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Tweeting for Profit Noah Rattner Mark Sampang Rebecca Fackrell.

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Presentation on theme: "Tweeting for Profit Noah Rattner Mark Sampang Rebecca Fackrell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tweeting for Profit Noah Rattner Mark Sampang Rebecca Fackrell

2 In 2008: user base grew 1,841% Businesses using Twitter Advantages/Disadvantages

3 Fliqz Small video-hosting service with 20 employees Subscribed to anyone who may seemed interested Posted three of four updates a day Customer Service

4 Fliqz Success with Twitter Free Marketing 1,358 followers 1,358 followers Seal a $6,000 contract Signs or renews 30 deals monthly

5 A Growing Sensation More than online companies benefit Comcast, JetBlue, Zappos, Whole Foods, Starbucks Help Desks Advertising and Promotions

6 Retail Stores Mission Pies Mission Pies Tasty, inviting tweets about food 52 Teas "In 2007 we shipped one or two packages every two to three weeks," says Frank Horbelt, 38, founder of 52Teas. "Now we ship 52 packages a week."

7 Challenges Limited ways to filter the increasing Twitter chatter Tweeting too aggressively Time consuming

8 @QuestionTime Do you Tweet? What do you Tweet about? Who do you follow? Any businesses that you follow? Does anyone have any followers? Why do you/would you follow a business? Is this a fad or do you think Twitter is here for good? How do you think this could become profitable if it’s not a “social media” outlet as Twitter CEO mentioned?

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