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The learner will write the correct definition of onomatopoeia and recognize onomatopoeia in literary works.

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2 The learner will write the correct definition of onomatopoeia and recognize onomatopoeia in literary works.

3  Onomatopoeia is the literary device that relies on words that imitate the sound that they name.  They’re sound effect words or noise words.  Writers choose these words as a way of conveying the sound of the things that they are describing and emphasizing something about the scene that they’re describing.

4 Boom Meow Crash Sizzle Crunch Buzz Zap


6 Can you think of any literary works you have read that demonstrate onomatopoeia? Were there any books or cartoons from your childhood that used onomatopoeia? Are you reading/watching anything currently that uses onomatopoeia? Can you make up any of your own onomatopoeia words? Why do you think poets and writers use onomatopoeia in their writing?

7  Look over the poem that you have on your desk by Edgar Allen Poe “The Bells.”  After you have glanced over the poem, go through the first stanza and underline the words that would fit into the onomatopoeia definition.  When the whole class is done with the first stanza, we will go over it together.

8 Hear the sledges with the bells— Silver bells! What a world of merriment their melody foretells! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, In the icy air of night!

9  Get into a group of three or four and finish reading the rest of the poem.  While reading, underline onomatopoeia that is used and discuss why you think as a group that the author used that word. What does it add to the poem?  When each group is done, we will gather back together as a class and create an analysis on the words we have found.

10  What is the definition of onomatopoeia?  What are key words to consider when looking for onomatopoeia?

11  For homework, you will go through two other poems, “The Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes and “Honky Tonk in Cleveland, Ohio” by Carl Sandburg.  While reading, underline the onomatopoeia words.  At the end of each poem, write a couple sentences as to why you think the author used onomatopoeia and how the poem was enhanced by using onomatopoeia.

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