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October 17 th 2011 Meeting for Graduate Students Bengt Ove Turesson Department of Mathematics.

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Presentation on theme: "October 17 th 2011 Meeting for Graduate Students Bengt Ove Turesson Department of Mathematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 17 th 2011 Meeting for Graduate Students Bengt Ove Turesson Department of Mathematics

2 Agenda 1.News 2.Follow-up action plan NDI 3.Other issues 2

3 News  Administration of graduate program o Theresia responsible  New students o Alexandra Cojuhari, Applied Mathematics o Frida Johansson, Computational Science, Nov. 1 o Tomas Lundquist, Computational Science o Anna Orlof, Applied Mathematics o Sonja Radosavljevic, Applied Mathematics o Andreas Rejbrand, Applied Mathematics, Jan. 1 3

4 News  Other positions o Marco Kupiainen, Postdoc Computational Mathematics o Berkant Savas, Postdoc Computational Mathematics  Positions advertised o Lectureship, Applied Mathematics  Disputations o Henry Amankwah, October 18 th 13.15  Meeting for supervisors o October 19 th 10.15 4

5 News  Study plans o Study plans for all subjects are being revised o Head of divisions o Template is being used o What happens if the subjects change name? o Probably not less than 120 hp (credit transfer more common now than before) o Up to 60 hp can be transferred today o Sammanläggningsavhandling preferred  Research Seminar o Will start November o Jan-Åke’s lectures after Christmas o Research Seminars, advanced course available o Elina has information  Scientific Methods and Research Practice, 6 credits o Wednesday course: Part 1 of the course starts October 19 th, ends December 14 th. Part 2 starts in February o Thursday course: Part 1 of the course starts October 20 th, ends December 15 th. Part 2 starts in February 5

6 News  Pedagogical training o Auscultation for new students during fall o Departmental course spring (practical course) – no credits o The CUL course is compulsory – parallell teaching  Höstskola October 20 th -21 st o Lectures both days 9.00-16.30 at Frimurarehotellet o October 20 th : Mathematical Statistics. Optimization o October 21 st : Continuum Mechanics, Theory of Elasticity and Contact Problems. Mathematical Modelling in Biology 6

7 News  Riktlinjer för betygsnämndens sammansättning o See nt/1.245390/Betygsnamnd_2011.pdf nt/1.245390/Betygsnamnd_2011.pdf Betygsnämnd: Conflict of interest – jäv: Related, working group, co-writer, not former supervisor  Master’s courses (recommendations) o PhD students should not register for Master’s courses o Students should instead agree with course leaders that they can follow courses without being registered o Results should be reported directly in Forskar-Ladok  PhD programs will be evaluated by HSV 7

8 Follow-up action plan NDI 1.Recruitment o Introduction process being reviewed at the moment o Expectations of students and supervisors still needs to be discussed o Most important – expectations – to be formalized 2.Supervision o The need for planned meeting was discussed with supervisors and at follow-up meetings o The fact that some students feel that they get too little supervision was discussed with supervisors 8

9 Follow-up action plan NDI 3.Environment and postgraduate studies o Workload was discussed with supervisors and at follow-up meetings o Students were informed about Feelgood and Studenthälsan o Students were informed about the guidance services of the university library o Only five or six participants. Very good information, everyone should go there! Bengt Ove will organize a new presentation. 4.Courses and seminars o The need of and the possibilities for organizing advanced courses and seminars were discussed with heads of divisions and supervisors o Encourage more participation in summer schools, conferences, self study etc. 9

10 Follow-up action plan NDI 5.Scientific conferences and networks o The need for a recommendation for participation in a certain number of conferences during the time of study together with the heads of the divisions and the supervisors o Participation in conferences was discussed in connection with revision of study plans o The recommendation will probably be part of the subjects’ new study plans 10

11 Follow-up action plan NDI 6.Education o The department’s introductory pedagogical course still needs to be evaluated o At least one course meeting for every course, where PhD students are involved, should have been organized o Course meetings to be followed up. The director of studies/examinator is responsible but they need to know that it is important – to be formalized 7.Equal opportunities o Students have been informed about policies concerning equal opportunities o Students have been informed about routines concerning discrimination and sexual harassment 11

12 SMS autumn meeting SMS autumn meeting in the end of October - directed to young researchers – talk to Milagros 12

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