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By Jinger Stacy More than celebrating Cinco de Mayo Movement based on American values.

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2 By Jinger Stacy

3 More than celebrating Cinco de Mayo Movement based on American values

4 Helps to eradicate prejudice and racism Builds interaction between diverse cultures

5 Too often, students are misinformed and misguided Educational institutions are not prepared to implement M.E. in classrooms

6 Increasing awareness of global issues Strengthening cultural consciousness Strengthening intercultural awareness

7 Defined as being different from the other Different types of diversity exist in the classroom Examples include religion, culture, sex, and race

8 Better Awareness Eliminates Racism Teaches students to be culturally aware and open-minded

9 a pedagogy that empowers students intellectually, socially, emotionally, and politically by using cultural referents to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes Plays a role in shaping the thinking process of groups and individuals

10 Culture is central to learning Culturally relevant teachers utilize students’ culture as a “vehicle” for learning

11 Learning without the context of culture Alienation and further fragmentation of communication between ethnic groups

12 Teachers use it as a bridge to academic learning through personal connections Helps students to develop a broader sociopolitical consciousness

13 Banks, J.A. (1995). Multicultural education and curriculum transformation. The Journal of Negro Education 64(4), 390-400. Ladson -Billings, G. That’s just good teaching. Theory into Practice 34(3), 159-165.

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