Residents only pay for what they use similar to utility system Two Basic PAYT systems: Volume and Weight Volume uses bags, tags, or stickers Weight uses various can sizes per pound More than 5,000 communities in the U.S. practice PAYT Cities large and small, rural and urban Boiler Green Initiative
8 Community Need Our project partner: Rev. Peter Bunder Investigate an alternative waste and recycling system for the city of West Lafayette Benefits to Addressing Community Needs Proposal and innovative ideas presented to Rev. Peter Bunder and West Lafayette Go Greener Commission Equity in the community Encourage recycling in the greater society PAYT Boiler Green Initiative
9 Community Need Relevance to the project partner Design Question: Is a metered trash or Pay-As-You-Throw program feasible for the city of West Lafayette? Reasoning: Avoid an increase in resident’s sanitation bill Current system is a fixed rate for a variable amount of waste Current system is not sustainable PAYT Boiler Green Initiative
10 Goals of the project Duration of Project: 12 months Goals: Proposal for pilot program and PAYT program Not currently addressed: Education and Implementation Potentially addressed next semester PAYT Overall Objectives: Case Studies in Bloomington, Indiana and Lansing, Michigan & Pilot Program in West Lafayette’s 2 nd District Boiler Green Initiative
11 Goals of the Project What is the success criterion? Presentation of concise and current information concerning the PAYT program, endorse a specific rate structure design What are the deliverables? A proposal for best method to implement a PAYT program for the city of West Lafayette. PAYT Boiler Green Initiative
Background Information Boiler Green Initiative
13 Background Research Research Case Studies and current waste disposal system of West Lafayette Additional information that could be utilized. We could also use first hand knowledge and reviews of PAYT programs in Indiana and grants that will financially aid the implementation and sustenance of the program. PAYT Boiler Green Initiative
Benefits to PAYT program 14 Environmental Sustainability: Effectively promotes waste reduction Economic Stability: Stable revenue covers cost of services Equity: Economically fair delivery of services PAYT offers “a direct economic payback to the people” —San Jose elected official Boiler Green Initiative
Benefits to a PAYT program Duke University National Study 14 to 27% average waste reduction 32 to 59% increase in recycling Source: Examples of U.S. Cities Saving Wilmington, NC (population 75,000) $400,000 per year Littleton, NH (population: 5,800) $40,000 in extra funds with PAYT Gainesville, FL (population: 96,000) $186,200 savings San Jose, CA (population: 850,000) reduced cost by $4 million annually Boiler Green Initiative
Barriers to a PAYT program Potential for illegal dumping Potential for uneven cash flow due to variable rates An increase in administrative costs Identifying trash to residents in multiple unit housing Boiler Green Initiative
Bloomington Case Study & Current West Lafayette Waste System Boiler Green Initiative
Collectable Trash from Household Municipal Solid Waste Collected once a week Large items: sofas, chairs, mattresses, tables etc. Solid Waste Hoosier Disposal Recyclable: Paper, metal can, glass container, plastic Collected once every two weeks Yard waste Collected once a week during spring, summer & fall Good Earth Large Appliance: refrigerator, stoves, washer, etc Collected once a month and require a contact with Sanitation Department in advance Freon : Nu Genesi Non Freon:JB Salvage FREE Two Yellow sticker ($4) per bin One Yellow sticker ($2) per bin One green sticker ($1) per bin Two Yellow sticker ($4) per bin Figure 1 Bloomington, Indiana
19 Bloomington: Overview of Regular Services PAYT 2004200520062007 Tons of Trash 7,347.436,665.736,924.266,538.66 Tons of Recycle 2,795.182,870.902,877.652,869.51 Tons of Yard1,624.051,073.251,620.001,649.00 Per Sticker Fee $1.00$2.00 Per Sticker Fee $0.25$1.00 Trash Sticker Revenue $580,500.50$926,000.00$930,000.00$906,940.00 Yard Sticker Revenue $26,154.00$88,000.00$73,500.00$68,465.00 Total Revenue $606,654.50$1,014,000.0 0 $1,003,500.0 0 $975,405.00 Tons of trash decreased from 2004 – 2007 by approximately 800 tons which in cost is $30 thousand in ATF Number of households served: 15,100 In 2007, next revenue from tags was approximately $960,400 Boiler Green Initiative
Lansing, Michigan: Overview of Services Proportional Rate System utilizing both Bags for trash and stickers for bulk items. Blue Billy Trash Carts System 32 gallon = $38.00 per 3 months 65 gallon = $48.00 per 3 months 95 gallon = $49.00 per 3 months (includes 3 extra 30 gallon bags on side) $50 annual fee that covers recycling costs Purchase a package of 5 blue bags for $8.75 at convenience stores and local grocery stores as needed. Yard waste is collected between April and November. Large Items over 30 pounds and/or longer than 4 feet in length, such as furniture must be tagged with a bulk collection sticker ($33.00 per sticker). Restrictions: nothing over 30 pounds and/or 4 feet in length without bulk item sticker 20 Boiler Green Initiative
21 Collectable Trash from Household Municipal Solid Waste Collected once a week Solid Waste & Large Items Tippecanoe County Transfer Station Large Appliances (without chemicals) Oscar Winski Lafayette Recyclable: Paper, metal scraps & cans, glass, plastic Collected once every two weeks Streets, Sanitation, and Recycling Center of W.L. Newspaper to Regal Indianapolis Mixed Paper to Transfer Systems Frankfort Scrap metal to Oscar Winski Lafayette Yard waste Collected once a week (Oct - Dec can be on curb but other times in a can) Soil Maker Drop off Bins for Specific Neighborhoods: mixed paper Collected once a month and require a contact with Sanitation Department to start service Streets, Sanitation, and Recycling Center of W.L. Transfer Systems Frankfort Figure 2 West Lafayette, Indiana $9 garbage bill each month FREE Part of garbage bill
22 West Lafayette: Overview of Regular Services Number of households serviced: 4650 There are six routes for each service. For solid waste (trash + large items: 4 workers and 2 trucks. For yard waste: 6 workers and 3 trucks. For recycling: 2 trucks with 1 worker each. Neighborhood drop off bin service. An additional service is the recycling drop off center. PAYT Boiler Green Initiative
Services in Detail West Lafayette … Solid Waste … Yard Waste … Recycling … Boiler Green Initiative
Budget & Future Semester Plans Boiler Green Initiative
25 Preliminary Budget Item AmountDate Trash pick up survey(PAYT)(3000 surveys)$750Fall 08 Pilot project success surveys (1000 surveys)$250Spring 09 Bloomington, IN field trip to study PAYT program$140Spring 09 Total: $1,140.00 PAYT Boiler Green Initiative
26 Discussion of Future Plans/Current Decisions Currently, our team has begun the Rate Structure Design in which we have many decisions and aspects to consider. Following a decision concerning billing process, rate structure design we will complete a proposal suggesting a method to implement a Pay-As-You-Throw program in West Lafayette. PAYT Boiler Green Initiative
Rate Structure Decisions: 27 Proportional Variable Two-tiered/ Multi-tiered Boiler Green Initiative
Rate Structure Design 28 Program goals Waste Prevention Greater Equity (greater level of fairness) Extended landfill capacity (ATF) Revenue Stability Addressing Barriers Well-designed rate structures can help communities control illegal diversion and cooperation between departments and collaborative community efforts can prevent enforcement difficulties Pricing System : Proportional, Variable Rate, Multi-tier Analysis: estimate price based on budget or perform advanced rate setting analysis for projected year Keys to Success: Complementary Programs & Education Boiler Green Initiative
Rate Structure Design Proportional Pricing System : Each household spends $10 per month Creating a $558,000 revenue generated from the sale of trash tags, which is much more than generated from $9 fixed rate without including increase in recycling revenue generated 29 Assumptions: Current W. Lafayette Trash Trends PAYT National Trends Proportional Estimate 35 gallons of trash weighs no more than 40 pounds Estimated Need per Household is 5 tags/bags (35 gal) per month Boiler Green Initiative
30 Questions? Project Partner Liaison: Caroline Early Website: Boiler Green Initiative
31 Hillel House Project Review 11/14/08 Boiler Green Initiative
32 Introduction Matt Leon (Project Leader, Management, Senior) Kenneth Little (Engineering, Senior) William Naville (Engineering, Freshman) Nicole Samuelson (Engineering, Freshman) Cassie Sands (Engineering, Freshman) Allyssa Stoll (Engineering, Freshman) Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
33 Community Need Relevance to the project partner What is the need that is being addressed? Hillel House currently uses many of the same structures and appliances that were established with the house’s initial construction in 1959 and are in need of updating. The building is wasting energy through excessively high heating and cooling bills. Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
34 Community Need Initial contact was made with the organization for the analysis of potentially establishing a green roof on the building. Reducing building energy consumption will allow more funds to be directed to the students in the organization and improve the building. Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
35 Goals of the Project The BGI team will create a strategic plan to maximize energy savings with minimal capital input and implement small scale repairs and additions. Our team will not be able to install large scale projects such as window replacement, electrical rewiring, or heating and cooling system changes. Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
36 Goals of the Project What is the success criteria? The success of this project will come from reducing energy costs for Hillel House at a rate that will justify the initial investment. Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
37 Solution Feasibility Chart Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative RequirementSolution 1Solution 2Solution 3 SolarPassive solar heating/lighting Solar water heatingSolar power generation Green RoofPartial extensive roofFull extensive roofIntensive roof WinterizationCeiling insulation, outlet insulation Wrap windows, replace broken panes, caulk windows Crawl space insulation Geothermal Heating/Cooling Horizontal boringVertical drillingStandard horizontal loops FeasibleNot FeasiblePossible
38 Solar: Overview Goals of Solar Energy Reduce electricity use from grid Creative use of passive solar to reduce heating/cooling needs Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
39 Solar: Proposed Solutions Passive solar Use natural lighting to reduce interior lighting needs Can be utilized while minimizing window surface area during replacement Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
40 Solar: Proposed Solutions Solar water heating Reduce heating costs for hot water production Minimal hot water consumption makes this option less necessary Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
41 Solar: Proposed Solutions Photovoltaic cells Reduce the use of electricity from grid (Duke Energy) Climate limits viability in Indiana $23,000: 3.87 kW system would return $345.73/year in electricity costs ( 66.5 year payback Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
42 Green Roofs: Overview A building roof covered partially or fully by vegetation. Provides insulation for the house which would increase energy efficiency. Save cooling costs up to 75% in the spring and summer. Reduces water runoff, can retain as much as 60 percent of all rainwater. Insert Project Name Here Boiler Green Initiative
43 Green Roofs: Partial extensive Vegetation covers only specific sections of the house. Cheaper than full roof. However, costs more per square foot. Can be placed in strategic locations. Insert Project Name Here Boiler Green Initiative
44 Green Roofs: Full extensive The roof size of the Hillel House is 5850 sq ft. It costs about $13.80 per square foot to install a green roof. Total cost of $80,671 At the current electricity prices, they would save about $420 per year with a green roof. 192 year payback Boiler Green Initiative
45 Green Roofs: Limitations It is much more cost effective on a larger scale than the Hillel House. May not be cost effective enough to implement on the Hillel House. The roof needs to be structurally sound. The condition of the Hillel House roof may not be adequate and full saturated weight is between 20-50 lbs/sq.ft. Environmental benefits far outweigh financial benefits Insert Project Name Here Boiler Green Initiative
46 Winterization: Overview Winterization Insulation Wrap Windows Replace Window Panes Replace Window Caulking Insert Project Name Here Boiler Green Initiative
Infrared Heat Loss Images 47
48 Winterization Insulation Keeps energy from escaping from the building and into the atmosphere, which keeps cost down. Wrap Windows Keeps energy form escaping. Similar to insulation. Replacing Broken Panes Replacing these panes will directly affect energy loss because we are fixing a hole in the wall. Boiler Green Initiative
49 Winterization Solutions Insulation Caulking around windows, ceiling, and outlets Wrapping Windows Clear wrap around all windows to help insulate Replacing Broken Panes Taking out broken pane and replacing it. Insert Project Name Here Boiler Green Initiative
Geothermal: Overview Geothermal heating/cooling systems use a heat pump and a system of underground exchangers to heat and cool a building more efficiently than conventional methods. 50 Boiler Green Initiative
Geothermal Options Vertical Loop This method requires loops of pipes to be ran 20- 40’ underground for heat exchange. Horizontal Loop This method requires a long distance of loops to be ran 5’ underground in a large area. Horizontal Boring This method uses the same design as a horizontal loop; however, the loops can be bored at 90 degree angle to rest under structures. 51 Boiler Green Initiative Vertical Loop Horizontal Loop
Rain Garden: Overview A shallow constructed depression that is planted with deep-rooted native plants & grasses. Easiest, most cost effective, and aesthetically pleasing thing that can be done to reduce the contribution to storm water pollution. 52 Boiler Green Initiative
Rain Garden: Benefits Personal water quality system because it filters the runoff from your roof and lawn and recharges the groundwater. Reduces the need for an irrigation system. Aesthetically pleasing while fixing the current walkway. 53 Boiler Green Initiative
Rain Barrels What is a rain barrel: Collects and stores rainwater from rooftops to use later for lawn and garden watering. Benefits: Conserves water and help lower costs Reducing water pollution by reducing storm water runoff 54 Boiler Green Initiative
55 Preliminary Budget Item Amountindv Price Total Cost Caulking245.00120.00 Shrink-It Window Sealer Kit2013.29265.80 Window Pane177.00 TOTAL392.80 Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
56 Discussion of Future Plans Fall Semester ‘08 Finish feasibility report Winterize building Spring Semesters ‘09 Design and install landscape/rain garden Begin implementation of feasible and accepted projects (i.e. double pane windows, heat pumps, etc.) Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative
Questions? 57 Boiler Green Initiative
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