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 TEMPO Topanga Elementary Middle School Preparatory Opportunity A 2 year Pilot Program for the 5 th & 6 th graders of Topanga Elementary Charter School.

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1  TEMPO Topanga Elementary Middle School Preparatory Opportunity A 2 year Pilot Program for the 5 th & 6 th graders of Topanga Elementary Charter School

2 Our Objective:  Develop a 5 th and 6 th grade program that will prepare the students of Topanga Elementary for the middle school transition.  Maintain the elementary school feel while introducing various aspects of middle school.  Allow students to move from class to class within the comfort of their own community and with familiar teachers and peers.  Move away from District norm of 39 students per class.

3 Program Structure  5 th and 6 th grades will be separated into 3 learning “pods”.  They will rotate between 2 teachers and one Professional Expert throughout the school day.  One math teacher, one language arts teacher, one social studies/science teacher.  One teacher will be their “homeroom” teacher.

4 Sample Schedule

5 Enrichment  All enrichment will occur in the afternoon Enrichment Includes:  Computer Lab  PE  Library  Health  Art Trek  Garden Trek

6 Electives  Twice a week the students will have an elective.  Electives will last for 12 weeks (correspond with report card periods)  Students will participate in three different electives. One per semester.  Electives for the 2011-2012 school year are: Public Speaking & Debate, Drama & Crafts, Future Problem Solving & Technology.

7 Student Support  Aides will be provided for a portion of the day in each classroom.  Teachers will provide differentiated instruction within the classroom to meet the various learning needs amongst the students.  The Learning Center will be available for identified students.  Friday study hall/Independent work time.  Resource Specialist to work collaboratively with classroom teacher to meet student needs and provide additional support.

8 Logistics  All classes will be next to one another to help minimize the time needed for transition from one class to another.  Students will remain with the same students for the 3 academic areas.  Students will keep textbooks in their classrooms. Additional textbooks may be kept at home based on availability.  Assignments/curriculum available online.  Teachers will meet weekly to design and implement cross-curricular programming so that learning can be meaningful for students and connections can be made between the various subject areas.  Email, web pages and student planners will be effective tools to communicate with families.  6 th graders will end the year with a culmination ceremony.

9 Benefits  An academic program that allows students to adapt to a schedule and structure that will better prepare them for the next step in their education.  Teachers are able to focus on an area of expertise and interest that they love. They can incorporate project based learning across the curricular areas.  By each teacher focusing on only a few subjects, it will allow that teacher to develop create ways to introduce the subject and give them a solid hour for that subject to be covered.  Differentiation will continue, if not be enhanced, through this new program.

10 Benefits Continued  Increased opportunity for teachers to be involved with more students, thus improving interpersonal skills through adapting to different teaching styles.  Students are able to move more frequently during the day, which helps increase attention.

11 Thank you for your support! Questions????

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