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Honors and Undergraduate Research. What We Do Provide high-impact educational experiences Challenge motivated students in all academic disciplines to.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors and Undergraduate Research. What We Do Provide high-impact educational experiences Challenge motivated students in all academic disciplines to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors and Undergraduate Research

2 What We Do Provide high-impact educational experiences Challenge motivated students in all academic disciplines to graduate from an enriched, demanding curriculum Bring together outstanding students and faculty to build a community of knowledge-producers, life-long learners, nationally-recognized scholars, and world citizens

3 Why We Do It Engaged students Inspirational faculty Extraordinary Accomplishments Create “Agents of Change”

4 University Honors Program Honors Housing Community Undergraduate Research Scholars and Teams National Fellowships and Scholarships Our Main Programs

5 Changes in Honors Staff Application Distinction Benefits

6 Honors Staff Dr. Sumana Datta, Executive Director Dr. Duncan MacKenzie, Associate Director Jon Kotinek, Assistant Director

7 Honors Staff Austin Ford, Advisor Shaton Harris, Office Assistant (Reception) Kyle Mox, Program Coordinator (Fellowships) Jamaica Pouncy, Advisor Tammis Sherman, Administrative Assistant

8 Required starting Fall 2012, no fee to apply Incoming freshmen apply through ApplyTexas – Between August 1 and December 1 (Dec. 15 complete) Transfer students apply through ApplyTexas starting Fall 2012 for Spring 2013 Continuing students may apply up through 60 hours complete at TAMU Notification by March 1, 2012 Honors Application

9 New Student Applications Check the box on ApplyTexas to indicate interest in the University Honors Program. Email generated with link to application (several days delay) Log on to University Honors Program application using NetID

10 Freshman Application Questions 1.Why did you choose your major and how does it apply to your career goals? (100 Words) 2.Why are you applying to TAMU Honors? What are your goals over the next four years? The next ten? How do you think TAMU Honors will prepare you to meet them? (250 words) 3.What do you consider impossible and how would you approach it? (250 words)

11 Continuing Student Application Meet with an Honors Advisor to compare graduation distinction plans Determine course plan for completion of graduation distinction Apply to University Honors Program – Between August 28 th to February 24 – Notifications made March 1

12 Continuing Student Questions 1.Describe your interest and purpose for pursuing Honors study and an Honors graduation distinction. 2.Which graduation distinction(s) do you intend to pursue? 3.Which Honors courses do you intend to take in completion of this/these distinction(s)?

13 Selection for New Students Applications holistically reviewed 1.Academic preparation 2.Vision, passion, commitment, risk-taking, curiosity, self- awareness, creativity Accepted students designated as “Honors Students” Honors Students must reside in Honors Freshman Housing – Class size of ~450

14 Selection for Honors (Continuing) Rationale for pursuing Honors study must be reasonable Graduation with an Honors distinction must be possible Accepted students designated as “Honors Students”

15 New Graduation Distinction: Honors Fellows 30 hours of Honors credit at TAMU (no AP or IB) 9 in Core Curriculum 12 in 300/400 level Complete a “Capstone Experience” Undergraduate Research Scholars Undergraduate Teacher Scholars Departmental Capstone

16 Benefits The opportunity to graduate with an Honors distinction Honors Priority Registration Priority placement in the Honors Housing Community Eligibility for the University Scholars program Opportunity to earn Honors credit through Honors Course Contracts, Honors Independent Study, and graduate course work Priority access to specialized advising

17 Course Contracts Allow students to earn Honors credit for non-Honors courses Previously: Only available for 300/400-level courses Only available to students above 9 hours of Honors credit Limited amounts Fall 2012: Any course may be contracted All Honors Students may contract No limits

18 Continuing students (up to 60 hrs at TAMU) may apply to the University Honors program each Spring for the entry the following Fall. Students may participate through a College or Departmental Honors Program. Students with a 3.5+ cumulative TAMU GPR may enroll in Honors courses if seats are available after the Honors Students register. If I do not apply?

19 College Honors College of Liberal Arts Mays Business School Dwight Look College of Engineering

20 Department/Major Honors Aerospace Engineering Agricultural Economics Agricultural Leadership Architecture Bioenvironmental Sciences Communication English History Mathematics Political Science Psychology

21 Benefits of Change Reduces the size of the Honors population Increased access to advising, Honors courses, and development opportunities Increased rate of distinction completion

22 Honors Priority Registration Last registration to use HPR process HPR will be automatically available to those accepted into University Honors Program HPR is a tool to help students achieve graduation with honors requirements.

23 HPR Process 1.HPR must be requested via an online form – 2.Deadline to request HPR is September 30, 2011 3.Students who have not yet completed nine credit hours of Honors course work at Texas A&M must also satisfy an advising requirement – Group advising session – One-on-one advising session – Online podcast

24 Scholars & Fellows “Undergraduate Research Scholars” and Honors “Undergraduate Research Fellows” will be combined, 2012 Two application deadlines per academic year – September and April

25 979.845.1957 114 Henderson Hall

26 Honors Societies Organizations to recognize academic merit and achievement Invitation membership Dues required Many promote qualities of character and social engagement

27 Association of College Honor Societies Founded in 1925 Aids students and universities in evaluating the merits of various honors societies; the nation's only certifying agency for college and honor societies Sets standards for organizational excellence and for scholastic eligibility


29 Factors to Consider Longevity – How long has the society and/or local chapter been in existence? Local Chapter Activity – Is it an active chapter with regular meetings? Does it foster leadership training or support academic development among its members? Does it get involved to serve the community? Membership Fees – How expensive is it to join the society relative to other honor societies? Benefits – What do members receive in exchange for dues? Does the society provide scholarships? Corporate discounts? Publications?

30 Disciplinary Honor Societies Alpha Epsilon Delta Premedical, Predental Honor Society Alpha Eta Mu Beta Bioengineering Honor Society Alpha Pi Mu Industrial Engineering Honor Society Alpha Nu Sigma Nuclear Science Honor Society Alpha Zeta Agriculture Honor Society Beta Alpha Psi Accounting Honor Society Beta Beta Beta Biology Honor Society Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honor Society Eta Kappa Nu Electrical Engineering Honor Society Eta Sigma Gamma Health Education Honor Society Gamma Sigma Delta Agriculture Honor Society Gamma Theta Upsilon Geography Honor Society Lambda Pi Eta Communication & Telecommunication Media Studies Honor Society Nu Alpha Delta Dance Honors Society Omega Chi Epsilon Chemical Engineering Honor Society Phi Alpha Theta International History Honor Society Pi Epsilon Tau Petroleum Engineering Honor Society Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society Sigma Gamma Tau Aerospace Engineering Honors Society Sigma Delta Industrial Distribution Honor Society Sigma Delta Pi National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society Tau Alpha Pi Engineering Technology Honor Society Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honors Society Tau Sigma Delta National Architecture and Allied Arts Honor Society Upsilon Pi Epsilon Computer Science Honor Society Xi Sigma Pi National Forest Science Honor Society

31 Interdisciplinary Honor Societies Phi Eta Sigma – Freshman Honorary Society Lambda Sigma – Sophomore Honorary Society Tau Kappa – Junior Honorary Society Pinnacle Honor Society – Junior Honorary Society Cap & Gown – Senior Honorary Society

32 Interdisciplinary Honor Societies Phi Beta Delta – International Emphasis Golden Key National Honor Society – Interdisciplinary Honorary Society Sigma Xi – Scientific Research Honor Society

33 Exceptions… Phi Kappa Phi and Phi Beta Kappa are not registered with ACHS Two most prestigious Honor Societies

34 Phi Kappa Phi Founded 1897 Largest, oldest, most selective society for students in all academic disciplines Phi Kappa Phi's mission is "To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others."

35 PKP Eligibility At least 24 hours at TAMU Juniors (72 credit hours) – top 7.5% of class Seniors – to 10% of class Graduate Students – top 10% of class Staff and Faculty – by invitation

36 Benefits Academic Recognition – Annual initiation ceremony Career Assistance – Career Connection Center, coaching, upgrades for g’vt jobs Awards and Scholarships – Study Abroad, Graduate, Literacy Grants, Scholar Partner Discounts and Services – 30% at Dell, 20% Apple, 8% AT&T, etc.

37 Outstanding Juniors Nominated by each of the 9 academic colleges at A&M Interviews in spring; 1 nominee selected as A&M “outstanding junior” All students receive scholarship award

38 Scholarships Study Abroad – 45 grants of $1,000 for students at chapter schools Graduate Fellowship – 53 fellowships of $5K and 3 $15K to graduating seniors at chapter schools – Each chapter nominates 1 student

39 Other Awards Literacy Grants – Up to $2,500 to Phi Kappa Phi chapters and individual members to fund ongoing literacy projects or to create new initiatives Love of Learning Awards – 80 awards of $500 to fund post-baccalaureate studies and/or career development for active Phi Kappa Phi members Eighty awards, at $500 each, will be awarded.

40 Other Awards Scholar and Artist Awards – Honor individuals who demonstrate the ideals of the Society through their activities, achievements, and scholarship. Awardees receive $1,000 honoraria, a one year active membership and a recognition certificate.


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