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Hx & Ex introduction Ghassan A. Barayan.

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Presentation on theme: "Hx & Ex introduction Ghassan A. Barayan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hx & Ex introduction Ghassan A. Barayan

2 What is the doctor work Ghassan A. Barayan

3 Diagnosis Ghassan A. Barayan

4 Role in hospital الإعتناء بالمظهر حسن الخلق الأمانة احترام الزملاء
احترام الاكبر التعامل مع الزميلات والممرضات المحافظة على مرافق المستشفى Ghassan A. Barayan

5 dealing with patients احترام سرية المريض التعاطف مع المرضى
أجر عيادة المريض الدعاء له ابداء الاهتمام بمشاكل المرضى وهمومهم الروح الإنسانية في التعامل التواضع الاستئذان و الشكر Ghassan A. Barayan

6 Breaking the fear الاستعداد الجيد والتحضير لست الوحيد الذي سيخطأ
هي الخطوة الأولى كل دقه بتعليمة لا تخجل من الخطأ عالم جديد تعامل ببساطه وبدون تكلف خذها ببساطة Ghassan A. Barayan

7 Hx components Personal data Chief complaints
History of presenting illness Systemic review Past history Drugs Allergy Blood transfusion Social Hx Family Hx summery Ghassan A. Barayan

8 Personal data Name Nationality Sex ( M - F ) Age Occupation ??
Admission : ( ER - OPD ) Duration Ghassan A. Barayan

9 Chief complaint + duration
In patient words Ghassan A. Barayan

10 History of presenting illness
Chronic illness Analysis of chief complaint Associated symptoms Related systemic review Previous episodes Ghassan A. Barayan

11 Pain analysis SDN OPERA S: site & severity D: duration N: nature
O: onset P: precipitating factor & Progression E: end R: reliving factor , radiation & referred pain A: aggravating factor & associated symptom Ghassan A. Barayan

12 Past Hx Past medical: ( DM, HTN, IHD, TB, Asthma )
Previous admissions. Previous important investigations Past surgical: Any previous surgery Ghassan A. Barayan

13 Blood transfusion Where When Why Complications of transfusion. Amount
Ghassan A. Barayan

14 Allergy Food Medication Animals Etc. Ghassan A. Barayan

15 Drugs Name Dose Frequency Side effects Ghassan A. Barayan

16 Social Hx Smoking : “pack year= no. of cigarettes per day × years of smoking “ Alcohols Drugs abuse Marriage & any sexual contacts. Occupation Education Financial Living : place & type Travel Animal contacts Ghassan A. Barayan

17 Family Hx Similar disease Other disease : cancer - IHD
Death in young age relative Ghassan A. Barayan

18 Systemic Review CVS Respiratory GIT Genitourinary Hematology
Rheumatology Endocrine CNS

19 CVS Chest pain or heaviness Dyspnea ( extertional – orthopnea - PND)
Palpitation ( rate-regularity-time) Syncope Fatigue Intermittent claudication Cyanosis Cold extremities Ankle swelling Ghassan A. Barayan

20 Respiratory sys. Chest pain Cough Sputum Hemoptesis Dyspnea Wheezing
Strider Night sweat Fever Hoarseness Sore throat Nasal discharge Ghassan A. Barayan

21 GIT Appetite Weight change Lethargy Water brash Heart burn
Acid regurgitation Dysphagia Odinophagia Nausea Vomiting hematemesis Ghassan A. Barayan

22 (constipation , diarrhea, alternative) stool: color, consistency, bulk
Jaundice Pruritis Color of stool & urine Abdominal pain Abdominal swelling Bowel habit change (constipation , diarrhea, alternative) stool: color, consistency, bulk Bleeding (melena, hematochezia) Anal pain or hemorrhoid Ghassan A. Barayan

23 Urinary Upper UT: High fever Chills Mass Hematuria
Pain ( flank – lion –groin) Nausea Ghassan A. Barayan

24 Irritative symptoms “FUNDUS” Frequency Urgency Noctoria Dysuria
Lower tact : Irritative symptoms “FUNDUS” Frequency Urgency Noctoria Dysuria Urge incontinence Small void volume Ghassan A. Barayan

25 overload incontinence anuria
Obstructive symptoms Hesitancy straining Disrupted stream terminal Dribbling Incomplete empty overload incontinence anuria Ghassan A. Barayan

26 Genital Male: Impotance Female: Menses
Amount - frequency -regularity -duration- pain - LMP Both: Discharge Rash Ghassan A. Barayan

27 Hematology Symptoms of anemia
Fatigue –palpitation – dizziness -sweating Bleeding tendency bleeding through any orifice (nose- mouth-anus-urethra) Easy bruising Puerpera Thrompotic tendency Infection Fever L.N. enlargement Bone pain Skin rash Weight loss Ghassan A. Barayan

28 Rheumatology local : joint pain joint swelling morning stiffness
loss of function Instability weakness change in sensation deformity myalgia neck pain back pain Ghassan A. Barayan

29 Rheanoid phenomena “white-red-blue” Dry eye Dry mouth Redness
Systemic: rash fever fatigue weight loss diarrhea mucosal ulcer Photosensitivity Rheanoid phenomena “white-red-blue” Dry eye Dry mouth Redness Ghassan A. Barayan

30 Endocrine Appetite Weight change Change bowel habit Sweating
Hair distribution Lethargy Skin change Pigmentation Stature Erectile dysfunction Polyuria Polydepsia Lump in neck ( goiter ) Weather sensitivity Tremor Psychogenic change Menstruation Ghassan A. Barayan

31 CNS Headache Dizziness Vertigo Vision ( visual failed – acquit)
Hearing Smell Speech Taste Swallowing Gait Loss of sensation Motor function Tremor Involuntary movement Sphincter control fits Ghassan A. Barayan

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