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Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency December, 2010
Purpose of Report UNISDR - second biennial review on implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) for the period 2009-2011. Sub-regional inter-governmental mandated to review the progress and status of the implementation of the framework at regional level. Rationale – to enhance the understanding of the trans-boundary issues of disaster risk and risk reduction inform the sub-regional planning and programming process on gaps and challenges. Help identify policy recommendations for region for the 2011 Contribute to Global Assessment Report
APPROACH CDEMA prepared review on regional progress PS prepared national HFA Monitoring reports Country progress summarised by CDEMA for submission Priority Areas Indicators Level of Progress Achieved Description Context & Constraints Presented to delegates for feedback
Hyogo Framework for Action(HFA) Endorsed by UN member states at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction, Kobe, Japan, 2005 Commits all countries to make major efforts to reduce their disaster risk by 2015. 5 Priority Areas 1. Ensure that disaster reduction is a national & local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation 2. Identify, assess and monitor disaster risks and enhance early warning 3. Use knowledge, innovation & education to build a culture of safety & resilience at all levels 4. Reduce the underlying risk factors 5. Strengthen Disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels
Hyogo Framework for Action Priority 1 Disaster Reduction a national & local priority with a strong institutional basis for implementation Regional Indicators 1-2 Sub-regional framework for DRR exists Multi-sectoral Sub-regional institutional mechanism exists
Indicator 1 Progress Achieved Substantial achievement with limitations in capacities and resources Means of Verification CDM Strategy and Programming Framework 2007- 2012
Indicator 1 Priority Outcome Enhanced institutional support Effective mechanism & programme for mngt of CDM knowledge DRM mainstreamed at national levels & incorporated in key sectors Enhanced community resilience in CDEMA states to mitigate & respond Constraints Variable technical capacity of the NDOs within CDEMA PS to implement CDM Agencies work within the states dependent on donor support
Indicator 2 Progress Achieved Substantial achievement attained with limitations in capacities and resources Means of Verification CDM Coordination and Harmonisation Council
Indicator 2 Objectives of CDM CHC Mainstream DRM at national level & into key sectors Provide guidance to CDM development & implementation Facilitate learning & knowledge Mngt of CDM among key stakeholders Strengthen regional capacity to leadership CHC Constraints Understanding role & function of the CHC Measuring Progress Resources & capacity to sustain mechanism Communication Role of CDEMA CU as chair & secretariat
Hyogo Framework for Action Priority 2 Identify assess and monitor disaster risks and enhance early warning Regional indicators 3-4 Sub-regional early warning systems exist
Achievements Barbados, Belize, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago Links with other systems to form network - Caribbean Early warning system for severe weather Dopplar Radar Network EC funded Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Saint Lucia EWS for flood hazards established Implemented at 5 pilot sites Capacity of regional team to develop hazard maps & establish Flood EWS upgraded Hydrological database to be established & function from CIMH Flood early warning system JICA funded CADM Barbados to host the centre Funds identified ( IOC) Caribbean Tsunami Information centre
Hyogo Framework for Action Priority 3 Use knowledge, innovation & education to build culture of safety & resilience at all levels Regional Indicators 5-7 Sub-regional information & knowledge sharing mechanism available Institutional Mechanism in place to monitor risk reduction status & progress at sub- regional level Sub-regional research institutions for DRR exist
Indicator 5 Progress Achieved Annual CDM conference CDEMA Virtual Library Means of Verification Report of annual CDM conference, reports of the education sector sub-committee of the CDM CHC
Indicator 6 Progress Achieved Monitoring, evaluation And reporting framework – CDM framework Means of Verification CDM Regional monitoring, evaluation and reporting framework
Achievements University of the West Indies Disaster Risk Reduction Centre Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) University of the West Indies – Seismic Research CentreCaribbean Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology
Hyogo Framework for Action Priority 4 Reduce underlying risk factors Regional indicators 8-9 DRR integral objective of regional policies & plan Sub-regional infrastructure projects have processes to assess disaster risk impacts
Indicator 8 Progress Achieved Substantial achievement but limitations in capacities and resources Means of Verification CDM strategy framework 2007-2012 Sustainable Tourism Policy of CTO DRM for Agriculture Sector Plan
Indicator 8 CDM approach to Disaster Mgt Strengthen preparedness for better response Considers all types of hazards Addresses all phases of the disaster Mgt cycle Promotes “culture of safety” Encourages strategic partner alliances Empowering of sector partners to promote & lead the advancement of CDM Constraints The enhancement of CDM Strategy & Framework not formally adopted by non-CDEMA states in Caribbean
Indicator 9 Progress Achieved Need for integration of DR assessment into physical planning process
Hyogo Framework for Action Priority 5 Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at all levels Regional Indicators 10-14 Sub-regional training/capacity building institutions exists to support capacity building on DRR at national/regional level Sub-regional response mechanism in place to address disaster preparedness, emergency relief & rehabilitation issues across borders Sub-regional contingency mechanism exists to support countries in post-disaster recovery Sub-Sub-regional information exchange mechanism in place for effective communication during trans-boundary disaster regional catastrophe risk pooling facility available
Indicator 10 Progress Achieved DRRC CIMH SRC
Indicator 11 Rapid Needs assessment team Regional Response MechanismCaribbean Disaster Relief Unit
Indicator 12 Progress Achieved Sub-regional focal points CDB Funding for Post disaster recovery Emergency relief Grant Immediate response Loan Means of Verification E. Caribbean Donor group CDB Disaster Mngt Strategy & Operational guidelines 2009
Indicator 13 Progress Achieved Comprehensive achievement with commitment & capacities at all levels Means of Verification Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility Strategic Plan 2009/10 to 2011/12
Indicator 14 Progress Achieved Substantial achievement attained bit limitations in capacities & resources Means of Verification Regional Coordination Centre Standard Operating Procedure
Priority Action 1 Actions Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers including DRR (2 of 7) Climate Change Policy and Strategy including DRR (4 of 7) Inclusion of DRR in Development Plans and Strategies (4 of 7) National Development Plans including DRR (2 of 7) Specific Allocation of funds for DRR in National Budget (6 of 7) Operational National multi-stakeholder platforms (5 of 7) Designated legal responsibilities & budget allocation for DRR at local Gov’t level (2 of 7) Gaps Institutional strengthening – revisit staff complement of NDO’s Capacity enhancement of NDO’s Support to development of multi-year country programmes Coordination and response Recommendation Effective policy tools for analysis and evaluation of hazards and improved planning for effective preparedness and recovery developed & enhanced in region
Priority Action 2 Actions Undertake out multi-hazard risk assessment (4 of 7) Disaster loss databases (3 of 7) Operational national early warning systems (6 of 7) Participate in regional/ sub-regional DRR programmes & projects (6 of 7) System to systematically report, monitor & analyse disaster losses (4 of 7) Communication systems & protocols in place to disseminate early warning information (4 of 7) Gaps Improvement of regional & national EWS Recommendations Regional understand & commitment to implement risk profiles Up-to-date data on hazards and vulnerabilities maintained and integrated in urban dev. Planning Critical infrastructure that reduces risk EWS capacities in unban areas enhanced, taking CC in account
Priority Action 3 Actions Publicly available national disaster information systems (3 of 7) DRR in national educational curriculum (5 of 7) DRR in primary/ secondary school curriculum (5 of 7) Professional DRR educational programmes (0 of 7) Studies in economic costs & benefits of DRR (2 of 7) DRR in national research agenda (2 of 7) Country wide public awareness strategy (6 of 7) Gaps Development of CDM related public education, tools & products Enhancement of CDM knowledge among Gov’t, Cabinet and Perm. Secretaries Advancement of CDM mainstreaming in sectors Recommendations ICT systems & practices in CARIFORUM states improved
Priority Action 4 Actions Mechanisms in place to protect & restore regulatory ecosystems services (5 of 7) Social safety nets to increase resilience of risk prone households & communities (2 of 7) Measures to address gender based issues in recovery (3 of 7) Investing in reducing the risk of vulnerable urban settlements Explicitly incorporating a budget for DRR in pos-disaster recovery programme (3 of 7) Impact of disaster risk in EIAs (3 of 7) Gaps Hazard risk mapping of vulnerable areas Recommendations Up-to-date data on hazards & vulnerabilities within CARIFORUM states. Maintained & integrated into development planning & decision-making
Priority Action 5 Actions National Programmes/ policies to make schools & health facilities safe in emergencies (4 of 7) Training & mock drills in schools and hospital (3 of 7) Contingency plan & procedures to deal with major disasters (6 of 7) Financial arrangements ( 5 of 7) Capacity in damage & loss assessment methodologies (5 of 7) Catastrophe insurance facilities in place ( 4 of 7) Gaps Enhancement of shelters – inspection teams; location consideration Business continuity planning Strengthening of community awareness & participation Recommendations Technical staffing complement of CDEMA CU enhanced in priority areas Community /sector level interventions which strengthen national coordination & collaboration mechanisms of the NDO National warehouses upgraded/established Emergency communications networks established/upgraded Best practices for recovery & rehabilitation identified & gaps assessed
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