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RESPC "The purpose of the Renewable Energy Special Projects Committee (RESPC) shall be to increase the use of renewable energy and sustainable practices.

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Presentation on theme: "RESPC "The purpose of the Renewable Energy Special Projects Committee (RESPC) shall be to increase the use of renewable energy and sustainable practices."— Presentation transcript:

1 RESPC "The purpose of the Renewable Energy Special Projects Committee (RESPC) shall be to increase the use of renewable energy and sustainable practices through funding of renewable energy, energy efficiency, maintenance, and energy education projects on campus.” - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Student Code Erin Hiatt - Co-chair June 16, 2010

2 The Committee  A Green Energy Campaign establishes the $4 per semester fee in 2003  Referendum every 4 years (originally every 2 years)  2003 – 74.5% voted in favor  2005 – 85% voted in favor  2009 – 83% voted in favor  Composed of Students and Ex-Officio members  Students – Voting Members and Student Group  Ex-Officio Members – Carolyn Elfland, Ray DuBose, Cindy Shea, Warren Jochem, Chris Martin  Mandate expanded with the 2009 referendum

3 Energy Production Increasing Renewable Energy Sources on Campus

4 Morrison Dorm – Solar Thermal Panels  2007 (Dorm Renovation)  $184,000 (SEO Grant of $137,455)  172 panels  Over $10,000 saved since installation (+ $180,000 saved due to energy conservation measures)  Interactive Display

5 Botanical Gardens – Geothermal Wells  30 Wells at the NC Botanical Garden’s Visitor Education Center  $210,000 allocated Spring 2007  Dedicated and Opened to the Public October 12, 2009

6 Genomics Parking Deck– PV Solar Panels  Photo Voltaic Panels over both Stairwells  15 on each  Allocated $150, 000  6 kW System  Remote Monitoring System Wiring

7 Energy Conservation Improving Energy Efficiency on Campus

8 PlayMaker’s Theatres – Efficient Lights  Received a Proposal in Fall 2009  Replaced Lights in Paul Green and Kenan Theatres  Information Shared with Community

9 Labs - Shut the Sash Campaign  March 15, 2010 in Caudill, Hooker, and Chapman Labs (Containing VAV Hoods)  Partnership with Sustainability Office and Green Labs Committee  Reached over 600 Individuals (Returned Pledge Cards)  Reductions Seen in All Applicable Labs

10 Partnerships (Efficiency and Education)  Dorm Laundry Rooms – Motion Sensors  Housing  McColl Building Study Rooms – Motion Sensors  Net Impact  SEO Grant – Student Internships  Institute for the Environment  Morrison Building Contest  Energy Management Office  SEO Grant – Increased Lab Efficiency (Hooker and Thurston Bowles)  Energy Management Office  EcoRep Program  EAC; Sustainability Office; Energy Management; Energy Services

11 Looking Ahead  Fetzer Gym  Solar thermal panels  Cobb Deck  Solar thermal panels  Would contribute to hot water usage of 18 dorms  EconoLite Elevator Technology + LED lights  Collaboration with Capstones  New Technologies

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