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1 GOES-R Calibration Working Group (CWG) June 16, 2010 Presented By: Changyong Cao 1 NOAA/NESDIS/STAR CWG Progress Update
2 Outline Cal/Val Plans and CWG collaborations NIST progress Cal/Val data management Discrepancy resolution Cal/val interfaces Aircraft flight campaigns Tool development Summary
5D-3 GOES-R Program Cal/Val Documents Roles and responsibilities Baselined on Feb 7, 2011
GOES-R Cal/Val Collaborators 5D-4 Instrument and Ground Segments Vendors All instruments Flight Project All instruments Ground Project All instruments NOAA/NESDIS/STAR All instruments MIT Lincoln Laboratory All instruments NIST Optical Technology Division ABI Electron & Optical Physics Division (SUVI, EXIS) Marshall Space Flight Center/UAH GLM SUVI NGDC/SWPC (Space weather instruments) Field Campaign (NASA, NOAA, JPL, etc.) ABI, GLM, SUVI
5 Calibration Coordination Team (CCT) Formed Under New PSE Leadership AWG PSE & Program Science Flight GSP Instr. Vendor GS Vendor MOST DOST GOES-R Calibration Coordination Team Scope – A coordinating body to ensure efficient implementation of calibration activities throughout the GOES-R Program during all mission phases. GOES-R Calibration Coordination Team membership diagram CCT members - Representatives of any group with responsibility to ensure L1b Product integrity, e.g., PSE & Program Science (Cal/Val Working Group Reps) Flight (Deputy Project Manager, Instrument Managers) Ground (Deputy Project Manager) Vendors (Instrument and Ground) AWG MOST (MOM) DOST (DOM) Thanks to Mr. Ed Grigsby
Pre-Launch Resources - NIST 5D-6 NIST is a resource leveraged by PSE/Program Science (CWG) in order to provide: Review of vendor calibration plans and test setups Links to primary SI standards Development of plans for SI-traceable calibrations NIST is currently involved in the following activities: Deployment of the Traveling SIRCUS to the ABI Vendor testing facility Blackbody characterization using TXR Characterization of ABI vendor’s integration sp Validation of the ABI vendor’s FEL lamps Determining the SRF of ABI filters End-to-end calibrations of EXIS at SURF-III/Beamline 2 Review of the SUVI vendor NIST SURF-III Facility NIST SIRCUS COMPLETED
Major GOES-R Cal/Val-related Activities in Each Mission Phase 5D-7 Pre-Launch Schedule determined by Flight and Vendors Instrument and Test Design and Review Instrument Testing and Test Verification L1b Algorithm Development, Implementation and Review Post-Launch Testing (PLT) Schedule determined by MOST and DOST Science Test Design and Review Science Tests Analysis and Verification Cal Parameter Verification Long-Term Monitoring Initialization Performance Analysis/Anomaly Resolution L1b Product Validation Mission Operational Lifetime Schedule determined by Ops Long-Term Monitoring Vicarious Calibration Cal Parameter Update L1b Product Validation Anomaly Resolution
Pre-Launch Design & Development Review Instrument/GS Vendor Flight Instrument Manager GOES-R Portal Flight / Instrument Vendor Interface Flight/CWG Review Development Plans, Procedures, Reports, Draft CDRLs, RFA Responses, Requested Items CDRLs, Reports Reviews, TIMs, and TRRs Reports, Presentations Feedback, Comments, RFAs CDRLs, Reports RFA Responses, Requested Items RFAs Feedback, Comments, Direction, RFAs Feedback, Comments, RFAs Participation
Pre-Launch Calibration Data Management Addresses RFA #6 Instrument Vendor Cal TestingCal Analysis Flight/Instrument Manager GOES-R Portal Flight / Instrument Vendor Interface Flight/CWG Validation Selected Cal Reports & Data for CDRLs Cal Test Data, Results & Reports Vendor Archive 2030 expiration All Instrument Test Data Cal Test Data Requests, Test Anomaly Notification Cal Test Data Requests, Test Anomaly Notification Cal Test Data, Test Anomaly Resolution Cal Test Data, Documentation, Results Cal Test Validation Reports Cal/Val Long-term Stewardship
CWG Discrepancy Reporting Process 5D-10 Instrument Data CWG Data analysis/ Document Review Discrepancy Identification Internal Review PSE/Flight/Ground Discrepancy Process Discrepancy Report Discrepancy Found Revision Requests (if applicable) Validation Record (No Discrepancy/Resolved) Currently 8 discrepancies identified and some are being addressed through flight
5D-11 Postlaunch Instrument Calibration Data Flow NOAA Satellite Operations Facility (NSOF) L1b Data, GRB CLASS GAS MM, PG, PD and DE CWG Instrument Radiometric and Spectral Calibration Data Quality Assurance for GOES-series R Post Launch Verification Long-term Monitoring Vicarious Calibration Deep-Dive Calibration Analysis Wallops Command and Data Acquisition System (WCDAS) Fairmount, WV (RBU) Instrument Calibration Data All Calibration Parameters and Algorithms used in L0→L1b processing Satellite Telemetry Instrument Housekeeping & Engineering data Instrument Calibration Data Via Terrestrial Data Link L0 Data L1Data, GRB Product Generation Operational Environment L0 & Input Data Ground Processing Algorithm L1b Calibrated Data Product Generation Development Environment L0 & Input Data Experimental Ground Processing Algorithm Experimental L1b Calibrated Data CLASS Updated Calibration Parameter Tables Cal L0 and Processing Data L1b, L2+ Products MLS and 2-Day Store
Anomaly Resolution L1b Product Performance Monitoring and Anomaly Resolution 5D-12 Instr. Telemetry 5-Day RDR CLASS Mission Mgmt: Instr. Temps, etc. H & S Monitor WCDAS/ NSOF WCDAS- WCDAS Cal Terminals CALVAL Workstation Gov’t Tools MLS 2-day MLS 2-day GAS NSOF Cal Terminals CLASS STAR Anomaly Resolution STAR LS STAR Workstations Automated Cal Data Acquisition GOES-R Integrated Cal/Val Instrument Performance Web Displays CALVAL Workstation Gov’t Tools STAR GOES-R Remote Access Firewall L0 GRB (L1b) TDL (CAL) L1b, L2+, CAL Remote Access Product Generation: Product Performance Monitor Mission Management: GRB Monitor Product Generation: GRB to L2+ Product Generation: Create L0, L0 to L1b processing and GRB generation. L0
GOES-R ABI Post-Launch Test - leveraging operational experience from heritage instruments Post-Launch Testing and Product Evaluation Cal/Val Mission PDR Aug 2011 GEO-LEO GEO-GEO KPP Product Quality Evaluation Working with the Imagery Team
Post-launch Cal/Val using Lunar Observations for MTF, band to band registration, RVS, and stability evaluation Heritage Mission Lifetime Calibration Stray light Analysis and VNIR Lunar Observations Stray Light Effect Analysis -Leveraging operational experience from heritage instruments Simulated ABI Lunar Images using Hyperion Hyperspectral Observations 3.9 m GOES-R ABI will scan around the exclusion zone: a sophisticated KOZ Exclusion zone does not eliminate all of the stray light contamination.
Long-term Performance Monitoring Heritage Activity Sonoran Desert and White Sands Site Characterization Heritage test site for GOES Imagers Characterization of BRDF to remove seasonal signal variation for vicarious calibration. Mission Lifetime Calibration V&V Support and Instrument Performance Monitoring 5D-15 Cal/Val Mission PDR Aug 2011
GOES-R Instrument and L1b Product Analysis Tool Development Online/L0 Tools for All GOES-R Instruments Radiometric Calibration Tools Instrument Noise Monitoring/TrendingVNIR Lunar and Stellar Irradiance Trending/AnalysisABI Instrument Telemetry Monitoring/Trending GEO-GEO and GEO-LEO Inter-Comparison Trending/Analysis ABI, SUVI, EXIS Calibration Coefficients Monitoring/Trending Vicarious Calibration Target Radiance Trending/Analysis – (DCC, Desert Site, Instrumented Sites, Rayleigh Scattering, Sunglint) ABI, GLM Raw Data ReadersNWP Bias MonitoringABI, GLM L0 and L1b Product AssessmentAircraft Radiometer UnderflightsABI Spectral Calibration ToolsSpatial Calibration Tools SRF CorrectionABI, SUVI, EXISBand-to-Band RegistrationABI SRF AnalysisABI, SUVI, EXISMTF Analysis SUVI, ABI, GLM UnderflightABI, EXISLSF AnalysisABI CWG developing tools for: Long-term instrument performance monitoring L1b product radiometric, spatial and spectral calibration monitoring Instrument and L1b product anomaly resolution Tools to be deployed during GOES-R post-launch tests and mission operational life.
Field Campaigns Hardware Procurement for Cal/Val »Spectraoradiometer – ASD 0.4-2.5um with 10nm resolution »Sunphotometer »Infrared camera Proposals Thanks to Dr. Steve Goodman 17
Summary Developed a comprehensive GOES-R Cal/Val program to ensure product quality Cal/Val Strategy Cal/Val Plan Implementation and execution GOES-R leveraging diverse complementary technical capabilities Provide life cycle support for a successful GOES-R program Realigned with the new PSE
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