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TSF: Trajectory-based Statistical Forwarding for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Data Delivery in Vehicular Networks Jaehoon Jeong, Shuo Guo, Yu Gu, Tian He,

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Presentation on theme: "TSF: Trajectory-based Statistical Forwarding for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Data Delivery in Vehicular Networks Jaehoon Jeong, Shuo Guo, Yu Gu, Tian He,"— Presentation transcript:

1 TSF: Trajectory-based Statistical Forwarding for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Data Delivery in Vehicular Networks Jaehoon Jeong, Shuo Guo, Yu Gu, Tian He, and David Du Department of Computer Science and Engineering June 23, 2010 ICDCS 2010

2 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) 2  ITS provides the transport safety and efficiency through the computing and communications among transport systems.

3 Vehicle Trajectory 3  Vehicle follows the route provided by GPS-based navigation systems for efficient driving. GPS-based Navigation Vehicle Trajectory  Vehicle moves along its trajectory with bounded speed.

4 Road Network Layout 4 Road MapRoad Network Graph  Road network layout can be represented as road map.  This road map can be reduced to the road network graph.

5 Vehicular Traffic Statistics 5 Road Map Road Segment Vehicle Density  Vehicular traffic statistics can be measured per road segment.  Vehicle density can be measured by vehicle inter-arrival time.

6 Motivation We design Data Forwarding for Vehicular Networks based on these four characteristics of road networks:  Vehicle Trajectory  Road Network Layout  Vehicular Traffic Statistics Data Forwarding for Vehicular Networks  In this paper, we investigate the Data Forwarding for Infrastructure-to-Vehicle Data Delivery. 6

7 Problem Definition 7 Good Rendezvous Point !

8 Challenge in Reverse Data Forwarding 8 Target Missing! Inaccurate Delay Estimation The destination vehicle moves along its trajectory.

9 9 Data Delivery by VADD from AP to Target Point Expected DelayActual DelayError 489 sec413 sec16% Expected STDActual STDError 10 sec139 sec1277% Difficult to deliver packets with these errors!

10 Packet Forwarding based on Stationary Nodes 10  Assume each intersection has a stationary node for packet buffering. 1. Source Routing to Target Stationary Node 2. Source Routing to Destination Vehicle

11 Target Point Selection 11 Miss! Hit!  Target point with a minimum delay and a high delivery probability. Minimum Delay Target Point

12 Design Challenges 12 How to model Packet Delay and Vehicle Delay?  Modeling of Packet Delay Distribution and Vehicle Delay Distribution as Gamma Distributions How to select an Optimal Target Point?  Optimal Target Point Selection Algorithm using the Distributions of Packet and Vehicle Delays

13 Link Delay Model 13 Case 1: Immediate Forward Case 2: Wait and Forward

14 Link Delay Model 14 Case 1: Immediate Forward Case 2: Wait and Forward Let d be the link delay for a road segment. 1. Expectation of link delay 2. Variance of link delay Case 1 Case 2

15 Link Delay Distribution Link Delay is modeled as Gamma Distribution: 15 Where

16 End-to-End Packet Delay Model 16

17 Vehicle Delay Model 17

18 Delay Distributions for intersection i Optimization Optimal Target Point Selection 18

19 Performance Evaluation Simulation Setting  Road Network: 5.1miles x 5.6 miles (49 intersections)  Communication Range: 200 meters (656 feet) Performance Metrics  Average delivery delay  Packet Delivery ratio Baselines compared with TSF  Random Trajectory Point (RTP)  Last Trajectory Point (LTP) 19

20 CDF Comparison for Delivery Delay 20

21 Impact of Vehicle Density 21  For TSF, as the more vehicles exist, 1.The shorter delivery delay is obtained and. 2.The higher delivery ratio is obtained.

22 Impact of Delivery Probability Threshold 22  For TSF, as the threshold α increases, 1.The delivery delay increases and. 2.The delivery ratio increases.

23 Conclusion This paper designs a trajectory-based statistical data forwarding tailored for vehicular networks,  Considering road network characteristics: Vehicle Trajectory Road Network Layout Vehicular Traffic Statistics As future work, we will continue to investigate vehicle trajectory for vehicular networking:  Data Forwarding, Data Dissemination, and Vehicle Detouring Protocol. 23

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