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Feeding our children.  It’s easy to get your own backpack program started in your local school. All it takes is a passionate teacher, parent, counselor,

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Presentation on theme: "Feeding our children.  It’s easy to get your own backpack program started in your local school. All it takes is a passionate teacher, parent, counselor,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feeding our children

2  It’s easy to get your own backpack program started in your local school. All it takes is a passionate teacher, parent, counselor, nurse, or community advocate. It only takes one leader to make a difference in the lives of so many children.

3  Hunger-the uneasy or painful sensation caused by want of food; craving appetite. Also the exhausted condition caused by want of food. - Tell me, what child could be expected to learn and do his best while suffering?  More than 1 in 5 kids suffer from hunger every day.

4  After starting your program, offer local businesses the chance to become involved. Get the community interested and use it for your benefit. Grab the attention of the public and touch their hearts so that they, too, may become involved in a life-changing event.

5  Once a school is adopted, find a nearby grocer that you can partner with  Many grocers are willing to give discounts and even donations towards the backpack program and can help majorly with food delivery

6  Fundraising is perhaps one of the most important steps. In order to supply children with food, you must be able to buy the food.

7  Many businesses will accept the opportunity to become sponsors or make donations.  Also be sure to line out volunteers for pick- up and delivery of food as well as for packing the backpacks.

8  The backpack program supplies only healthy, nutritional food for students.

9  Foods include ready-to-eat food items such as granola bars, peanut butter, tuna, crackers, Mac & cheese, cereal, juice boxes, etc.  These foods are easy to prepare and are ready to eat. In the unfortunate circumstance that a child must hide the food and prepare it themselves, it can be done.

10  Students who participate in the Backpack program show marked improvement in school attendance, test scores, behavior, and health

11 Nourished children Better education Better jobs Better quality of life Better chance that he can keep someone else from starving

12  Food is an essential building block, and in this case truly is a blessing, especially to a hungry child!  Children who are well nourished and secure are happy children, ready to learn. What can be more rewarding than making a child happy?

13  esitwork  /EnterCode.html

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