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Detailed Design Review P11451 Cook Stove Test Stand Group February 4 th 2011 David Sam (ME) Huseyin Zorba (ISE) Phillip Amsler (ME)

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Presentation on theme: "Detailed Design Review P11451 Cook Stove Test Stand Group February 4 th 2011 David Sam (ME) Huseyin Zorba (ISE) Phillip Amsler (ME)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Detailed Design Review P11451 Cook Stove Test Stand Group February 4 th 2011 David Sam (ME) Huseyin Zorba (ISE) Phillip Amsler (ME)

2 Agenda Introduction for the Project Status Customer Needs Engineering Specifications System Level Work Risks Schedule Bill of Materials Modifications on Test Stand Calculations & Feasibility Analysis Data Acquisition Preliminary Test Plan Process Flow Chart Issues

3 Meeting Purpose 1. Overview of the Project 2. Confirm its Functionality of the Design 3. Receive feedback from attendees on critical technical issues 4. Receive approval from Customer to complete design as presented 5. Receive approval from Customer to purchase materials & services for project

4 Action List


6 Customer Needs

7 Engineering Specifications

8 System Level Work Inputs Test Standards a)Charcoal b)Stove (Any Kind) c)Test Type (Short, Relevant, WBT) d)Lighting Technique SYSTEMSYSTEM Outputs a)Emissions b)Solid Wastes c)Test Time d)Efficiency e)Statistical Accuracy

9 System Level Work Improvement Assessment Change in DesignWaste Management Impact Assessment EcologicalHealth Inventory Quantify:Raw Material,Energy,WastePerform the Test Goal Project Scope

10 Fish Bone

11 Risk List

12 Schedule

13 Integrated Test Strategy Performed 1 Comparison Test – Boiling Times were found for 3 different stoves The data outputs are shared among PM’s New Tests with Stove Design Team – Flow Rate – Skirt Size – Pot Shape

14 Bill of Materials


16 Proposed Test Stand

17 Modifications on Test Stand SET-UP TIME≈ 5 MINUTES

18 Modifications for Measurement OLD NEW

19 Modifications for Measurement OLD NEW

20 Improved Functionality New thermocouple mount – New steel mount to replace previous wooden mount. Mount is also insulated to reduce impact of ambient temperatures on water temperature readings. Test stand now has two handles and larger wheels to provide easier transportation. – Test stand can be transported by one user and is very durable.

21 Improved Mass Measurements By sealing openings in the bottom of the test stand, “noise” in mass measurements have been improved. The impact of wind has a substantially smaller impact on the test stand. Mass measurements from Stovetec stove support the test stand improvements.

22 Installation of CO monitor New monitor has been installed in the exhaust stream of the test stand. It allows USB interface to recover data instead of burdening tester with recording data every minute.

23 Design Calculations

24 Convective Heat Transfer Stove q q q Assume Stove is a cylinder D~15”, H~20”  A=.6m 2 h (air free convection) range 5-10 W/m 2 K – Use 10 for conservative value T s ~600°C T ∞ range -10°C to 30°C q=h*A*(T s -T ∞ ) Hot q=3420W Cold q=3660W Δq =240W or ~5% of total output of stove (using 5kW output)

25 Use area and temperatures from previous – T s ~600°C=873K – T ∞ range -10°C to 30°C=263K to 303K – A=.6m 2 Assume Steel (ξ=.07) q=σ*ξ*A*(T s 4 -T ∞ 4 ) – σ=5.6703E-8 W/m 2 K 4 Hot q=1363W Cold q=1372W Δq=9W or ~.2% of total output of stove (using 5kW output) Radiation Heat Transfer Stove q q q

26 Feasibility Analysis-Stove Tec

27 Carbon Monoxide

28 CO In a water boil test, CO emissions should be lowest during the simmer phase, however during these three tests there is a spike or “noise” during the simmer phase in all three instances. – Hypothesis– Charcoal is shifting position during the simmer phase, creating abnormalities in CO emissions. – Test – Place stove in test stand and record emission data for Stovetec stove during combustion without pot of water. Every five minutes, stir charcoal around in stove and after recovering CO data from logger, determine if at every 5 minute interval there was a significant shift in CO emissions.

29 Water Temperature

30 Weight-Before

31 Weight-After

32 Efficiency

33 Modified WBT Output 1-Rebar Stove Simmering starts at 16 th min

34 Modified WBT Output 2-Rebar Stove Simmering starts at 16 th min

35 Modified WBT Analysis-Rebar Stove

36 Data Acquisition Desired Outputs Measured Quantity Acquisition Method EfficiencyH2O Temp, Mass Thermal couple with data logging Scale with operator recording (written notes) CO EmissionsPPM, Flow Rate EL-USB-CO data logging device Hot wire anemometer with uniform flow assumption. Particulate Emissions MassWIP

37 Efficiency Acquisition Known values for the Efficiency are: Heat Capacity of Water(c p ), Latent Heat (LH) of Water, Heating Value (HV) of charcoal, and Heating Value of butane. To calculate Efficiency we need: m water, Water Temperatures, m evaportated, m fuel, m butane. – All of this data comes from measurement devices as well as initial and final test measurements. To have the scale output over RS232 will require expensive software or a different model scale. Therefore we are recommending manual data input for mass only.

38 CO Acquisition DistanceAir Velocity 1Air Velocity 2Air Velocity 3Average Air VDist (r) (in)(ft/min) (ft) 0 977.7-0.25 0.599910919521014.0-0.20833 11062105610331050.3-0.16667 1.51131105910561082.0-0.125 21074102510221040.3-0.08333 2.51076100710251036.0-0.04167 31064102710111034.00 3.5105499210251023.70.041667 4105398610271022.00.083333 4.510741026 1042.00.125 51124101610411060.30.166667 5.5990100110191003.30.208333 6 946.30.25 Start with calculating the flow rate.

39 Turbulent Air Flow Cont.

40 Volumetric Flow Calculation RingVelocity (ft/min)dA ft 2 Flow CFM 19850.060059.12 210320.049150.66 310590.038240.42 410470.027328.54 510310.016416.86 610310.00555.62 SUM201 Numerical Integration Uniform Flow Assumption Average Vel1037ft/min StdDev22.0ft/min Area0.196ft^2 Flow Rate204CFM Min199CFM Max208CFM

41 CO Output dA – When given ppm vs. time take integral using differential area with trapezoid method.

42 CO continued After integrating and taking sum of differential areas, then units = ppm*min Using standard air 1ppm CO=1.23mg CO per m 3 air. – ppm is a mass concentration of CO compared to the fluid it is in. Finally convert 204 CFM to 5.777 m 3 /min Then dA dt d(ppm)

43 Particulate Matter Acquisition Concept Sampling Entire Exhaust Stream Advantages – Using a settling chamber is easy to integrate – Can obtain an absolute value for total particles collected – No moving parts Disadvantages – No real time results – According to EPA, only particles with diameter < 75 µm would settle – Semi-volatile organic compounds would not settle Sampling % of Exhaust Stream Advantages – Can provide numerous samples during one test – Capture smaller particles – Can have samples sent to NTID for chemical breakdown Disadvantages – No real time results – Difficult to implement – Dealing with heat and humidity – Only provides a rank comparison

44 Proposed Sampling System Based off concept from last year’s Testing Team and team 10056’s design Additional information from WBT publication, appendix 6. Emission Measurement

45 Concept Cyclone – Separate larger diameter particles that don’t need to be measured Filter & Holder – Cambridge Filter & Holder system from team 10056 Impinger – Filled with methanol to collect any remaining gaseous particles for visual analysis and to protect pump Vacuum Pump – Find acceptable pump for system, perhaps borrow pump from Dr. Robinson’s lab temporarily Emissions Most of Exhaust

46 Concept Analysis Advantages Can hopefully obtain most parts from Team 10056 With help from Dr. Hanzlik, quickly set up an experimental system to test feasibility Filters can be sent to NTID lab for chemical composition breakdown Disadvantages Could be difficult to integrate to maintain a mobile test stand Could impact CO monitoring which is downstream (relocation of monitor?) Does not provide an absolute value for comparison Only a rank comparison between stoves tested by RIT

47 Preliminary Test Plan

48 Plans for MSD2 Week #Test Plan Week 1 3 Cold Start for each stove to achieve repeatable time to boil Implement Particulate Matter Monitor Week 23 Modified WBT for each stoves efficiencies, CO, and firepower Week 3Perform 3 full WBT for each stove Week 4 Take experience gained and draft test procedures, and testing template “Peel Onion” and test more extreme cases Week 5 Feedback and Analysis of testing procedure Receive Refurbished CO meter Week 6Have other groups use test procedure, and continue to gather data Week 7Perform “realistic” test on each stove and gain efficiencies Week 8Prepare Imagine RIT presentation and poster Week 9Print materials and present at Imagine RIT Week 10Finalize work and presentation

49 Process Flow Chart (a)

50 Process Flow Chart (b)

51 Issues

52 Issue List

53 Issue Analysis

54 Issue Analysis Cont. Max H2O Temp =100.2 ◦ C

55 Questions?

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