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S TUDENT I NTERNATIONAL B USINESS C OUNCIL (SIBC) Position Descriptions – Spring 2010 Elections Peace through Commerce.

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Presentation on theme: "S TUDENT I NTERNATIONAL B USINESS C OUNCIL (SIBC) Position Descriptions – Spring 2010 Elections Peace through Commerce."— Presentation transcript:

1 S TUDENT I NTERNATIONAL B USINESS C OUNCIL (SIBC) Position Descriptions – Spring 2010 Elections Peace through Commerce

2 E XECUTIVE B OARD Dean of Business School Faculty Advisor President Vice President Strategic Planning Director Secretary & Event Director Marketing Director Internship Director Chief Financial Officer Membership Director IT Director Funds Director

3 L EADERSHIP Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson I must follow the people. Am I not their leader? Benjamin Disraeli The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it. Theodore Roosevelt

4 P RESIDENT Responsibilities: In charge of all SIBC related matters Hold’s weekly all-council, board and advisor meetings Manages all operations & delegates responsibility to board members Creates projects & arranges speakers – Peace through Commerce Sits on SBA Directors Advisory Board Contact with ND, BC & IBC Upholds relations with Dean of Business School, President of USD & Benefactor Qualities: Innovative, passionate, organized & ability to multi-task Candidate for Lucca Leadership Conference

5 V ICE -P RESIDENT Responsibilities: Assist the President in meeting goals of SIBC Representative for events & meetings (ICC, AS) Create New Projects & planning for speakers Takes role as President in President’s Absence Close relationship with President Qualities: Organized, motivated, & dependable Candidate for the Lucca Leadership Conference

6 C HIEF F INANCIAL O FFICER (CFO) Responsibilities: The backbone of SIBC In charge of $700,000 Endowment Creates and manages operating budget Duties of collecting, recording, & depositing any/all funds Approve all expenditures, while keeping with vision of “Peace through Commerce” Keep accurate records – can be requested at any time by President, Advisor, Dean and/or Benefactor Qualities: Financial background, organized, logical & grounded Candidate for the Lucca Leadership Conference

7 S TRATEGIC P LANNING D IRECTOR Responsibilities: Long term planner of objectives: Finances Marketing Membership Projects Leads Strategic Planning Meetings (2 per semester) Solves current problems with feasible solutions Projects reasonable and obtainable goals per semester Utilizes vision of Peace through Commerce in plans Qualities: Goal oriented, realistic, & organized

8 M ARKETING D IRECTOR Responsibilities: Advertises the essence of SIBC: Flyers Event Promotions (Alcala Bazaar, Guayaki) Speakers Bulletin Board Leads the Marketing Project(s) Displays SIBC as the best club on campus Delivers convincing pitches Qualities: Creative, effective group skills & excellent communication skills

9 I NTERNSHIP D IRECTOR Responsibilities: Discover domestic & International work experience opportunities Provide Internships that: Increase self-awareness Give real-world experiences Exposure to “Peace through Commerce” Networking beyond own social network Interview SIBC candidates Qualities: Persistent, hard working, international background (preferred) & a “networker”

10 M EMBERSHIP D IRECTOR Responsibilities: In charge of each and every SIBC member Assists President in allocating member to projects Manages emails to members & updates membership database Representative at Alcala Bazaar Coordinates relations with Alumni & keeps strong alumni database Qualities: Exceptional organizational skills, good communicator & a motivated recruiter

11 S ECRETARY & E VENT D IRECTOR Responsibilities: To ensure smooth transition from board meeting to exec board Prompt attendance at every all-council meeting & board meeting Interpret all issues discussed at board meetings, organize them, & email meeting notes to all board members Plan & organize events (End of year dinner, holiday parties, speaker events) Work with President & CFO for events Qualities: Extremely organized, good note taker, outgoing & reliable

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