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HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how?

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Presentation on theme: "HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how?"— Presentation transcript:

1 HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(9) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration:30 minutes Length (minutes/step):5 Level (1-3): How? Number of slides: 9 Institution: AAU Author: Name:Morten Aagaard Contact: Note: The advices and recommendations should be transferred to practice. Which may take time. 1 Scenario Scenario 1: How to encourage Marcus to love his HANDS mobile Marcus is new to using mobiles and he is new to using the HANDS mobile. His teachers and parents agree that Marcus will benefit from using the HANDS mobile. Unfortunately Marcus is resistent to changes and it is likely he will be resistent to the introduction of the HANDS mobile phone as a cognitive tool.

2 HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(9) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration:30 minutes Length (minutes/step):5 Level (1-3): How? Number of slides: 9 Institution: AAU Author: Name:Morten Aagaard Contact: Note: The advices and recommendations should be transferred to practice. Which may take time. 2 Solution Solution: Strategies to encourage Marcus to love his HANDS mobile A mobile phone is different to other tools that a teacher and school uses. A pupil brings the mobile phone with everywhere. Furthermore the mobile is within the intimsphere meaning in which persons and artifacts only are accepted when the feel right. Most mobile phone users spend more time together with their mobile phone than with their loved ones! This relationship with a mobile phone is called ”mobile loyalty”. To encourage Marcus to enjoy using his HANDS mobile requires that the teacher foster a sense of mobile loyalty continously and that he/she pays attention to it daily and places it on the evaluation agenda. 1. Mobile loyalty is the degree to which the user finds the mobile credible. Read more about ”Degrees of mobile loyalty” in step 1. 2. There are ways in which the teacher can increase the mobile loyalty. Read more about ”How to increase mobile loyalty” in step 2.

3 HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(9) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration:30 minutes Length (minutes/step):5 Level (1-3): How? Number of slides: 9 Institution: AAU Author: Name:Morten Aagaard Contact: Note: The advices and recommendations should be transferred to practice. Which may take time. 3 3. There are ways in which the teacher can decrease the mobile loyalty. Read more about ”How to decrease mobile loyalty” in step 3. 4. Mobile loyalty may give the teacher new challenges that should be considered before hand. Read more about ”Tradeoffs in working with mobile loyalty” in step 4. 5. How Marcus begins to use the HANDS mobile includes considerations on mobile loyalty too. Read more about”Start working with Mobile loyalty” in step 5.

4 HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(9) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration:30 minutes Length (minutes/step):5 Level (1-3): How? Number of slides: 9 Institution: AAU Author: Name:Morten Aagaard Contact: Note: The advices and recommendations should be transferred to practice. Which may take time. 1. Degrees of mobile loyalty Depending on our experience with ICT we project more or less positive expectations onto the ICT tool. This evaluation begins even before we have begun to use it. Once we do start in using it the quality of the judgement changes. When using HANDS mobile the mobile loyalty must be evaluated and paid attention to. Presumed mobile loyalty Before knowing anything about mobiles Marcus may have a very clear opinion about mobiles. If he has a negative attitude to the HANDS mobile, work is hard and requires that the mobile from day one is a relevant tool for activities that Marcus is interested in. Reputed mobile loyalty A better mobile loyalty is fostered when people Marcus trust recommend the HANDS mobile. But Marcus has not been using the HANDS mobile. This level of mobile loyalty is easy to influence and be activated by parents and teachers. Surfaced mobile loyalty After his first experience with a HANDS mobile Marcus will have formed a foundation level judgement of the ICT toolThis level of mobile loyalty is easy to influence. Earned mobile loyalty The highest and best mobile loyalty is when Marcus has experienced the HANDS mobile and found it relevant and valuable. The pedagogical work should strive for this level rapidly. 4 Steps

5 HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(9) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration:30 minutes Length (minutes/step):5 Level (1-3): How? Number of slides: 9 Institution: AAU Author: Name:Morten Aagaard Contact: Note: The advices and recommendations should be transferred to practice. Which may take time. 2. How to increase mobile loyalty? There are a number of ways you may increase the mobile loyalty: Ensure that Marcus gets positive success with the mobile phone asap. Ensure that the mobile is aimed at solving problems that Marcus believes are problems. Ensure that the content and look and feel of the HANDS mobile reflect the interests of Marcus. Ensure that Marcus can talk about the mobile phone to relatives, friends and other persons in an interesting manner. Marcus should be involved in constructing the content and look and feel. The use of the mobile is given attention in the evaluation and everyday. 5 Steps

6 HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(9) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration:30 minutes Length (minutes/step):5 Level (1-3): How? Number of slides: 9 Institution: AAU Author: Name:Morten Aagaard Contact: Note: The advices and recommendations should be transferred to practice. Which may take time. 3. How to decrease mobile loyalty Make use of the mobile phone to control or for surveillance. The teacher lets the mobile phone include negative remarks or prompt. The content and look and feel is solely controlled by the teacher or is left as a boring ’shell’ by the teacher. There are a lot of prompts and that demand lots of attention. But only a few of them are important to Marcus himself. Ensuring that the mobile phone crashes regularly with mystifying error messages. 6 Steps

7 HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(9) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration:30 minutes Length (minutes/step):5 Level (1-3): How? Number of slides: 9 Institution: AAU Author: Name:Morten Aagaard Contact: Note: The advices and recommendations should be transferred to practice. Which may take time. 4. Trade-offs when working with mobile loyalty A.The mobile phone is a new media that attracts the attention of Marcus. He is eager to try the new opportunities: camera, mobile phone, facebook and sms. Unfortunately it can cause a number of problems that the schools, teachers and parents may find counter- productive. The school has responsibility for ensuring that Marcus gets access to the mobile phone at the right time, when he has learned how to use it safely and responsibly. B. The mobile phone is the schools property in equal terms, but not emotionally. Dealing with books, tables, chairs etc the school has full control. Dealing with HANDS mobile the teachers and school should pay attention to Marcus’ ownership and relationship with his HANDS mobile. They should support Marcus in having personal interests on the mobile. 7 Steps

8 HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(9) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration:30 minutes Length (minutes/step):5 Level (1-3): How? Number of slides: 9 Institution: AAU Author: Name:Morten Aagaard Contact: Note: The advices and recommendations should be transferred to practice. Which may take time. 5. Start working with Mobile loyalty 1.Consider a task that Marcus himself finds difficult and wants to manage. Such tasks can be different to the list that the teachers create. 2.Inform the parents about the introduction of the mobile phone. 3.Work with a pedagogical plan that describes how you want the work with the HANDS mobile to take place and which functionalities that he should start with and what he should end up with. Try to keep to the plan. Be realistic, it will take a bit of time and effort on your part. 4.Make plans for the re-evaluation of your pedagogical plans. 5.Consider the issues ”How to decrease mobile loyalty” and ”Trade-offs when working with mobile loyalty”. 6.Consider nice graphical elements that should be a part of his mobile. Consider whether you or Marcus should choose them. 7.Organise a day where Marcus participates in designing his mobile. 8.Consider to make the day a special day – a small celebration. 9.Create the relevant Reports oncoMe which make it possible for you to follow how he uses the mobile phone. 8 Steps

9 HANDS The individual child’s needs Support systems everywhere Cognitive support at home and school HANDS Beginners – start here Self insight – but how? What works best? Collaboration among teachers and parents Tunnel overview: 1. Scenario » 2. Solution » 3. Steps(9) » 4. TipsScenarioSolutionStepsTips Content description: Duration:30 minutes Length (minutes/step):5 Level (1-3): How? Number of slides: 9 Institution: AAU Author: Name:Morten Aagaard Contact: Note: The advices and recommendations should be transferred to practice. Which may take time. 9 Tips See the tunnel ”Oppurtunity for Customisation”.Oppurtunity for Customisation Litterature about Mobile loyalty: Fogg, B.J: Persuasive Technology, p 163-177. Fogg writes about web credibility, but I believe the same levels can be used with mobile loyalty. Overview of tunnels on ”Which pedagogical challenges can HANDS work with?”(tunnellink)Which pedagogical challenges can HANDS work with?

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