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 What does “The Play Button” do?  “javac.exe”  Compilation  “java YourClass”  Execution on the Java Virtual Machine  Input & Output.

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Presentation on theme: " What does “The Play Button” do?  “javac.exe”  Compilation  “java YourClass”  Execution on the Java Virtual Machine  Input & Output."— Presentation transcript:


2  What does “The Play Button” do?  “javac.exe”  Compilation  “java YourClass”  Execution on the Java Virtual Machine  Input & Output  To and from the console  JOptionPane?


4  Strings & String operations  Concatenation, charAt, substring

5  Scanner Input (console input  println() Output  Import statements

6  Boolean expressions (<,<=, !=, ==, …)  Boolean variables  If “tests”  Loop “tests”  AND, OR, and NOT  Know the truth tables  Given p and q

7  Single IFs  If( test ) {  }  IF/ELSE  If(test) {  } else {  }  Chained IF/ELSE  If(test1) {  } else if {  } else {  }

8  Decision Statements (Selection Control Structures)  Switch statements  Loops (Repetition Control Structures)  For  While  Do/While

9  Break and Continue  “==“ versus “=“ versus “.equals( “foo” )”  “Tracing variables” (is debugging)  Variable Scope  Local and Class wide

10  Sum the first 10 numbers  Produce an average given 12 numbers  Draw a box of stars  Draw a triangle of stars

11 ??

12  Closed book/notes, short questions  3-5 big questions  3-5 medium questions  3-5 small questions

13  Write a few lines of code that does Y  Write a function that X  Write a main that does z  What does the following code do?  What does it output?  Tracing code  What is the result of the following line(s) of code?

14  Labs!  HWs!  Lectures & In Class Demos  Savitch

15  File IO  Try/Catch  printf

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