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December 11, 2009 Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering 1 Boiler Green Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "December 11, 2009 Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering 1 Boiler Green Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 11, 2009 Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering 1 Boiler Green Initiative

2 Agenda  Overview of team  Hillel House  Wind Turbine  Bio Energy  Questions 2 Boiler Green Initiative Hillel House

3 Team Overview: Organization 3 Rachel Machbitz, Team Leader Bio EnergyHillel HouseWind Turbine Sean Zimmerman, Project LeaderBeth Doering, Project Leader Jared Freyer, Project Leader and Webmaster Scott Sylvester Bryson Maikranz Isaac Payne Hannah Keller Yuanhua Cheng Fahad Ahmad Anthony Christie Boiler Green Initiative Lexi Stehr Liz Hoffa Joseph Cox Amber Ramsey Katie Jones Hillel House

4 Goals of the Project  Focuses this semester: To prevent soil erosion Make the property more aesthetically pleasing Complete rain garden design  Secondary goals Make the Hillel House more energy efficient Determine alternative energy sources Community education 4 Hillel House

5 5 Boiler Green Initiative Practical Not Practical Possible RequirementsSolar Water heating Insulation of Pipes Solar Electricity Wind Turbines Price/Cost$$ $5000 with federal incentive Roughly $2.65/6’ of insulation About $20000 + possible incentives $6890+ shipping and installation Compatible with Indiana weather Requires plenty of sunlight Pipes are indoors, inside of building Requires a lot of sun; south-facing windows are desirable Requires wind to function Difficulty of Installation Should be installed professiona lly Easy to install Can either be installed professionally or by home owner Not enough information available Aesthetically pleasing Mostly metal and piping, and two panels Not visibleComposed of solar panels 18ft tall, made of metal, large cylindrical figure Feasibility Chart for Alternative Energy

6 6 Design Criteria  Criteria Must be at least 10 feet from building Size should be 20-30% of roof drainage area (for sandy loam soil) Garden should optimize backyard drainage Must have outlet for overflow Boiler Green Initiative Hillel House

7 7 Boiler Green Initiative Water Balance Calculations  Basic mass balance calculation Retained water = Inputs – Outputs Top view, rain garden catchment Input: Outputs: garden charging rate

8 8 Boiler Green Initiative Input: Rain Intensity Figure : Rain Intensity for Lafayette, IN for T-Year Events – The longer the storm the greater rainfall depth for T-Year events. Using this intensity, input ≈ ft 3 /hr

9 Output: Infiltration Rate  Soil Type: Carmi Well drained, deep sand/gravel Sandy loam surface texture  Infiltration test Surface: 3.17 in/hr Subsurface (9 in): 3.75 in/hr Error  3D movement  Time constraints Boiler Green Initiative

10 10 Water Calculation Results Boiler Green Initiative Team Name For a 2 year rain event, runoff is capture d for the following storm duration:

11 11 Discharge Calculations  Assumed laminar, incompressible fluid  Bernoulli’s Eqn. – used to calculate velocity in pipe  Manning’s Eqn.– used to calculate fluid velocity in open channel  Discharge Eqn. – used velocity to find discharge Boiler Green Initiative Team Name Q = VA V = velocity in ft/s p = pressure (psf) g = force of gravity (ft/s^2) ρ = specific gravity z = elevation (ft) n = surface roughness coefficient R = hydraulic radius (ft) S = slope of energy line º slope of bed V = velocity (ft/sec) V = velocity (ft/s) A = area (ft^2)

12 12 Flow Diagram Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative

13 13 Rain Barrel  Why use a rain barrel? Increase water holding capacity Environmentally friendly way to use water – don’t need as much from tap Water storage for use during dry periods during summer  50 gal would provide.85 in, or 53.3% of available water to plants  50 gal costs $0.15, however customer would like the barrel Boiler Green Initiative Hillel House

14 14 Rain Barrel Design Boiler Green Initiative Hillel House 50 Gal. Rain Barrel 4 in Trench 2 in Slip capValve Drain pipe

15 Rain Barrel Decision 15 Boiler Green Initiative Digital image. Home Depot. Web. 3 Dec. 2009.. Emsco 60 Gal. Deluxe Rain Barrel with Downspout Diverter, Hunter Green $99.99 Durable, UV-stable 25% recycled resin Lid can be removed for dipping large watering can Plastic, can drill holes into it Hillel House

16 16 Flowers for Rain Garden Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative Celandine Poppy, Wood Poppy Yellow Columbine, Golden Columbine Day Lily White water lily Beatles spring or vernal sedge Turtlehead Marsh Blazing star http://image24.webshots.com Constraints: Tolerant of partial shade Moisture conditions Not invasive Non spreading

17 17 Timeline and Accomplishments Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative Task NameSeptemberOctober November December 7142128512192629162330714 Backyard Maintenance (gutters and walkway) Infrared Photos Flower research Soil samples Meet with City Engineer and Contractor Created designs of rain garden Buy materials Dig out rain garden Print/hand out brochures X X Present project to TipmontX Final presentation

18 18 Bill of Materials: Fall 2009 Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative NameQuantityCost EachTotal Plants40$10.00$400.00 Grass Seed $50.00 Top soil $125.00 Gravel $75.00 Mulch $150.00 Shovels6 $45.82 Landscaping Materials $130.00 Landscaping Rocks $200.00 Large Planting Pot $100.00 Diverging Valve$500.00 Stepping Stones $800.00 Educational Tools (Brochures) $600 Total$3,000.82 Received $4,000 grant from Tipmont REMC

19 19 Discussion of future plans  To be done this semester: Finalize Our Design  Next semester: Buy Materials Oversee Construction Plant flowers  Delivery Date: Spring 2010 Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative

20 20 Questions? Hillel House Boiler Green Initiative

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