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History of Online Learning Presented by John Urbanick March 2011.

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1 History of Online Learning Presented by John Urbanick March 2011

2 Online Learning in the Beginning ■ 2002-06 WebCT Course Management System ■ Server under Bill Knapp’s desk ■ No integration with Banner or MyFSU ■ Batch loading of students each semester ■ Statistics on usage are limited ■ Early adopters loved it!!!

3 2006 University Initiative Focusing on e-Learning ■ Product Life Cycle ■ Vision to Enhance e-Learning at FSU ■ Board approves 1.5 million over 3 years ⁃ base budget, purchase equipment, license fees, consulting services, project management, faculty training, staffing, etc ⁃ Collaboration was key! ⁃ Trained over 400 with some resistance ⁃ Dual systems for ease of faculty transition ⁃ Fully integrated with MyFSU and Banner

4 2009 – 2011 Ferris Connect ■ Spring 2009 Statistics 9,917 Students ■ Additional Tools – CPS, SafeAssign, Scholar, StudyMate ■ Tegrity Lecture Recording Software ■ Temporary Staffing, e-Learning Specialist ■ FCTL Staffing, Instructional Technologist, Instructional Designer ■ Fall 2010 statistics ⁃ 11,978 Students, 491 Faculty, 1538 Sections, 24,649 Tegrity Views ■ Product Life Cycle ■ Piloting next generation software Spring 2011 ⁃ 15 Faculty, approximately 600 Students


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