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Dr. Pat Rogan Executive Associate Dean Indiana University School of Education Indianapolis 10-14-10.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Pat Rogan Executive Associate Dean Indiana University School of Education Indianapolis 10-14-10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Pat Rogan Executive Associate Dean Indiana University School of Education Indianapolis 10-14-10

2 AGENDA A Vision of a Desirable Future Current Status & Outcomes Promising Practices Discussion

3  Self-determination & Advocacy  Typical Living Options  Integrated Employment  Lifelong Learning  Satisfying Relationships  Community Membership

4 John O’Brien’s 5 Accomplishments: * Presence * Participation * Choice * Competence * Respect

5 TRADITIONAL  Focus on deficits  Group orientation; fit to program  Professional control  Service segmentation BEST PRACTICE  Capacity search  Integration; customization  Self determination; natural supports  Holistic, seamless

6  Coordinated  Results oriented  Incorporated in student’s IEP  School to post-school activities: Post-secondary education Vocational education Integrated employment Continuing and adult education Independent living Community participation

7  Percent of youth aged 16 and above with an individualized education program (IEP) that includes coordinated, measurable, annual IEP goals and transition services that will reasonably enable the student to meet the post-secondary goals.

8 High drop out rates 46% employment (ft or pt) Increasing placement in segregated facilities 13% post-secondary ed 73% living at home Social isolation


10  Pre-school to elementary transition  Apply for a Medicaid Waiver  Include students in general education  Develop a work ethic (responsibilities, task completion)  Involve students in chores  Increase independence (self-care skills, etc.)  Build student voice and involvement  Continue to involve & empower parents  Develop a transition plan to middle school

11  Inclusive education  Extracurricular activities  Career exploration  Involvement in IEP conferences  Work tasks with peers, as appropriate  Independent living skills  Transition planning for high school

12  Inclusive education  Career exploration in inclusive settings  Age-appropriate work experiences  Extracurricular activities  Self-determination & advocacy  Student led Transition IEP meetings  Exploration of adult services  Other?

13  “Discovery” : Who is this person?  Profile: Compile info.  Planning Meetings: ◦ PATH ◦ Personal Futures Planning ◦ MAPS, etc.  Resume/Portfolio : For Employer Contact



16 Revise Goals and plans Tell people what you want Know Yourself Use the Self- determined Learning Model of Instruction Take Action Make Goals My Voice


18  Questions?  Comments?  Concerns?

19  Peers without disabilities exit high school at 18.  By age 18, school buildings lose their relevance.  Poor transition outcomes: Students & parents need to be better prepared.

20 Project Search

21 1:1 assistant in HS Little or no speech Limited mobility & independence After 1 year in SITE : More verbal Independently using city bus Job at bookstore Array of interests JOSH

22  Person Centered Planning Driving  Medicaid WaiverSSI/SSDI  GuardianshipWork Incentives  Mental Health ServicesTransportation  Voc RehabRecord Keeping  Wills and TrustsBenefits Planning  Respite Care  Adult Continuing Education  Adult Service Employment Providers

23 1. Student-centered, Strengths-based approach 2. Longitudinal Preparation & Transitions 3. Family Education & Support 4. Self-determination/Advocacy 5. Staff Expertise 6. Community-based Work Experiences

24 7. Access to Quality Adult Services 8. Long-term Funding 9. Reliable/Affordable Transportation 10. Business Partnerships 11. Sense of URGENCY




28 Pat Rogan – IUPUI 317/274-6862 Thank You!

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